How to insert Yandex card on the site? Instructions on how to place Yandex map on the site

Let's look at how to insert a Yandex map on a site, after creating it in the designer. The insertion process can be incredibly easy, or it can carry some difficulties, depending on the size of your project.

How to embed Yandex map on a site: the choice is obvious

If you create a business card website, blog or a simple online store, then you will

how to insert a Yandex card on a site

enough basic features of the existing constructor. In this case, a user who does not have special knowledge will be able to insert Yandex map on the site thanks to a special code. If you approach the matter with all thoroughness, the correct preparation of the location map, or the calculation of the delivery price at the destination specified by the user, can significantly improve the functionality of the site and make the visitor a new buyer.

Otherwise, the situation is if you need to go beyond the boundaries of the designer, not just place the Yandex map on the site, but create something grand and unique. In this case, you will need an experienced programmer who is familiar with the work of Java Scripts.

Hidden features

Yandex.Maps API allows you to impose a layer indicating traffic jams on your own site,

insert Yandex card on the site

however, to implement such an idea, the designer’s capabilities are not enough. In addition to saving the maps you created, the API designer no longer needs to obtain a key for your own site, however, some CMS extensions may ask for these keys.

You can get such a tool in a special section of the site by entering the address of your resource. However, let us return to the question of how to insert the Yandex map on the site and on the designer. Everything you need is here.

Designer Organization

insert Yandex card

The tools with which you can label the map are located on the top panel, and they consist of 4 buttons. The first makes it possible to put a mark in the form of a large comma, it can be painted in different colors, give a description, and also assign a number. The mark is placed through the activation of this button, as well as a click on the desired area in the diagram.

The designation can always be moved by holding the left mouse button or deleted. Before inserting a Yandex map, take advantage of other tools. Further attention is given to the possibility of "Line Drawing". It is useful for showing the way to your company’s office from a metro station or a bus stop.

Draw a polygon

The designer includes another important tool, which received the name "Drawing

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place Yandex map on the site

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joomla insert Yandex map

Joomla , .

«Yandexmap», « » Joomla, «Zh YandexMap». , Html, .

, . , , , «Load Module». , , . , , . , .

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