How to remove a user from important VKontakte friends: all methods

Important VKontakte friends are automatically detected. When friends, family and a loved one appear first on the list, it’s convenient. But relationships can change for various reasons, and the need to constantly see a person’s page may disappear. In this article we will tell you how to remove from the important VKontakte friends those users that you do not want to see at the top of the list.

By what principle does VKontakte identify important friends?

Forming a list of important friends, the VKontakte algorithm takes into account such factors:

  • How often do you correspond with the user;
  • how often do you visit his page;
  • how often you like and comment below user posts.

how to remove VKontakte from important friends

In addition, if you recently added a person, he will also appear in the top, but not above the important ones that the algorithm defined. If you do not contact the user a lot, gradually he will go down in the list. This is one of the ways to remove a person from important VKontakte friends. By the same principle, you can, on the contrary, be active in relation to other users, like and leave comments so that their rating increases and they rise to the place of an uninteresting user in the list of important ones. But the first and second methods require a lot of time.

Let's consider more effective and simple ways.

First way

In the social network "VKontakte" there is an opportunity to "tell" the system that the user is no longer interesting to you.

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how to remove a person from important VKontakte friends

The second way, how to remove a person from important VKontakte friends, solves the problem radically. To do this, you just need to delete it. If there is a need to maintain contacts, then add the person again. Notifications about your actions will not come to the user, and he won’t know about anything, and in your list it’ll go down.

Keep in mind that if you continue to be active in relation to the user whom you want to remove from important ones, soon his rating will increase and he will again take his place in the list. And remember: although it is useful to know how to remove unwanted users from important VKontakte friends, the order of friends in reality is much more important than the order of friends on the social network.

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