Surely, everyone knows about the many beneficial properties of garlic. It has been used throughout the world for centuries as a medicine. From it was prepared infusions, medicinal ointments, dishes and much more.
Garlic has an amazing taste and a special aroma that can not leave anyone indifferent. It is worth noting that the composition of this onion plant includes more than 400 components that have a beneficial effect on the body. If you periodically consume garlic, then you can prevent the appearance of dangerous diseases. However, not everyone knows about the dangers of this component. Especially when it comes to children. Often, parents begin to give the child a natural antibiotic, not even having fully acquainted with the information about this plant. Therefore, today it is worth considering at what age you can give garlic to children, as well as the nuances of its use.
Beneficial features
Garlic contains large amounts of allicin. Thanks to this component, the destruction of viruses and bacteria in the human body is successful. Allicin helps to strengthen the protective functions and increases the body's resistance to various diseases, infections, bacteria and other negative effects. According to reviews, garlic for immunity to children is very useful. In this case, it is not necessary to take it inside.
In addition, protein is present in the composition of the burning plant. This component has a stimulating effect, due to which, more active production of antibodies occurs. As a result, the body becomes more resistant to the negative effects of the environment.
It is also worth paying attention to other benefits of this vegetable. Since garlic contains a large amount of phytoncides, it is an effective way to fight bacteria. For example, garlic has always been used if a person suffers from the activity of pathogens of diphtheria and dysentery.
Speaking about the health benefits and benefits of garlic, it is worth noting that this plant helps lower blood cholesterol. In this case, the normalization of the cardiovascular apparatus occurs, a general strengthening effect occurs. Due to this, the walls of blood vessels become more elastic.
Garlic helps remove toxins and other harmful compounds from the body. He is responsible for the normalization of insulin activity, which will not exceed the permissible norm. Many say that taking garlic periodically reduces the chance of obesity. This is due to the fact that the composition of this plant includes components that envelop the secreted insulin and trigger certain mechanisms in the muscles, which helps prevent the deposition of fatty tissues.
Everyone knows that garlic is an excellent antibacterial agent. It really effectively gets rid of pathogenic microflora, which can develop in the respiratory system, genitourinary, digestive and others.
According to reviews, garlic from worms helps children get rid of parasites very quickly. There is no need to take aggressive drugs. It also turns out to be very effective during seasonal epidemics of acute respiratory infections, as well as influenza.
Thanks to the use of garlic, the production of bile, special enzymes that are responsible for improving digestion in the human body, is activated. In addition, increased appetite, normalized liver function.
Garlic has a calming effect on the central nervous system. In addition, this vegetable contains methionine. It provokes the early growth of cartilage and positively affects the functioning of the liver. List all the advantages of this plant can be very long. However, speaking about the benefits and health hazards of garlic, it will be useful to know that this product is not so harmless.
Possible harm
First of all, it is worth paying attention to the fact that this burning vegetable belongs to the category of heavy food. With its constant use, there may be a risk of irritation on the mucous membranes. That is why it is worth abandoning this plant to those who are diagnosed with gastritis and other chronic pathologies that occur in the digestive system.
Many (especially children) find it difficult to cope with the very sharp taste and aroma of garlic. It is believed that to interrupt a bright aroma is almost impossible. In addition, with excessive intake, you can provoke heartburn, and even pain in the abdomen.
If we talk about whether garlic can be given to children, it is worth paying attention to the fact that doctors in no case recommend it if the fever rises (more than 38 °). It is also worth abandoning it for diseases of the excretory system, epilepsy and obesity.
An allergic reaction to garlic
In fact, this spicy vegetable can cause quite severe irritation, as it contains numerous components that have a severe effect on the human body. If a person has irritation on the body and face, tissues and respiratory organs swell, itching, shortness of breath begins, breathing quickens, anaphylactic shock decreases, then it is worth calling specialists immediately and, henceforth, refuse to take this component.
The most careful thing is to be in the case of children. As you know, they are most susceptible to various allergic reactions to certain food components. As a result, there may be an inadequate reaction even if the child only sniffed the garlic or touched it with skin.
At what age can garlic be given to children
Despite the fact that this vegetable is extremely useful, you should not enter it into the baby’s diet thoughtlessly. Experts say that there are very serious age restrictions. For example, pediatricians strongly recommend that you do not experiment with garlic until your baby is 1 year old. This is because in the first year of life, the digestive system of the child only develops. She is too weak.
Considering at what age you can give garlic to children, you need to understand that this vegetable may turn out to be too serious a test for the body of small crumbs. The digestive system may not digest it at all.
Considering the age at which garlic can be given to children, it is worth noting that if there is an urgent need, then this component can gradually begin to be introduced into the baby's diet from 8 months. However, the dosage should be minimal. As a rule, in their reviews, mothers say that they add a small amount of garlic to vegetable puree or soup. In this case, its unpleasant taste is almost not felt.
Nevertheless, even if the doctor allows the introduction of garlic in the diet at an early age, the use of this component more than 2 times a week is not allowed.
Subsequent application
And after the baby is 2 years old, he will be happy to eat dried bread, smeared with a slice of garlic. In this case, do not refuse the crumbs, however, you should carefully monitor the reaction of the child.
If we talk about children aged 3 years, then a day they can be given no more than half a slice of vegetable. Children 5 years old can be consumed in large quantities. At this age, the digestive system is fully formed. Therefore, the negative impact is significantly reduced. If you give three cloves of garlic to a child a day, then nothing bad will happen.
From the common cold
If there are fears that a child may develop an allergy to taking a raw vegetable, then it is not necessary to force the baby to choke on a bitter and tasteless root vegetable. Slices of garlic can be spread throughout the room. If a child inhales vapors of this vegetable, then this will be enough to activate immunity.
If it’s still too early for the baby to give the garlic in its pure form, but you want to protect it from possible diseases in the kindergarten or on the playground, then you can make it special beads. For example, for this it is enough to stretch the rope through several cloves of garlic and hang them on the neck of a child. However, not everyone will like this decoration. In this case, you can use the box from the Kinder surprise and hide the unpleasant treats inside.
In what form to give garlic
It is worth noting that for the preparation of various dishes, you can use not only the bulbs of plants themselves, but also young leaves, which are recommended to be collected in early spring. Garlic for children can be used as seasoning for cooked meat dishes.
If we are talking about ground meat (meatballs, meatballs, etc.), then just add a small amount of grated garlic to the minced meat. Various sauces are also prepared using this vegetable. It can be added to soups broths. Especially good with it are borsch and bean soup.
In addition, you can include garlic not only in the standard menu, but also prepare on its basis medicinal products of traditional medicine.
Infusion for immunity
To prepare this composition, you will need to take 4 heads of garlic and divide them into slices, each of which requires thorough peeling. You will also need to take 4 lemons, which must be rinsed and then cut. After that, all components are sent to a meat grinder, after which they are transferred to a three-liter glass jar. 2.5 liters of boiled water are poured into it. The capacity is covered with gauze, which folds in several layers. The composition must be left in this condition in the room for 3 days. After that, the liquid is filtered and poured into any container. It is necessary to take the resulting infusion of 50 milliliters before breakfast, lunch and dinner. You can also add a little honey to the composition. Then the medicine will taste better. Honey, lemon and garlic for children are very useful.
It is interesting to know that garlic can be used to make butter and even syrups. However, before applying this treatment, you should make sure that the child is not allergic to this component. It will not be superfluous to consult a doctor.