International Bird Day is celebrated every year throughout the world. It appeared at the end of the 19th century in America. In just a few years, it began to spread very quickly across different countries. This holiday is considered to be the very first that appeared in the so-called "ecological calendar." Celebrate it in Europe already in 1906.
International Bird Day in Russia. The beginning of the story
Having arrived in Russia, International Bird Day has received great recognition. By that time, bird protection had already been organized here. At the beginning of the twentieth century, there were dozens of various committees involved in this matter. In a word, patronage of wildlife in Russia flourished.
May unions and youth organizations
The study and protection of birds also attracted children. On the basis of schools, special May organizations were opened for this. Nine-eleven-year-olds united in groups. Their distinctive sign was hats with the image of a flying swallow.
Since 1910, a special society has also been created for nature lovers in the village of Khortytsya. Its participants fed the birds and hung birdhouses for them.
May unions were closed immediately after the revolution. Nevertheless, the Yunnat organizations picked up their idea.
In 1924, it was proposed at their All-Union Congress to re-establish International Bird Day. After 2 years, the holiday was already recognized as official. And after a couple of years, the number of participants in various events dedicated to this day was simply colossal! About 65 thousand children in Moscow alone hung birdhouses and fed the birds. Thus, every year International Bird Day was celebrated brighter and brighter in Russia. Its date falls on April 1.
The holiday was dying and reborn ...
Everything would be fine, but war soon began. International Bird Day, of course, ceased to celebrate. This movement could revive only 3 years after the end of the war. The holiday was gaining more and more scope, but alas! By the 60s, the International Bird Watching Days had come to naught again.
The final revival of the holiday occurred only in 1999. In the capital, more than 500 birdhouses were hung. And the very next year, the Moscow government accepted the holiday as a citywide event, connecting to its organization.
Bird Day - time of arrival of birds
So, the story of the event is insanely rich. April 1 is International Bird Day. And the matter is not only that many years ago at that time the Convention for the Protection of Birds was signed. Around this time, birds just fly home from the wintering grounds.
The rooks are the first to come to their native land.
Behind them are ducks, geese, cranes. After them - thrushes, oatmeal, finches, etc.
So what to do on April 1? International Day of Birds involves the hanging of caring birds, nesting boxes and other bird houses by caring people. Moreover, people do not just help birds. He himself becomes much closer to nature. By the way, her awakening from hibernation is also celebrated on this day. In the old days, people specially baked larks from the dough and sang special “chants”.
Protecting Birds from Extinction
On this day, not only is the meeting of spring. The joy of the arrival of birds is also not the only reason why many diverse events are held. People remember all the terrible mistakes of the past. As a result of the extermination of birds around the world, about a hundred species have already disappeared. For example, on the island of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean, literally in a couple of hundred years, sailors and animals that they brought with them, an entire population of a bluish flightless dodo was destroyed.
No less serious threat is environmental pollution. Of course, this is also to blame for the man who brought to the brink the extinction of birds not only by his uncontrolled hunting, but also by the use of pesticides, unsafe conversion of natural habitats.
Today, the threat of existence also faces various swamps and forests. But for some species of birds these are the only habitats. For example, bittern, shepherdess or wren live only in swamps.
Of course, the attack on humans by the birds cannot be stopped. However, it is possible to slow it down. This is what International Bird Day is calling for. Events are held the most diverse. The goal of many of them is to increase the area of protected areas, especially those inhabited by species listed in the Red Book.
Everyone can help birds
A variety of events and promotions are also held for children. International Bird Day for 4th grade, for example, can be organized very brightly and interestingly. Most importantly, the kids will learn to love nature, the world around them, helping birds. Since birds return to this time from wintering, and there are practically no parks and forests in modern cities, they simply have nowhere to live. Pupils of elementary schools already understand that the twitter of the winged brothers of our lesser ones is heard less and less every spring. In order to watch them, to enjoy their singing, and not just to study them according to the textbook of zoology, you need not so much. The children only need to work together to make birdhouses, for example, in the lessons of labor training. It is very entertaining to make them as a team, and hanging them up is also very fun.
Activities for children can be diversified
It is not at all necessary to confine oneself only to the resettlement of birds that returned home from wintering places. International Bird Day for Grade 4 may include a variety of excursions, competitions and quizzes.
In many cities, for example, special photo exhibitions are organized. They represented a huge number of the most diverse species. Well, the guide will interestingly provide information about each of them.
Often, classroom teachers also take kids to various master classes, where you can get to know the birds and the folk traditions associated with them.
In a word, on this day the children will be able to learn about what birds need houses for growing chicks; how and where to hang birdhouses correctly; learn to observe wildlife, comparing it in the city or beyond.
And on excursions you can also acquire a lot of knowledge. Firstly, the kids will be told about a variety of birds living in their village. Secondly, children will slowly begin to comprehend the laws of physics and understand the mysteries of flight. Thirdly, they will learn to distinguish bird voices. And finally, they will understand how they can help the birds.
At the end of the holiday, children can be treated with traditional butter larks, or you can offer them to fashion a bird from salt dough. Another entertainment option is making origami birds. Or you can just arrange a drawing contest for the best bird. Round dances and songs, stories about ancient traditions and rituals ... You can celebrate International Bird Day in different ways. The main thing is fun and useful!