When planning a baby, a woman may encounter a number of gynecological problems that prevent the onset of a long-awaited pregnancy. Among these pathologies, which until recently was considered one of the main causes of infertility, is the endometrial polyp. Thanks to modern methods of treatment, today a woman with such a diagnosis may well become pregnant, endure and give birth to a healthy child. However, in some cases, she will have to face certain difficulties. About whether pregnancy is possible after removal of the polyp and after what time it is recommended to plan conception, we will tell in our article.
What is a polyp?
In gynecological practice, there are a number of reasons why a long-awaited pregnancy does not occur. One of them is the presence of a small growth on the inner shell of the uterine mucosa. This neoplasm is a polyp. It is a benign body consisting of endometrial cells, the sizes of which vary from 1-2 mm to the size of a walnut.
A polyp is a growth of an oval-shaped mucous membrane on a leg. Even if its size is not larger than a pea, this will be an obstacle to attach the fertilized egg to the uterine endometrium. Sometimes polyps form not only in the uterine cavity, but also in the cervical canal. Such a neoplasm is not always an obstacle to pregnancy, but it can be a threat to its normal course.
Most often, the endometrial polyp does not cause a woman any discomfort. Usually it is detected by chance during the next medical examination or examination due to the fact that pregnancy does not occur for a long period of time.
Symptoms of pathology
There are no characteristic signs of the appearance of a polyp on the uterine mucosa. However, most women notice a number of symptoms that can be caused by concomitant diseases:
- pulling pain in the lower abdomen during menstruation or before its onset;
- spotting vaginal discharge, which begins some time before the onset of menstruation and ends after them;
- blood after intercourse;
- menstruation long with scanty discharge;
- copious cheesy discharge of grayish-white color with an unpleasant odor.
If the neoplasm was found during the examination after several unsuccessful attempts to conceive a child, all women without exception are concerned about the question of how soon to expect pregnancy after removal of the polyp. In this case, much depends on the individual characteristics of the body and the timing of the recovery period. It is necessary to strictly observe all the recommendations of a doctor and not refuse hormone therapy.
Causes of the formation of the endometrial polyp
Doctors still can not say exactly why growths appear on the inner layer of the uterine mucosa. But there are a number of predisposing factors that contribute to this:
- Hormonal disorders.
- Damage to the endometrium during curettage (abortion).
- Chronic inflammation in the pelvis.
All these problems are most often identified in women who have given birth. They have problems planning their next pregnancy. After removing the polyp in the uterus, they can conceive and give birth to a long-awaited baby without any problems. Women with a metabolic disorder, overweight, and a history of diabetes are also at risk.
Treatment methods and consequences
The only way to get rid of the polyp is to remove it surgically. But since in gynecological practice there have been cases of resorption of tumors found in the current menstrual cycle, it is recommended to resort to such radical treatment options after the next menstruation.
Polyp removal is performed by several methods, the choice of which depends on several factors:
- general clinical picture;
- results of laboratory and instrumental studies;
- the nature of the neoplasm;
- risks of malignant degeneration.
The removed polyp is necessarily sent for histology. And only by its results can we talk about pregnancy planning. After removal of the glandular type polyp , conception may have to be postponed indefinitely, since this neoplasm has great prerequisites for degeneration into a malignant tumor.
The following methods for removing the growth on the mucosa are distinguished:
- Hysteroscopy. The advantage of this procedure is the ability to simultaneously diagnose and remove the polyp using powerful optical equipment. When performing this endoscopic technique, the doctor accurately sees the location of the neoplasm and removes it along with the leg under the root.
- Curettage. The following procedure is a surgical curettage of the uterine cavity. The technique has several disadvantages due to the high risk of infection and recurrence of polyposis.
- Polypectomy. This common method of surgical intervention consists in twisting the legs of the polyp until it comes off. Then the attachment point is treated with liquid nitrogen or electrodes.
- Ablation of the uterine cavity. The presented method is applied only to women of mature age who have a high risk of degeneration into cancer. When performing the procedure, high-frequency radio waves, a laser, liquid nitrogen or electrodes are used. The disadvantage of this technique is that pregnancy does not occur after it.
- Hysterectomy. During this operation, the uterus is removed along with the appendages.
Is it possible to conceive immediately after surgery
After removal of the polyp, a certain recovery phase must pass before pregnancy. On average, it is 2-3 months. At this time, a woman should avoid sexual intercourse, physical activity, exercise, exclude the adoption of a hot bath, a visit to the bath and sauna. This will prevent infection of the wound formed during the operation to remove the endometrial polyp in the uterus.
Pregnancy after surgery can be difficult. That is why the recovery period, during which hormone and antibiotic therapy is prescribed, is mandatory.
Many women often ask their doctor if they can become pregnant immediately after removing the polyp. Yes, indeed, it is possible. The probability of conception is quite high even before the onset of the first menstruation after surgery. But, firstly, the fact of conception is a violation of the doctor’s recommendations. And secondly, in order to avoid complications during gestation with pregnancy, it is better to wait a bit.
When can pregnancy be planned after removal of the polyp?
The body of every woman has its own characteristics. Therefore, no doctor will be able to give an exact answer to the question of when the pregnancy will occur after removal of the polyp, after how many months this will happen. One thing is clear that this will happen when the body is fully restored after the operation and will be ready to bear the baby.
You can talk about pregnancy after removal of the polyp of the cervical canal or endometrium after 1-3 menstrual cycles. It is worth noting that conception can occur already on the next cycle after removal of the growth, but whether a woman can bear a child in this case is a moot point. This is explained by the fact that one of the sections of the uterine mucosa was injured.
Before planning a pregnancy, you must:
- make a vaginal ultrasound;
- make sure that there are no inflammatory diseases in the pelvis;
- take tests for infections;
- check hormones.
If the research results are normal, and the woman herself does not complain about her health, the gynecologist will allow her to start planning her pregnancy. By the way, delaying this process is also not worth it, since such a disease has a tendency to relapse.
What are the difficulties associated with conception?
In most cases, the removal of simple polyps does not lead to any negative consequences. In the future, this does not interfere with the normal bearing of the child. Usually, after removal of the polyp, pregnancy occurs in the first 6 months after surgery. However, there are a number of factors that can delay conception indefinitely. These include:
- Hormonal disorders. An unstable level of sex hormones is one of the prerequisites for the formation of polyps in the body. For the same reason, if hormone levels are not restored after surgery, relapses of polyposis are possible.
- Adhesive processes. Adhesions are formed as a result of trauma to the uterus during curettage. In the future, a successful pregnancy is possible only after their removal.
- Infections Any operation negatively affects the state of immunity of a woman. In such conditions, there is a high probability of infection. If you do not cure them before pregnancy, complications such as miscarriages in the early stages, infection of the embryo and fetus, and intrauterine malformations are possible in the process of bearing the fetus. That is why conception should be planned only after completion of antibiotic therapy.
- Minor bleeding. Anemic internal bleeding can result in a decrease in hemoglobin in the blood and red blood cell volume. In this condition, pregnancy is difficult, and if it does occur, then there is a high risk of hypoxia in the fetus.
- General malaise. Stressful situations, lack of sleep, unbalanced nutrition - all this leads to a violation of the menstrual cycle and prevents the normal conception. After removing the polyp, it is recommended to lead a healthy lifestyle, abandon bad habits and plan conception after 3 months after surgery.
Features of the course of pregnancy
The bearing of the fetus after removal of the polyp usually occurs without any nuances in the event that the woman fully recovered after the operation and underwent appropriate medication. Perhaps she will be given more attention during pregnancy, due to the recurrent nature of the pathology.
In medical practice, relapses of polyposis occur quite often. Therefore, if at the next ultrasound it is revealed that the polyp has grown again in the uterine cavity or in the cervical canal, you should not worry. Usually this does not affect the course of pregnancy. The cervical polyp consists of the same cells as the inner surface of the uterus, therefore, it does not pose any threat to the development of the baby, unless its dimensions exceed 1 cm.
Thus, pregnancy after removal of the polyp is no different from normal and in most cases goes away without any complications.
Preventive actions
The following actions will help minimize the risk of polyps in the body of a woman:
- A regular visit to the gynecologist 2 times a year. Preventive examinations and examinations for hormones and infections will help reduce the number of conditions for the formation of polyps.
- Timely treatment of detected infections and hormonal disorders.
- Prevention of abortion. Nothing injures the endometrium like curettage of the uterine cavity.
- Compliance with intimate hygiene.
- Immediate medical attention for spotting between menstruation or pulling pains in the lower abdomen.
Despite everything, a woman should not panic when she finds a polyp in her uterus. Pregnancy after removal of such a neoplasm usually occurs quite quickly. Modern methods of treatment of the growth allow you to get rid of it without injuring the inner layer of the uterus.
Polyp removal: pregnancy reviews after surgery
Most women who underwent surgery to remove endometrial neoplasms note that such a pathology responds well enough to treatment. Many of them already in the next menstrual cycle after the abolition of hormonal drugs began a successful pregnancy. After removing the endometrial polyp, literally every woman took antibiotics and contraceptives. This is one of the prerequisites for the recovery of the body after surgery.
For a successful pregnancy, it is important that both partners are healthy at the time of conception. If you look for new reasons for not pregnancy, then during this time, the polyp can form again. It is precisely this problem that some women have encountered just 1 year after the previous surgery.