Diaper rash in a child: preventive measures and treatment

You carefully look after your child, but still there are times when redness appears on his skin? This is the first symptom of diaper rash in a child. The main reason is excess moisture or excessive sweating. All this accompanies the development of various bacterial and fungal infections. Such a disease appears, as a rule, in those places where the skin of children is the most sensitive and delicate (on the buttocks, genitals, hips and armpits).

diaper rash in a child

The most famous type of diaper rash in a child is diaper (baby dermatitis). With this symptom, the skin becomes red, dry and slightly roughened. And if the area of ​​the buttocks or hips has become glossy and smooth, then these are signs of fungal diaper rash in a child. It occurs due to the presence of Candida albicans in the intestines . It increases the likelihood of these kinds of problems with a tight diaper, diarrhea, allergic reactions to soap, powder, some foods, lack of air baths, synthetic or improperly selected clothes.

Preventive measures

  • diaper rash in the infant

    Try to change your diaper or diaper more often. Diaper rash in an infant occurs due to their rare or late change.
  • Every day, leave the baby naked for a while. Give him the opportunity to take air baths.
  • Eliminate allergenic foods from your diet . If your baby is breastfed, then follow a maternal diet and exclude allergy-causing foods from your diet. Well, if on artificial, then try another brand of the mixture or its hypoallergenic variety.
  • Buy clothes only from natural fabrics. No synthetics! Dress your child according to the season and weather conditions. Do not confuse it, because as a result, it will begin to sweat, and diaper rash will appear.
  • After bathing, do not rub, but pat the delicate skin of the baby in problem areas.
  • For a child prone to diaper rash, wear a diaper less often (only for a walk and when going to the pediatrician).
  • After changing the diapers, be sure to wash your baby.

how to treat diaper rash in a child

How to treat diaper rash in a child?

First of all, in the treatment of this kind of disease, they rely on various creams, ointments and powders. At the earliest stage of redness, you can do it yourself. For disinfection and easy drying of the baby’s skin, add a weak solution of manganese when bathing. But remember that diaper rash is different, so each needs its own treatment. If it is fungal, then use an antifungal cream, and with a bacterial one - antibacterial. To reduce scuffs, you can apply a softening protective ointment from the first days of life. Calendula solution very well removes irritations (lubricate problem areas 2 times a day). With a wet diaper rash, a child with a cream with zinc oxide, calendula and chamomile is well suited. The composition of such an ointment quickly relieves irritation, has a calming and wound healing effect. Well, if your efforts do not bring the desired result, and the skin of the crumbs still remains reddened, you should definitely consult a doctor.

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