The last weeks of pregnancy are the most long-awaited and difficult. The expectant mother is tired of wearing a heavy baby and every day is waiting for the appearance of precursors of childbirth. And in this difficult period, very often women complain of swelling of the legs. At 39 weeks of pregnancy, this can be considered almost the norm, given the frequency of occurrence of such a symptom. How dangerous is it and what to do with it?
Norm Option
Doctors often reassure future mothers, saying that this is a normal phenomenon that will go away by itself. Swelling of the legs at 39 weeks of gestation is the result of a combination of several factors, each of which contributes. Let's list them briefly:
- Overweight. It is not uncommon when carrying a baby.
- The abuse of salty foods.
- A large amount of fluid drunk.
If the swelling is severe, the doctor will insist on hospitalization, and already in a hospital, specialists will study urine tests and decide what to do. Swelling of the legs at week 39 is not always a cause for panic. Diuretic herbs and a water-salt diet are often prescribed. So you can well reach the deadline.
At each examination, the doctor pays attention to the condition of his wards. The obstetrician-gynecologist first of all looks at the hands. With edema, the rings become tight, and if they are removed, strips remain. The second indicator is the legs. Shoes become cramped, and gum from socks bites into the legs, leaving deep marks. All this suggests that you need to conduct a survey. Edema of the legs at 39 weeks of gestation can both be a variant of the norm, and indicate serious violations.
This is another concept that you need to get acquainted with. What we talked about above are the first signs. Over time, edema becomes visible in the ankles, usually in the form of a slight swelling. This is called pastiness. If your legs swell strongly at 39 weeks of pregnancy, then do a simple experiment. Press on the swelling with your finger, a hole appears. She will recover soon, but this is a signal for you, you should definitely consult a specialist.
Every woman preparing to become a mother, the doctor must explain why the legs swell at 39 weeks of pregnancy. In the summer, rarely does anyone manage to avoid such a phenomenon. By evening, edema becomes more apparent. If a woman does not observe changes in blood and urine tests, blood pressure is normal, then there is nothing to worry about. You just need to slightly review your diet and daily routine.
Edema is not always a harmless symptom. In some cases, this is a signal for immediate hospitalization. We are talking about gestosis or late toxicosis. It reaches its peak just before childbirth. To date, a single theory of its occurrence does not exist. The causes of leg edema at 39 weeks of gestation are still not fully understood and are a topic for further research. Pathological processes in preeclampsia lead to vasospasm and excessive protein loss. This can manifest itself as follows:
- Blood pressure rises significantly, although in expectant mothers it is most often reduced.
- Swelling.
- The appearance of protein in the urine. This is the main symptom that doctors pay attention to.
Gestic edema is first located on the arms and legs, as well as physiological. Later they spread to the face, stomach. A severe form of this complication can lead to the death of a woman.
What to do
Swelling of the legs at 39 weeks of pregnancy is a signal to the expectant mother and the doctor. It is necessary to undergo an examination, after which the doctor will give his recommendations. First of all, a woman needs to carefully monitor her diet. It is best to eat 5-6 times a day, and the portions should be small so as not to overeat. The nutrition of a pregnant woman should be full and varied: more fruits and vegetables, herbs and fish, dairy products.
Expectant mother needs to refuse smoked meats, spicy and pickled products. And, of course, you need to exclude fast food from the diet. Do not forget that salt retains fluid in the body, so try to salt food very little. It is very useful to swim in the pool. If you follow these simple rules, then edema will disturb much less.
How to help with leg swelling
Measures to combat leg swelling at 39 weeks of gestation should be agreed with your doctor. First of all, he must study the tests of the future mother and take measurements of blood pressure. Based on the results obtained, it will be possible to conclude whether a specific treatment is needed or whether the body can cope on its own.
Usually, doctors prescribe herbal teas to expectant mothers. By the way, it is strictly not recommended to use them without consulting a doctor. Plant-based diuretics rank first in frequency of administration:
- Juice from rowan berries. To do this, 1 kg of berries need to be boiled with 600 g of sugar.
- Collection of bearberry leaves, cornflower flowers and licorice root. Taken in equal parts raw materials (1 tbsp. L.) Need to pour a glass of boiling water. Take three times a day for 1 tablespoon.
- Linden blossom. You can brew instead of tea.
You can choose any of these teas, brew cranberries and lingonberries. All of these methods can help improve kidney function and relieve swelling.
Compulsory rest
In the evening, almost all expectant mothers have swelling, and the legs get tired and sore. Be sure to pay attention to them, indulge in trays of grass or sea salt, or simply hold in cool water. Do a light massage and start rubbing your feet. After that, you need to lie on the sofa and place your legs 10-15 cm above the torso. You can simply place a pillow under them. Do this manipulation every day, and you will notice that the swelling has become much smaller.
Kidney disease
Chronic pyelonephritis and more severe kidney ailments are also accompanied by edema. During pregnancy, the load on these delicate organs increases, which is associated with increased blood flow and improved metabolism. Due to the pressure of the growing uterus on the bladder, there is a risk of cystitis and pyelonephritis. If the kidneys can not cope with the load, this manifests itself in the form of edema. Usually they first appear on the face, in the form of edema under the eyes. In this case, you must visit a nephrologist.
Information in conclusion
Edema for the expectant mother during the bearing of the baby is a normal, physiological phenomenon. But a healthy woman has every chance of avoiding them or minimizing them. To do this, you need to eat right, follow the regimen, and relax on time. If we are talking about the fact that the body can not cope with the increasing load or the kidneys are infected, then doctors should conduct a thorough examination and prescribe treatment. It is important that the pregnancy ends safely and a healthy baby is born.