How to lock a chest in Minecraft and how to make it public

If you play Minecraft over the network, then you are aware of the problem with the safety of things. The fact is that any player can come to your chest, open it and, until you see it, pick up all your things. Naturally, no one will like it, so on most servers there is the opportunity to put privat - a kind of barrier that will not give any other players access to your things. This is the most effective way to protect your own property, and at the same time it is absolutely legal - the commands for the privat are registered for the console by the developers, you do not need to install any add-ons or modifications to use them. In this article, you will learn how to lock a chest in Minecraft so that only you can access it and a limited circle of characters if you want to.

, Minecraft, . . , cprivate, , . , - , , , - . - , .

how to lock a chest in minecraft

, . , , , . . . - . , Minecraft, .

- , , . , , , . , , Minecraft, , . , , - -. cpublic , , . , - cremove. , , . , .

how to lock a door and a chest

, , , , .

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, - , cpassword, , . , , . , , : .

Remember that you can add players to the privat through the initial team only when you install it. Later you will have to use another team - cmodify, after which you need to specify the nicknames of the players to whom you want to give access.

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