Thrush is a common fungal disease that every modern woman is exposed to. However, it should be clearly understood that a pregnant woman is doubly exposed to the threat of this disease. Why does this happen? During pregnancy, every woman’s immune system decreases sharply, so the risk of exposure to all external irritants and infections increases significantly. As evidenced by categorical statistics, 75% of all expectant mothers during the period of bearing a child get sick at least once with thrush, and many more several times.
How to deal with it? First of all, one should not forget that during pregnancy a woman should be prudent about the choice of medications, since not all are acceptable for admission in her “interesting” position, and it is better to coordinate her alternative treatment with a leading gynecologist.
Very often, experts recommend the drug Terzhinan, during pregnancy, it helps to cope with an unpleasant pathology for most of their patients, quickly and reliably eliminating all the uncomfortable symptoms. However, this is not all of his possibilities. In addition to the productive treatment of thrush, Terzhinan suppositories during pregnancy are also able to cope with trichomoniasis and bacterial vaginosis, and are widely used to treat various female pathologies caused by an imbalance of the vaginal microflora.
This drug is distinguished by its high efficiency and powerful antibacterial effect, and has a local effect, absolutely not penetrating into the general bloodstream. It is this property that allows Terzhinan to be used during pregnancy, and the gynecologist, in turn, gives an absolute guarantee that such treatment will not be able to have a pathological effect on the embryo. An overdose is completely excluded, since a low rate of absorption of the drug into the bloodstream is recorded. In addition, this medication also helps to restore and update the vaginal microflora in a very short period.
The convenience of using Terzhinan suppositories during pregnancy also impresses, since it is enough to inject one suspension at night into the vagina before bedtime and not disrupt the usual life rhythm, and this is a very important indicator for the future mother. It is also encouraging that the drug has no obvious contraindications, however, the fact of detecting side effects still exists, and it should be discussed in more detail. So, the patient may experience incompatibility with the individual components of this medication. In such cases, an allergic reaction in the form of itching and burning of the vagina may worsen. In such situations, you should temporarily suspend the use of the drug and appeal to a specialist who, if necessary, will replace the treatment regimen. Other allergic reactions are also possible.
This once again proves that self-medication, especially during pregnancy, is strictly prohibited, and the use of any medications should be agreed with a specialist in order to avoid fatal abnormalities of the fetus and mother.
It should be remembered that the use of the drug Terzhinan during pregnancy also has its own conditional time limits, so its course is not recommended in the first trimester. But in the third, just the opposite, it is prescribed even without significant indications, but as a preventative measure against a number of diseases and before childbirth.
One way or another, Terzhinan during pregnancy has established himself as an effective remedy for thrush and other genital infections in women, which is why gynecologists often include them in the alternative treatment regimen. It is important to remember: you should strictly adhere to the instructions of an experienced specialist so as not to jeopardize the unborn baby.