Как правильно и безопасно прошить PSP

flash PSP

In the age of the progressive fight against piracy, the issues of protecting mobile consoles are an edge. Many manufacturers want to protect their products from illegal copying and use. Sony incurs losses due to the fact that it’s easy to take and flash the PSP so that all (even the most secure) games can be launched without paying a single penny.

. , , , , . , , , PSP 3008, , , . , , , . , , .

how to flash PSP yourself

In the past, it was enough to flash the PSP once, and you could use it for as long as you like. This provided profit and the existence of many semi-basement services, where such an operation was performed for several thousand rubles. Now the situation has changed dramatically, as the new methods of protection installed on the console completely changed the classical approaches to hacking it. Now it’s become impossible to establish a permanent hack.

Despite this, it is still possible to flash PSP, only hacked software will not be installed on a permanent basis, but stored in the device’s memory. This imposes certain restrictions, for example, you can’t allow the console to completely discharge, or remove the battery, as this will immediately lead to the rally of the pirated program and the restoration of the licensed platform. But if you use it carefully, avoiding discharging or accidental shutdown, then such a hack will be no worse than any other.

flash psp 3008

Since it’s nowhere easier to flash PSP on your own, now you don’t have to go anywhere and pay money to unknown services, and this is a definite plus, because everything can be done in a few simple steps:

  • , . , «», « », « », .
  • . . , Select, Start, . , .
  • , GAME. , .

This is how you can easily flash PSP and enjoy the work of all applications without the need to pay.

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