Batting is a cloth used for domestic purposes as a heater. In its characteristics, this material is very similar to cotton. He is just as warm and airy. Buyers who want to buy high-quality fabric must definitely know the answer to the following question: “Batting - what is it and how is it produced?”.
Manufacturing methods and price differences
Batting is made from garment waste , such as wool, rayon, cotton lint, cotton wool, etc. Trimming of these materials is specially processed and rolled into a canvas. There are several ways to make such a material. To fully understand the difference between them, you need to answer the following question: "Batting - what is it, and why are its varieties so much different in price?"
The cheapest is non-woven needle-punched batting. It is made by bonding fibers with many needles. The disadvantage of this canvas is that it is not too durable. Canvas is more expensive since its fibers are sewn in parallel stitches with cotton threads. This fabric has a longer life due to good bonding.
There is another kind of non-woven fabric, which is much more expensive than the previous two. It is sewn onto gauze so that it does not deform over time. Through the use of materials such as gauze and thread, batting on a lining costs several times more. Since the insulation itself rolls and wipes over time, this technology significantly increases its service life. The color of the canvas depends on what kind of raw material it is made of. If wool was used for production, then it is usually gray, if cotton fabrics were used - white.
Batting - a heater that will not allow to freeze
As a rule, a good insulation for clothes should have several properties: it must be durable, retain heat and allow the body to breathe. All these advantages, no doubt, have a non-woven fabric. It is very soft to the touch and quite warm. The composition includes only natural materials that allow batting to “breathe”. It very rarely causes allergies in people.
Use of non-woven fabric
Batting is a heater, reviews of which overwhelm the Internet. This is due to the various areas of use of this canvas. It is used as a heater for work clothes: it passes air well and retains heat well. Using batting as a lining for workwear allows you to create suits and jackets for working in cold conditions.
In addition, it is used in the manufacture of mattresses and furniture. In mattresses, this material is used as the topmost layer before lining. This makes it soft and very warm. Many buyers are looking for mattresses with batting. What is this filler, sellers can talk for hours.
Nonwoven fabric was widely used in the manufacture of pillows and blankets. The important thing is that since it breathes well, the human body does not sweat. This material is also used for industrial purposes. Doors are insulated with batting gaskets, which can significantly increase their thermal insulation properties. In addition, such material is used in the automotive industry.
In many stores, you can find warm coats and jackets insulated with material such as batting. What is this insulation many know and therefore the demand for such things is quite large.
The disadvantages of such material
Despite the fact that batting has so many advantages, there are certain disadvantages. First of all, this applies to fabrics with a high content of wool and wool. Such a material is quite heavy, and since it also has hygroscopic properties (absorbs moisture well), when water gets on it, it becomes heavier at times. Cheap batting cloths also tend to roll and wipe in some places, so the service life of products made from such raw materials will not exceed four years. High-quality and expensive batting, the photo of which is provided below, can maintain a good appearance even after ten years of use.
Does batting require special care?
Materials with batting should not be machine washed. It is best to dry the batting in the fresh air, since it dries for a long time. This is because it absorbs moisture very well. Iron such a material should be very carefully and only at low temperature. Although batting is considered fire resistant, at high temperatures it is able to deform.