People went to the cottage, took with them a thoroughbred favorite of the family. The dog is in good health, there is no sign of a "lady's malaise". And it must happen, in the country the neighbor’s dog jumped in. Like animals were played. And after a month with a little, having returned home, the owners are horrified to realize that their pet will soon become a mother. How is that? There was no leak. Let's talk about this in more detail. Can a dog get pregnant without estrus?
What is estrus
It is important to know that there are “special days” for the dog and how long they last. Having understood this, it will become clear whether the dog can "fly" during this period or in its absence. Let's try to determine the basic concepts. So, on average, estrus lasts in a dog for 20-25 days. Her first offensive varies from 6 to 12 months old. What are the "subsections" of estrus:
- Proestrus, or the first stage. Its duration ranges from 1 to 10 days. At this time, pink discharge from the loop can be seen.
- Estrus. The main stage. And it lasts from the 10th to the 20th day. It is at this time that the formation of gametes occurs and pregnancy is possible. What are the signs of estrus? The loop becomes soft, the discharge from it is yellowish. The bitch changes her behavior towards males. Flirts with them, pushes the tail in front of the male canine.
- Metaestrus. It lasts from the 20th to the 25th day. At this time, the bitch returns to her usual behavior, the loop hardens and the probability of pregnancy is extremely reduced. However (if ovulation occurs these days) pregnancy on estrus day 25 may occur.
Hidden estrus
And what is this? Normal estrus, only without pronounced signs. This happens in the dog world. At the same time, the hidden estrus is not displayed on the behavior of the bitch. The animal behaves in the same way as usual, does not suffer from loss of appetite, as is sometimes the case with the usual estrus.
When approaching the answer to the question of whether a dog can become pregnant without estrus, one should take into account just these very hidden “critical days” in a pet. And most importantly, the owner, especially the novice, will not notice them. Only a male can determine this type of "red calendar days" for a girlfriend.
Split heat
If the pet seems to have started something similar to estrus, and after a few days has stopped, then this may indicate a split estrus. Stress, any injuries, a trip to a male or sudden weather changes lead to this kind of stress. Can a dog get pregnant without estrus, or rather with a similar passage? Yes, it may well. For a split estrus is not its absence, so the animal is quite capable of starting to tune its body to bear puppies.
Tightened estrus
And there is also such a subspecies of "red days" in bitches. Such estrus is dangerous because, most likely, the pet has inflammation of the ovaries, and hormonal imbalance occurs in the body. In this case, the owner does not want to hesitate to visit a veterinarian.
Her complete absence
Could this be so that the estrus was, and then abruptly disappeared? Unlikely. Most likely, the dog entered the stage when the estrus is hidden. But a specialist examination is not bad to carry out in such a situation.
Pregnant pregnancy
We examined all its types. And gradually we come to the most important issue, which so often worries dog owners. Can a dog get pregnant without estrus? The answer is no. Just as a woman cannot conceive in the absence of critical days, so the dog will not be able to please the owner with puppies if she does not have “oestrus”.
Moreover, a female without estrus will never let a dog come to her precisely as a sexual partner. To play and communicate in your canine language is welcome. He allowed himself something more - he received a slap in the face. Even at the last stage of estrus, the female is no longer interested in males, let alone her absence. Therefore, when they say that someone's dog brought puppies, and she did not have estrus, this is not true. Either the owners did not see its manifestation, or the estrus was hidden.
How to protect a bitch from an unwanted pregnancy
There is nothing complicated about it. If the owner and his pet live in the city, do not let go on a walk at this time. Even in fields and forests, where the chances of meeting another dog are minimal.
The second point: if a male and a female live in the family, then for the period of estrus "ladies", you need to keep them in different rooms. This is difficult, especially in a city apartment. But to avoid unwanted mating, these are basic precautions.
For those who live in the private sector, it is advisable to take your pet into the house during the red days. This is if she lives on the street. Otherwise, the line of males in the yard will be like in the Soviet era for sausage.
We examined the possible options for passing estrus and bitches. Got an answer to the question of whether a dog can become pregnant without estrus. As it became clear, this is impossible. Pregnancy needs ovulation. Where does she come from if the “critical days” are safely absent? The pet is able to become pregnant during a latent estrus. But hidden estrus is not its absence.