Candide for newborns. Candide (solution) for newborns

The most valuable thing we have is our children. But no matter how hard they try to protect them from all adversity, sometimes they still get sick. What happens to a child if he becomes restless, sleeps poorly and refuses to eat?

Thrush or oral candidiasis

candid for newborns

What it is? Unfortunately, thrush occurs in children very often. The medical name for this disease is candidiasis stomatitis. Literally, this means a fungal infection of the oral mucosa. The disease is very unpleasant, accompanied by a refusal of food, the child becomes tearful. In addition, oral stomatitis very quickly passes into other forms: gastric or vaginal. To date, candidiasis in infants has been successfully treated. And if you take measures in a timely manner, then you can completely do only with local antifungal drugs. The Candide drug for newborns showed itself very well in treating thrush. Long-term clinical trials have proven its effectiveness, and a convenient dosage form (in the form of a thick solution) facilitates the use of this drug in the treatment of children.

How does thrush manifest in newborns

candida solution for newborns

Oral candidiasis is manifested in the form of a cheesy plaque on the oral mucosa, cheeks, palate and tongue. Depending on the duration of the disease and the general state of the immune system, the degree of damage may be more impressive. Sometimes the fungus Candida (Candida) affects the gastric mucosa, in addition, when inaccurate washing or wiping is easily transferred to the external genitalia and settles on the vaginal mucosa. Untimely treatment leads to a weakening of general immunity, bacterial infections join. You can avoid the negative development of this disease if you take the necessary measures in time. Today, every mother’s arsenal should have an antifungal agent for instant response in case of detection of the first symptoms of the disease. One of such medicines is precisely the Candide drug for newborns, the reviews of which sound the most positive.

What can provoke thrush: risk factors

The fungus Candida (Candida) is a conditionally pathogenic flora. Simply put, you can live with him, but at any opportunity, he activates and attacks the body.

candida for newborns reviews

In order for the fungus to begin to grow uncontrollably, a combination of several factors is necessary. This may be a metabolic disorder in a child, associated, for example, with a change in nutrition and the introduction of complementary foods. Also, if the baby has recently suffered an infectious disease or antibiotic treatment, he is at risk. Everything that weakens children's immunity leads to a rapid growth of pathogenic flora.

What forms of thrush are in newborns

The mild form is characterized by small lesions, the curdled grains are small, odorless, easily removed, the mucosa under them is not changed. The child behaves as usual, does not act up, his appetite remains the same as always. But if the mild form is not treated or done incorrectly, candidiasis very quickly passes into a more severe form. How does it manifest? With lesions of this kind, the mucous membrane of the mouth is covered with a thin whitish film, the number of “curd grains” is much larger.

Candid for newborns how to apply

It is no longer possible to completely remove the plaque, and under it, bleeding sores can be found on the mucosa. The disease can occur in severe form when the skin is affected - lips and cheeks. In this case, self-medication is dangerous, you should immediately consult a doctor. The pediatrician will tell the Candide treatment regimen for newborns how to use it correctly and what should not be done.

How to use Candide

Candidiasis in mild form is treated as follows. A cotton swab dipped in a weak solution of potassium permanganate remove plaque particles. Then apply antifungal drugs: "Clotrimazole" or, for example, "Candide" - a solution for newborns. The cotton pad is moistened, then the baby's mouth is lubricated, gently and without pressure. The procedure is carried out 1-2 times a day in between feedings for no more than seven days. As a rule, this is enough to get rid of the disease.

Candid instructions for use in newborns

In the case of a disease of moderate severity, you can not do without consulting a specialist. If emergency assistance is needed, then the most appropriate will be to pay attention to the drug "Candide". Instructions for use for newborns are always attached. The scheme will be similar to the one that was used for the mild form of thrush - the drug should not be used more often. In severe forms, it is necessary to remove plaque at least every two hours with a cotton swab dipped in a weak alkaline solution. Candide is also used 1-2 times a day, but therapy lasts up to 4 weeks and is supplemented with other antifungal and antiseptic agents.

What will happen if not treated?

The opinion that the disease “goes away” in the case of candidiasis in children is not suitable. If the thrush started, then the immunity is already greatly weakened, and in this case the development of complications is a matter of time. Preventive measures are always preferable, especially if there are no contraindications to the drug "Candide" for newborns. An untreated fungus falls in time below, affecting the gastrointestinal tract, provokes pathological changes on the mucous membranes of the digestive system. Bacteria of the staphylococcal group instantly begin to multiply in the damaged areas, and they affect the respiratory system, heart and kidneys. In girls, candidiasis in the first months of life provokes adhesions in the vagina, which at an older age can only be corrected surgically. Candidiasis must be treated with special drugs. For example, Clotrimazole (in solution) or Candide for newborns, the price of which is quite affordable (an average of 200 rubles) in order to keep it in a first-aid kit.

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Precautionary measures

In the prevention of candidiasis, a special role is played by fortifying procedures aimed at enhancing general immunity - hardening, walking in the air, and healthy eating. It is also very important to carefully care for the skin and mucous membranes of the baby after the illness, to observe basic hygiene rules. Since the carrier of candidiasis is very often the mother, she should be especially careful about her health. By the way, the Candide solution for newborns can be successfully used by a woman, making applications and tampons on the affected areas. Very often, immediately after the child is ill, the oral form of candidiasis also affects the mother. In this case, you need to try to avoid re-infection of the baby, because the infection will be much more complicated and treatment will be more difficult. Therapy with Candide and Clotrimazole is also indicated in case of other fungal diseases.

Special instructions for the use of the drug

Means "Candide" for newborns is not recommended for use by pregnant women in the first trimester. This is perhaps the only contraindication. But, given that the solution is used on sensitive areas such as mucous membranes, it is important not to overdo it. Using it more often twice a day is not worth it, the effectiveness of this will not change, and discomfort like burning and dryness will appear for sure.

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