An excellent mid-range processor for the LGA1155 platform is the Core i3-2100. The characteristics of this semiconductor solution, its capabilities, strengths and weaknesses will be discussed in detail in the article.
Capabilities of the central processing unit
LGA 1155 Platform for Intel Core i3-2100 Processors — 2011 . . , , . . , , . 4- . — ( ) . 2- («» «») 4- (« 5»). .
. «» ( ), . ( «») , , . , . . «». :
Intel Core i3-2100 LGA1155. 2011 . 2013 , LGA1150 4- Core. Core 3- .
. , . 10-15 .
Core i3 2100. 32-HM . LGA1155, "" 2011 . . , , 14-HM, .
Core i3-2100. .
, , 2 32 . , . 64 ( ). 2 64 128 .
, 256 . - 2, 256 2 , 512 .
. «» , , , 5- . 3 , .
LGA1155, 3. 3-1066, 3-1333. (, 3-1600) , . , 3-1333. , , 32 , 4- .
i3-2100 69,1 . 35-45 . 55 . 65 . , Core i3-6100 51 . , 32-HM 14-HM ( ) 1,5 . 0,6 .
Core i3-2100 - 3,1 . . , « », , . , , Core i3-6100, — « » 3,7 ( 0,6 , 5- ).
Core 2- , CPU i3-2100, - « ». 4- . Core i3-2100 2 ( «» «»). , , - « », , 1 2 . 4 .
Core i3 2100. . . . 850 1,1 . 2. , , .
Core i3-2100. , , . . 2-3 . .
2011 113 . ( , ) Core i3-2100. «» 10 123 . , Core, Core i3-2100. . , . , . . 170-180 . . 60-70 .
2011 Core tm i3-2100. . : , , 4- . : . , . . .
The mid-level balanced semiconductor solution in 2011 was the Core i3-2100. Its characteristics even now, 5 years after the start of sales, are only slightly inferior to the latest generation of central processing units. The presence of 4 computational threads allows, albeit with some restrictions, even any existing software to be launched now.