It happens that a dog has many babies and it cannot feed them all independently, because it simply does not have enough milk or does not have it at all due to the complete inoperability of the glands, as well as with hormonal disorders or inflammatory processes.
In any case, then you need to resort to artificial feeding of babies with the help of a bitch milk substitute. This method is useful in the case when mom is not around. All the features of this process will be considered in detail in the article.
What to feed is not worth it?
Previously, the process of artificial feeding was a lot of trouble and often did not bring good results. In order to get a little closer to the basic composition of mother’s milk, to provide the puppy with the necessary substances for its growth, the cow was mixed with chicken egg, cream, vitamins and other ingredients. Although acquiring quality products is now as difficult as picking up the necessary nutrients.
Some people have previously resorted to human infant formulas such as Baby and Baby. Although due to the large amount of sugar in such a diet metabolic disorders occurred, the concomitant diseases developed in the babies of the dogs. Puppies also had problems with the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Symptoms such as bloating due to the large amount of gas accumulated in the intestines and diarrhea testified to this.
Feeding Accessories
Nowadays, for these purposes, ready-made substitutes for bitch milk for puppies are used. Also, for feeding, some accessories will be required, in particular, a bottle with a pacifier. Milk should be given in a strictly dosed form, divisions must be applied to the bottle so that it is easier for you to measure the liquid. The shape of the nipple should be closest to the shape of the nipple of the mother.
Milk substitutes. What must be contained in them?
The most basic thing is colostrum. What it is? This is mother’s milk, which is excreted on the first day after birth. It is rich in healthy substances. Colostrum is a highly concentrated mixture of beneficial substances, such as proteins, vitamins, electrolytes, which strengthen the immune system, and more.
Also, whey protein concentrate should be included in baked milk substitutes. It is a source of amino acids that are indispensable in the development of skin cells, muscles and other body tissues.
The composition of the mixture should also be soluble skimmed milk powder. It contains fat-soluble vitamins, amino acids and minerals.
Another component of the substitute is egg yolk. It is a source of vitamins, proteins, minerals.
The substitute must necessarily contain a substance such as lecithin. It provides the work of brain cells and their development. Lecithin is a rich source of phospholipids, which are important for the proper functioning of cell membranes.
The last required component is cholite (vitamin B4). This substance is necessary for the transmission of nerve impulses. Without it, normal liver function is impossible. Next, get acquainted with some types of substitutes.
Milk substitute “Royal Canin”
This product is one of the best. It is often used immediately after the birth of babies. The feeding period is 3 weeks. The substitute is suitable for all breeds, only you need to calculate the dosage correctly.
The number of feedings is the same for everyone. In the first week there should be 6 receptions, in the second - 5, and in the following - 4, at the same time the time interval between them should be the same.
"Canina Velpenmilk"
Bread milk substitute “Canina Velpenmilk” is another mixture for feeding puppies. It contains 15% grape sugar. The use of this product with vitamin D 2 is not allowed .
Dilute the product in a proportion of 1 teaspoon of a substitute for 4 tsp. water.
This milk for puppies is available in packs of 200 and 500 grams. It can be used to feed babies under the age of 35 days. It is also allowed to give the bitch during pregnancy in order to increase the production of future quantities of milk. The powder should be diluted with warm water (about 40 degrees).
Hartz Precision Nutrition Milk Replacer
This is another substitute for bitch milk for puppies. You can use it from birth to the age of 35 days. Dilute the mixture in a proportion of 2 teaspoons of powder - 4 tablespoons of water. Depending on the age of the puppies, the dosage is doubled or quadrupled.
Feeding recommendations
We have already figured out what kind of substitutes there are for bitch milk. Instructions for preparing the mixture are applied to each product.
How to feed puppies, we will tell further.
- If possible, then in the first days after birth, babies should receive breast milk. This is necessary to simulate the immune system. If this is not possible, then immediately begin to feed the newborn a substitute for she-milk.
- Weigh the puppies daily in the first two weeks after birth. After 14 days, this procedure should be carried out every three days until one month of age. This is necessary in order to correctly calculate the proportions for breeding milk and to control the weight gain.
- Before you start feeding, be sure to sterilize the nipple and bottle. Heat the milk to body temperature.
- Keep the babies very careful while feeding. Never turn them over.
- Before you feed from a bottle, first squeeze a drop of the mixture. Then put the puppy on the tummy, bring the nipple to the mouth. During the meal, the bottle should be at an angle of 45 degrees.
- The first 14 days after feeding, puppies need to wipe the genital area with massage movements using a moist cotton swab. This must be done in order for the intestines to work properly in order to stimulate it.
Note that a bottle with a pacifier is needed for artificial feeding for up to about two weeks. From the 15th day you can start feeding puppies from a saucer. If in the first month from birth there are any problems with the health of the puppies (they whine, do not gain weight, diarrhea, etc.), urgently contact a veterinarian. Do not miss the time, kids during this period very often die due to health problems.