“Invite a friend to World of Tanks” promotion: how to get bonuses and rewards

The developers of the game World of Tanks value each of their users and encourage newcomers. There is a “Invite a friend to World of Tanks” promotion. It gives benefits to a beginner at the start. And also the program involves the reward of the person who invited his friend to the game. In addition, users can call people who have not visited the World of Tanks for a long time.

How does the referral program work?

share invite a friend of the world of tanks

Any user can accept this promotion. The main thing is to be active. Because the invitee needs to be in a platoon with a newcomer. To understand the bonuses of the “Invite a friend in World of Tanks” promotion, you need to familiarize yourself with some of the terms:

  • Recruiter. This is a user who invites an inactive or new person to the game. To do this, at least 100 battles must be held on the account, and in the last two months the player must pass at least 1 battle. A recruiter can take only 50 recruits. Otherwise, bonuses will not be credited.
  • Recruit. This is the person who was invited to the WoT game. It can be a beginner, as well as a user who has not logged on to the network for a long time.
  • Reservist. An invited person who hasn't played WoT in two months.

The logic of this action is to increase the number of people who play World of Tanks. To do this, both parties rely bonuses. As a result, the recruiter can get a unique T95E2 tank. In addition, crew members rely on increased experience and credits for the battle. However, this applies only to platoon battles. All this can be obtained if you invite a friend to the World of Tanks.

How to send invitations

To do this, the user needs to log into their personal account on the Wargaming website. From it, a person can send invitations to players. All achievements of the recruit are visible both on the site and in the game itself.

Each person can send out only 5 invitations to the game. One user can accept an invite up to three times. To correctly send an invitation to a friend in World of Tanks, you must:

  • In the sent invite, follow the special link.
  • The reservist must log in to his account within seven days.
  • Invitations are updated if the recruit plays from 10 battles.

If the user does everything right, then the bonuses in the program "Invite a friend of World of Tanks" are provided to him. Players should be in a platoon so that a beginner asks for advice from a more experienced recruiter.

Invite a friend to World of tanks: bonuses

invite a friend to world of tanks bonuses

In order for people to receive promotions, certain conditions must be met. These include: conducting platoon battles, winning a battle. In addition, both people must be in the top 10 players in the team based on their experience. If all these conditions are met, then the recruiter and recruit will receive:

  • Experience in the total counter. This is necessary in order to get a unique T95E2 tank. In addition to technology, all crew members and 1,000,000 silver will be provided to the recruiter. To get a tank, people must accumulate one million experience. This is equal to pumping one “top”.
  • Boosters experience. It is multiplied 3 times during the day. Further, players will have double multiplication by a week. After that, the experience will increase by 1.5 times.
  • Experience multipliers increase with the presence of a premium account.

If the recruiter needs only the T95E2 tank, then he and his partner in the platoon can reach the tenth level equipment. In this case, the person will not receive some crew members, for example, the commander. A tank is awarded once. If the player wants to invite a friend to the World of Tanks again, then he will not receive the equipment.

Tank features

Tank reward

The equipment is considered to be elite, which allows it to earn 2 times more experience for the crew. Thanks to this, the player pumps the commander, gunner, gunner or driver mechanics several times faster. This can only be done on the crew of US tanks. In addition, the transfer of specialists takes place without fines. And also the player can enable accelerated crew training. And these are not the only bonuses that will become available if you invite a friend to World of Tanks.

Tank Tricks

On the very first day, a recruit can acquire small-level equipment. On such tanks, it is easiest to gain experience, which is multiplied by 3 within 24 hours. Players recommend buying Valentine 2 or T-127. They cost 1 thousand gold coins. Thus, both players on the first day can get 100,000 experience.

A significant advantage of such a platoon will be one experienced gamer who is able to train a beginner. In addition, players can purchase a premium account. He will increase the amount of experience earned.

Also, the user can invite several more players who will bring him achievements. All experience is counted in the recruiter’s total piggy bank. However, as practice shows, such a method is ineffective.

program invite a friend world of tanks

People can search for recruits among their friends, on forums or on social networks. Often, recruiters communicate with loved ones who are interested in their friend’s hobby. This interest can be turned into a benefit for two players.

In some cases, the recruiter may advise the penetration zone of certain tanks. For more efficient pumping, it is recommended to play using voice communication. The Skype program is best suited for the game.

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