Child development at 5.5 years. Features of the development of children

Features of the development of a child aged 5.5 years suggest a lot of difficulties, but the baby is already quite capable and active, therefore, with the right conduct of classes, the information will be perceived by him. It is necessary to make sure that he is interested in the opportunity to do simple things on his own, then the effect of training will exceed expectations.

The principle of gradual development

Most of the time you need to spend on those things that the baby loves most. If he still appreciates games and entertainment, then it is with their help that a gradual development of a child of 5.5 years, his preparation for school should be carried out. Training should be interesting, capture and not spoil the mood.

The intellectual development of a child at 5.5 years is determined by a variety of processes of cognition of the surrounding world. Carefulness plays a particularly important role in this aspect, and perseverance is also needed. If a baby already possesses the listed qualities by this age, it is safe to say that the child’s development process will be quick and interesting, he will make significant progress.

child development at 5.5 years

Features of attention

The overall development of a child at 5.5 years old is still imperfect, since he does not know how to concentrate correctly. The baby may first listen or watch the adult's movements, but as soon as a distracting moment occurs, the attention immediately disappears and the child begins to engage in extraneous affairs or becomes distracted. In the process of intellectual formation, in which adults often notice the peculiarities of the development of a child aged 5.5 years, it should be remembered that mobility, frequent change of occupation are fundamental factors in achieving maximum results. Therefore, they need to be given enough time.

One of the main tasks that the development of a child of 5.5 years envisages is the focus on the constant formation of voluntary attention. The child should not only have a craving for knowledge, but also be aware of his responsibility and duty to receive the knowledge that adults provide him. It is necessary to accustom the baby to the fact that he is obliged to carry out any task qualitatively and diligently, to do each exercise, regardless of whether he likes it or not.

development features

What needs to be done to make the learning process more effective?

It is necessary to gradually form the baby's ability to long-term attention span. A huge role in this process is played by conducting interesting games and teaching easy lessons. This will help the baby to get used to the fact that he needs to remember information in order to be able to use it and always remember when necessary.

Of great importance is the formation of the ability to switch from one type of activity to another, and not of their own free will, but at the request of adults. You can begin to develop in your child the ability to concentrate on several objects at once, but you can not overdo this point.

5 years old girl

Perception of time

It is imperative to distribute the regimen of the day of the baby by time, since you should already think about how the development of school-age children will take place. Separately, classes are planned for each day, it is also desirable to paint all the proposed exercises and achievements weekly and monthly, it is possible to plan for the year ahead.

The kid himself does not yet know how to analyze how complex any action is and what time it approximately takes. In order for a 5.5-year-old child to clearly understand any information, break his own stereotypes, you need to show him that to learn certain words, to do physical exercise or other actions that seem easy at first glance, is really difficult. This will help the child in the future correctly plan the time allotted for rest and classes.

Using various games, moving and intellectual activities, it is advisable to provide the baby with the opportunity to independently build causal relationships. Even if he will carry out these actions unconsciously, various aspects that affect the organization of time will be deposited in his subconscious.

development of school children

Involuntary memory

A girl of 5 years old can easily and quickly remember what is really interesting for her. Even vivid memories are erased from the child’s memory very quickly, so after a while he forgets even the most important events. Parents are often surprised by such features in the behavior of the baby, however, it should be remembered that such a perception of reality is physiologically justified in his body.

Already at the age of 5.5 years, different children differ from each other by the predominance of some kind of memory. Some can boast of visual memory, that is, the ability to reproduce the information received, presenting a picture in front of their eyes. Some differ in especially developed auditory memory. There are also children who are very emotional, so when a strong impression sets in, they will remember for a long time the event that caused something large-scale or unusual. When classes are held, it is advisable to take actions to develop all types of memory, especially paying attention to those aspects that are imperfectly developed to make the child the most adapted in society and capable of learning.

child development process

Speech development

Often children cannot utter absolutely all sounds correctly. You can verify this by simply opening the alphabet and asking the child to read all the letters. Those that seem to him to be the most difficult should be stopped while continuing education. You should constantly repeat the correct pronunciation of a letter or sound, it is interesting and clearly explain what a certain meaning is connected with. If success does not occur for a long time, it is advisable to contact a qualified speech therapist as soon as possible.

child social development

Reading instruction

Usually, children aged 5.5 years show an unprecedented interest in various books. Sometimes they are interested in pictures, but often they try to read the letters and understand what is interesting written in a particular copy. If parents constantly talk with the child, read stories that are interesting to him for his age, he will certainly want to learn how to do the same. This will accelerate the social development of the child. In order to bring the craving closer to such knowledge, it is necessary to sing light and short songs with the baby or to learn simple verses. It is advisable to recite them later on some children's matinee so that the baby (for example, a girl of 5 years old) gradually develops good diction.

child personality development

Features of teaching a child

At the age of 5.5 years, you can already instruct the child to collect colored cubes with the letters of the alphabet. It is allowed to gradually form even short words, but you should not overload his psyche with complex training of attention and memory, since when you get stress, knowledge will be gradually forgotten. It is necessary to intensify the development of the personality of the child. If the process of improving the intellectual qualities of the baby and learning to read is gradual, then he slowly but for a long time remembers everything that adults have taught him. It is advisable to make sure that the child remembers all the letters and does not confuse them. If any gaps in knowledge are noticed, you need to intensively fill them, constantly reminding the baby about the meaning of a letter or word.

When an adult reads aloud to a child, he needs to choose bright books equipped with interesting pictures and illustrations. Interesting storylines are also important. The kid will learn hard this skill, since the age of 5.5 years always predisposes to this. It is advisable to unobtrusively correct the mistakes of the child, to supervise the correctness of remembering some features, then the effect of the training will be persistent.

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