Smoking and pregnancy are incompatible

Sometimes you can hear from women who smoke that they do not quit their bad habit, and their pregnancy is proceeding normally. But there are very few of them, and the normal course of pregnancy does not mean that they will have a healthy baby. Mostly women who smoke are more likely to endure pregnancy than non-smokers or those who quit smoking long before conception. Already at an early stage they are accompanied by toxicosis, constipation, dizziness, and serious vascular pathology - varicose veins - may occur. Smoking entails the destruction of vitamin C, and its deficiency causes very serious consequences in the form of metabolic disorders, decreased immunity, drowsiness, depression, and so on. Among other things, expectant mothers who smoke increase their risk of miscarriage tenfold compared with non-smokers. Therefore, it is worth considering whether such categories are compatible - smoking and pregnancy.

But nicotine has the most dangerous effect on an unborn baby. If you do not stop smoking during pregnancy, then the consequences can be so severe that it is difficult to even imagine. After all, the child has not yet felt what it means to breathe oxygen, will already be subject to nicotine poisoning (intoxication).

It is known that the development of the child directly depends on the state of the placenta, through which the connection with the future mother occurs. In women who smoke, the placenta develops abnormally, disrupting all available metabolic processes. Its weight is much less and it is thinner than it should be, and the baby is also born with a small weight. Also, placental blood flow is disturbed in it.

If you continue to smoke during pregnancy, the consequences may be such as premature birth, miscarriage, perinatal death. The presence of nicotine and oxide entering cigarette smoke very negatively affects the fetal development .

Throughout pregnancy, the baby lacks oxygen. Often such children are born prematurely, their body weight is very small, the respiratory organs are not sufficiently developed. Damage to brain cells by nicotine subsequently leads to unhealthy sleep, impaired function of the nervous system, and much more.

A very high mortality rate of an already born child in smoking mothers. The fact that in such families there is a high level of birth-bearing children, if both parents smoked, is also sad. It doesn’t even occur to them that if you put such things as smoking and pregnancy on the scales, then you need to choose one thing, and first of all this woman should make this choice.

There are frequent cases of the birth of children with a cleft palate, cleft lip in those mothers who have not been freed from nicotine addiction. Also, many babies have congenital heart defects, inguinal hernia, strabismus.

Women who still did not have the willpower to quit smoking should be psychologically prepared for the fact that the consequences can be most dire: the lack of milk in the chest, the weakened immune system of the baby. Therefore, the first thing doctors say to expectant mothers is that smoking and pregnancy are categorically incompatible concepts.

Among other things, you need to know that smoking during pregnancy can manifest consequences after birth. This is the phenomenon of a prolonged “nicotine attack” on the children's body. Children born to two smoking parents are much more likely to have pneumonia, bronchitis, and asthma. Nicotine prevents the saturation of blood with oxygen, and also contributes to stenosis of blood vessels. Children of parents who are heavy smokers are six times more susceptible to gastrointestinal diseases. Girls who, during their prenatal development, have experienced the harmful effects of nicotine, often suffer from infertility in the future.

If a woman decides to become pregnant, she must give up smoking in advance and choose the health of her child. Smoking and pregnancy are incompatible concepts.

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