How to enable javascript?

JavaScript is a special programming language or scripting language that is embedded in the html-code of pages to give them more functionality.

how to enable javascript

Thanks to the scripting language, the page becomes interactive or dynamic, which improves contact with the user. The language is not used to write individual applications and only works inside the program, in the browser. Scripts do things on web pages that are not available to html tags. Scenarios are executed if the user takes any action: hover, click, etc. Using JavaScript, the effect of a creeping line is created, pictures are changed after the cursor is moved, profiles or registration forms are filled.

JavaScript , - , , , «». JavaScript?

. - , , . JavaScript ?

how to connect javascript

JavaScript Safari, «» . , «». , «». « JavaScript» .


JavaScript FireFox? , . FireFox «», «». « JavaScript». «», JavaScript «OK».


JavaScript Chrome? , . , «» . « ». « » « ». , « JavaScript». «».

how to enable javascript support
Internet Explorer

JavaScript Internet Explorer? «», . « » . «» «». « Java», «OK». .


JavaScript Opera? «» . , «» «». «» « JavaScript». «OK».

JavaScript , , , , . JavaScript . -, .

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