When such happiness happened in the house - a little princess was born, parents strive in every way to emphasize her beauty with the help of various decorations. Many mothers in their indefatigable care of the external attractiveness of their baby try from the first months to familiarize them with fashion trends. And this is expressed in piercing a girl’s ears for wearing earrings, which are associated in modern secular society with the concept of an elegant and successful woman.
Earrings in the ears of a little girl
Small neat earrings in children's ears look touching and cute. Therefore, I want to support the opinion of those mothers who believe that ears should be pierced as early as possible so that the stress from an injection in the earlobes and the unpleasant healing process are not so clearly laid out in the memory of the baby. But they also do not know exactly how many months you can pierce the ears of a child. Another part of the mothers says that it is better to carry out this procedure later, when the child is already growing up and getting stronger. In addition, at an older age, it is already possible for the girl to explain that it is impossible to touch the ears, as well as tugging earrings during the healing period, because the baby will not understand this and will constantly injure the healing holes. And at what age can a girl be considered ready for ear piercing?
But there is a third category of parents who doubt whether it is possible to pierce the ears of a child in general. Isn't it better to wait for adolescence so that the daughter herself makes her conscious choice - to wear earrings or not? And what about the medical point of view? Can young children pierce their ears and what is the optimal age for such a procedure?
Pierce the ears per year
Earrings have long been considered the most common of women's jewelry. In ancient times, they were worn with pleasure by women, girls and even girls. But in the modern world one can often see elegant baby products in the small ears of 2-3 year old babies, and some caring mothers pierce the ears of the babies almost immediately after their birth. So how many years can children get their ears pierced and is it worth doing it at such an early age?
The argument of the parents boils down to the fact that it is very beautiful and profitable to distinguish a girl with earrings from just a girl. But, in addition to beauty, there is also health. It can be seriously damaged by early ear piercing. We will study the opinions of experts how harmless this procedure is and at what age it is easier to tolerate. For example, is it possible to pierce a child’s ears a year?
To begin with, babies at such an unadulterated age do not even think about beauty. They don’t need it yet and may even be harmful when in the healing process, and even after it, the earrings will cling to hair, clothes, bedding and bring pain to the baby. Earlier wearing of earrings is more popular with parents who are pleased to admire the child with jewelry and show off to other parents. They have an additional topic for discussion: who and when put on the earrings and how much they paid for this beauty in children's ears.
The opinion of the child should always be considered!
Maybe you should not impose your own decisions on your beloved daughters? Maybe it is not up to parents to decide whether or not to pierce the child’s ears, but to ask him about his attitude to this issue after he has grown up enough for this? When your daughter is ready for the correct perception of jewelry, and this will come no earlier than 5-6 years, then return to solving this issue. In addition, not all children can have tinnitus, and a qualified specialist should decide how safe it is.
The consequences of ear piercing
So, what time can I prick a child’s ears? But first you need to figure out whether to do this at all. After all, it is no secret to anyone that the lobe of the human ear is rich in nerve endings. Injury to them can lead to the most unexpected consequences. If, for example, the earlobe is tightly squeezed, then the pain that was felt before that will significantly lessen or even subside. In an almost unconscious state, first aid can be provided by an intensive massage of the earlobe, which will soon return a person to reality.
Trying to understand how many years you can pierce a child’s ears, you should clearly understand that all these nerve endings are constantly affected by earrings in the process of wearing them. In each infant, the nervous system, as well as the organs of sensory perception, are still in their infancy, developing intensively over time. Any gross and inept intervention in such a complex process can lead to its wrong course and very unpleasant consequences. If you accidentally hurt the nerves associated with the work of the organs of vision, this can significantly reduce it, and the nerve endings that are affected by the piercing of the ears, which are directly connected with the cardiovascular system, will worsen the work of the children's heart. At the same time, the baby’s auricle is still not well formed.
For this reason, if a child’s ears can be pierced in a year, then what will be the consequences, it will be possible to see only after some time. Perhaps everything will work out safely and the struggle for the beauty of the girl will not do her harm. But there is always a certain amount of risk when irreparable harm will be caused to the body in the desire to decorate the baby. Therefore, if the health of the child is more expensive for the parents than winning the competition, who previously managed to put on the girl’s earrings, it is better to postpone this. In principle, you can pierce the ears of a child in 1 year. But at the same time, you need to think about his well-being, monitor hygiene after the procedure.
Is it possible to pierce the ears of the baby?
It is not easy to give a definite answer to this important question, at what age can a child's ears be pierced. For medical reasons, it is preferable to do this at the age of six years, but certainly not younger than three years of age. There is no need, except for the whim of the parents, to flaunt in earrings for half a year, with which the baby can not only get hurt, but also choke if the jewelry is accidentally unfastened. After all, the child does not understand that one has to be extremely careful with this thing and pulls everything that he sees or gropes in his mouth. Not to mention the fact that a thin and delicate baby lobe can be easily broken or seriously injured during dressing, bathing, playing with the baby.
See your doctor before piercing your ears!
We have already figured out how many years you can pierce a child’s ears. If you nevertheless decided not to pay attention to the warning of specialists and want to put this jewelry on your girl, then you should first contact a qualified pediatrician. It will help to make sure that the child does not have any medical obstacles to such a procedure. After all, not every baby can be allowed to pierce her ears. It is strictly forbidden to do this for diseases of the blood and skin, especially if an allergic reaction to any drugs is possible or there are problems with the skin in the ears. Also, you can not perform ear punctures during the period of illness of the child.
Who is piercing prohibited?
In principle, the procedure for piercing the ears is not so complicated, nevertheless, you should pay attention to how much you can pierce the child’s ears. This procedure does not have too serious side effects, but it does have some contraindications, most of which are temporary. As we already understood, it is impossible to make punctures in the ears when the child is unwell or has serious malfunctions in the body that can multiply when piercing the earlobes. Such serious ailments include diabetes mellitus, blood diseases and ear inflammation, as well as neurological problems and severe allergic reactions.
When is it worth the time?
Do not rush to put on the girl’s jewelry if at this moment you are scheduled to be vaccinated or your teeth are actively being cut, as well as if the baby has a cold and fever. You should not take risks when going on the road, because the ears will need careful care, and on a trip the conditions are not suitable for this, and the healing process will slow down very much. Refrain from piercing your ears even if you recently sent your child to kindergarten. In any doubtful case, it is better to consult a pediatrician, so as not to harm the child.
So how old can you pierce a child’s ears? In each case, it is decided strictly individually. There is no definitive recommendation about at what age girls are allowed to pierce their ears. But whether it is worth doing it, you have to decide in conjunction with a specialist who owns all the information about the health status of your baby and will help you make the best decision.
When can children get their ears pierced and what season is better for this?
If we figured out the question of what time it is possible to pierce a child’s ears, now a different, also very important question has arisen - which season should be done better. There are many nuances in this matter, but if you are still hesitant about the question “when?”, Then you should know that this can be done at any age, if only there are no contraindications for health reasons. Now, such a service has already been introduced in some maternity hospitals when, in agreement with the parents, the baby is pierced with ears right on the first day she was born, because it is believed that the pain received at such an early age is not stored in the baby’s memory and will not be reflected in the psyche. According to psychologists, a puncture of the ears should be done before 1-1.5 years, so that memories of pain and fear instantly fade from the memory of the baby.
Is it possible to pierce the ears of children in summer or is it better to do this in a cooler time, when the probability of bacteria multiplying in the wound decreases? There is an opinion that it is better to pierce the ears in late spring or early autumn, when the baby will not wear as many hats that injure the wounds during healing, as in winter, but they will not be completely open and exposed to sweat and dust, like in hot summers. Official medicine completely agrees with this, but I would like to draw the attention of parents to the fact that not only the age of the baby and the time of year play a role in the healing of punctures. A big role here is played by who will make ear piercings and what kind of care will be provided after this.
How to pierce a child’s ears correctly?
We have already figured out what time you can pierce a child’s ears. If you decide on this event, you need to find a good specialist who you can entrust your treasure with. This must be a highly qualified specialist who can not only make beautiful holes in your daughter’s ears, but also carry out the entire procedure painlessly and as safely as possible for nerve endings concentrated in the little earlobes of your daughter. To get into experienced and reliable hands, you need to contact not the nearest hairdresser that provides ear piercing services, but a specialized cosmetic salon or even a cosmetology clinic that has all the licenses and certificates necessary for this type of activity.
In the old days, non-specialists pierced their ears with an ordinary needle dipped in cologne or alcohol, and inserted the earrings with the simplest spacious ear so that it could be moved through the hole, preventing it from overgrowing. Today, this procedure is carried out by experts completely painlessly and safely, even for babies.
Punctures are performed with a special sterilized gun - single or reusable. A disposable gun is more expensive, but the risk of contracting an infection is much lower. It is charged with a special earring made of hypoallergenic medical steel, which can be used as a safe tool for healing wounds, and as a decoration. The whole procedure fits into fractions of a second and passes easily, securing an elegant clove in the earlobe in one motion. On the day the puncture was made, you need to rinse your hair well with shampoo, this will reduce the risk of infection.
How to care for pierced ears?
Immediately after the procedure and the next 5-7 days, wounds should be carefully treated with antiseptic solutions - hydrogen peroxide or diluted alcohol. During this time, the baby’s ears cannot be wetted. In case of swelling and suppuration, rinse them with a weak pink solution of potassium permanganate until inflammation subsides. Do not remove medical earrings in the first month. If you want to change them, you need to do this with cleanly washed hands and very carefully. For a half to two months, until the ears have completely healed, do not go to the pool or the beach. Put your hair in a bun or tail so that it does not cling to the earrings.
So you are ready to decorate your beloved daughter with beautiful and stylish earrings, and you can do it easily and without unpleasant consequences. Choose earrings and rejoice at your beautiful heiress!