Is it possible to drip "Albucid" in the eyes of cats and what could be the consequences of this

If a person has a pet, then he fully agrees to be responsible for his health condition, including treatment. The sore spot of many furry individuals, especially in adulthood, are the eyes. That is why many owners are tormented by the question of whether it is possible to drip cats "Albucid" in the eyes. It is worthwhile to understand this in more detail.

Brief description of the drug

The basis of eye drops is an active substance called sulfacetamide. Basically, this drug is intended for people, including it can be used for young children from the first day of life. There are several indications for its use:

eye drops

  • purulent conjunctivitis;
  • inflammatory reactions;
  • getting into the organs of vision of foreign bodies;
  • Corneal ulceration.

In addition, this drug is also used to prevent diseases of the organs of vision of an infectious or bacterial nature. But it is not as safe as it seems, such side effects as profuse lacrimation, the appearance of a feeling of itching and burning, the appearance of a rash or red spots on the skin around the eyes, or pain in the visual organs are possible. Therefore, it is worthwhile to carefully consider its use and preliminarily examine the question of whether the cat can drip Albucid in the eyes.

Expert opinion

Any cat disease, including eye problems, is handled by veterinarians. They strongly do not recommend dropping Albucid in the cat’s eyes for several reasons:

  1. This drug is intended only for humans, and the structure of their organs of vision is markedly different from the structure of the organs of vision of cats. Therefore, absolutely any human medicine is contraindicated for them, even if it has the most gentle composition.
  2. Many cats do not tolerate the component included in its composition. This means that it will not only not have a positive effect on treatment, but also lead to undesirable side effects and negative consequences.
  3. The eyes of a pet are much more sensitive than those of a person. That is why they are protected by an extra century. After instilling the “Albucid” in the cat’s eyes, you will notice that she experiences unbearable pain, and the burning sensation can be so strong that the pet will completely lose its ability to see.
eye hygiene

Many holders of furry animals claim that they were able to completely cure cat's eyes with a similar product intended for infants. But veterinarians argue that it is impossible to do this if the eye drops helped, this was only the only of all possible cases.

What to treat?

So, it became clear that the question of whether it is possible to drip cats into the eyes with "Albucid" is the only definite answer - this cannot be done in any case, since the consequences can be most unexpected. In this case, the owners of the pet have another question - what is it all the same with inflammation or illness to process the eyes. At the first stages, this can be done with the help of sleeping tea, having previously moistened a cotton pad in it. But if the condition of the animal does not improve, then you should contact a veterinary clinic, where a specialist will choose the most suitable treatment.

cat eyes


Can cats drip into their eyes “Albucid: yes or no?” This question mainly concerns those pet owners who seek to save money. Indeed, because the drug can be bought at a pharmacy at an insignificant price, up to 50 rubles. While most modern eye drops for cats are expensive, you also have to pay extra for visiting a veterinary clinic. But still, you should not save on the cat’s health and provide the correct and effective treatment for it, avoiding the undesirable consequences. After all, we must be fully responsible for the one we tamed.

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