Young children develop very quickly. In just two years, they learn all the basic skills and speech. Spatial concepts are a little more complicated. But from four years old you can explain what space is and start exploring the stars. Mysteries about the stars will help make the study fun and interesting.
How to explore the starry world?
For a child to be really interested in the sky, the banal “look, there are lanterns in the sky” is not enough for him. It is necessary to show the baby how vast space is. Show that each star is a whole sun. Models of the solar system, stories about eclipses and meteorites are very interesting to children.
Equip the stories with interesting puzzles, and the child will not remain indifferent.
Mysteries for the smallest
1. What burns boldly in the sky,
Heights are not led fear?
The whole night shone
And she suddenly disappeared in the morning.
2. A red tear ran through the sky.
Or maybe it fell ... (star)
3. Do not find the owlet in the darkness of the nest.
Bright way illuminated him ... (star)
Such simple puzzles about the stars will be interesting to kids of three years. In addition, they will teach the child rhyme and imaginative thinking. They will give a first glimpse of the stars.
Mysteries about the stars for older children
Children from 5 years old can get to know the stars more deeply. Tell the child that the Sun is a star, but we see it big, because she is close to us. The rest of the stars are much further and are visible to us only in small dots. Puzzle the story:
A ball of fire wakes up in the morning
And this bundle is floating in the sky.
By evening, he descends beyond the horizon,
Soon everyone will go after him to sleep.
Studying the constellations, you can also use puzzles about the stars. This will help the child remember the names easier. For instance:
Not at all afraid of her icy winter
After all, a star bear walks across the sky.
How to come up with puzzles about the stars yourself?
Helping the child to learn space, you can independently come up with puzzles for each lesson. They do not have to be rhymed. Just pick up interesting facts and ask your child about them in the form of riddles.
For example, located in the west of the sky, consists of eight stars; one brother swims in the sky, the second in the ocean (the constellation Keith).
Write all riddles about stars with answers in a separate "star" notebook. This will allow the child to independently remember the material covered, and you will not have to invent new puzzles in order to repeat what you have learned.