Now there are many tablets on sale that differ in characteristics, prices and manufacturers. You can buy a Chinese nameless tablet for less than $ 50, or you can spend $ 1000 on a flagship model from a well-known brand. Therefore, the choice of a tablet becomes very difficult.
When choosing a tablet, first of all, pay attention to the resolution and type of display matrix. In the most budget models, a screen with a resolution of 800x480 pixels is installed. Naturally, “graininess” is a little noticeable. Higher price categories use a resolution of 1024x600 dpi.
The type of matrix is also important. There are displays made using TN-TFT, IPS and PLS technology. TN-TFTs are cheap, have low viewing angles and poor color reproduction. Usually they are installed in budget tablets.
IPS - a matrix with high viewing angles with excellent color reproduction. Also, its advantages include high contrast and deep black color. IPS matrices are the best suited for working with images. However, they are installed in models whose price starts at $ 150.
PLS is a modification of the IPS matrix developed by Samsung. The main advantage of PLS technology is its excellent image visibility in bright ambient light.
The tablet’s price is also affected by additional features that manufacturers equip their portable devices with. The very first thing you should pay attention to is the amount of internal memory.. , . MisroSD.
, 32 128 , . — .
— , . 512 , «» 1 . .
: Andoid, Apple iOS Windows RT. Android: . .
: . - : . . : . .
It is better to choose a tablet not on the Internet, guided by its price category and characteristics, but in a real store. Explain to the sales assistant why you buy a tablet, and he will choose the most optimal model. Good luck choosing!