Each bouquet of flowers is not only a beautiful composition, it is a real message. It is easy to decipher this letter if the bouquet consists of flowers with clear symbols, for example, roses. But you can make a mistake with them.
Everyone knows that roses are the
colors of love, and not everyone realizes that the color of roses is of great importance in a bouquet.
A pink rose is sympathy, nascent love, hope for a reciprocal feeling. The timid love of young creatures.
The red rose represents real passion, a bright, ripe feeling.
White roses will tell about admiration and happiness, therefore, they can often be seen in the bride's bouquet.
In the UK, a yellow rose can be perceived as a symbol of jealousy, since it was this meaning that was given to yellow flowers during the reign of Queen Victoria. But in our country a completely different meaning of flowers in a bouquet. Such sunny roses were very fond of sunny bright color; they began to be associated with warm relations, friendship and joy.
The meaning of flowers in a bouquet in the countries of the world
In the bouquet, the symbolism of flowers in different countries differs, in fact, like the color of their petals, the number of flowers. For example, in Europe, hydrangea is the custodian of well-being and health, and in Japan it is considered a symbol of heartache and sorrow. In Japan and China, the value of chrysanthemums is positive, while in France they are the colors of death.
The meaning of flowers in a bouquet with examples
Azalea is loneliness, sadness; in some states, this is a recognition of the beauty of a woman. In Japan, it is the custodian of the well-being of the family.
Pansies are mutual affection and fidelity.
Astra is a symbol, the charm of elegance and modesty. Although in some countries it means sadness.
Irises are wisdom, hope, tranquility and peace.
Callas are chastity, nobility, purity.
Narcissus is a symbol of pride, selfishness and vanity, while in Italy it is a flower of passion.
Tulip is a symbol of wealth and magnificence, while in the interpretation of symbolism, the color of tulips is of great importance. Red flowers are a symbol of love, an irresistible attraction. Yellow is a wish for prosperity and wealth. White tulips represent youth and purity.
The meaning of the flowers in the bride's bouquet
Particular importance is attached to the flowers in the bridal bouquet. In the wedding bouquet, the most popular flowers are roses. Next up are callas and white lilies. A wedding bouquet of callas is a symbol of long marital happiness. Lilies are innocence and purity. In a wedding bouquet, it is better not to use red lilies, despite their beauty. This flower is a symbol of pride.
Separately, it is worth highlighting bouquets of daisies. According to legend, this flower grows in the place where the star fell. He is endowed with magical power and is able to talk about feelings. Therefore, many people think that a wedding bouquet of daisies, presented by the groom on their wedding day, provides eternal love to a still young family.
The color of flowers in wedding bouquets should not be strictly white. For example, yellow flowers are a symbol of marriage, while yellow should not be cold, but a warm shade. Orange in a bouquet is a wish for wealth, while red in a bouquet is love for a lifetime.