Congratulations to a child with a year old are addressed not so much to the baby as to his parents, and sometimes to grandparents.
This baby’s first real birthday, starting the countdown not of months, but of the full years lived, has some specifics of the celebration, which must be taken into account both for the organizers of the celebration, that is, for parents, and for guests preparing gifts and congratulations.
What is special about congratulations?
Many limit themselves to a useful present for the child or simply ask their parents what to give. Of course, such presentations and congratulations on a year old are also appropriate, but they are not entirely correct.
The peculiarity of this holiday is that it is at the same time a celebration of both parents and the little birthday boy. In some cases, the holiday is also related to the older generation. For example, if the parents are busy, and the baby is raised by a grandmother. That is, this celebration, on the one hand, is a family holiday, and on the other, the birthday of a particular person, even a small one. This should not be forgotten, preparing congratulations on the year and gifts.
Who needs congratulations?
Of course, congratulations should first of all be the birthday man himself. Often people who do not have their own children do not quite understand why it is necessary to address congratulatory words to a small child, believing that he still does not understand anything. In fact, the baby understands perfectly well the appeal to himself and, most importantly, unmistakably feels falsehood.
Therefore, if there is no sincerity, then you do not need to tell the child poetry or otherwise admire him. The little birthday boy will start to yawn or cry.
This is a fairly common situation that makes parents awkward. The baby is given a beautiful toy, warm words are spoken, and the child throws the present on the floor and begins to sob, or simply does not show interest. Parents, as a rule, begin to explain that the baby is tired, overworked, or say something like that. Mom and dad feel especially uncomfortable if their offspring rejected the present from their grandparents.
Such situations occur due to the fault of the guests themselves. The child subtly feels the true attitude of an adult. Therefore, even though the baby needs to be congratulated, there is no need to do it fake. It is better to pronounce a simple, not entirely original sentence, coming from a pure heart, than to read enthusiastic verses with a false smile.
After the congratulations on the baby’s birthday were made and the birthday present was given, the family’s turn comes. Here mean speech is inappropriate. You need to talk a lot and be sure to admire the child, of course, within reason, to say a half-hour monologue also should not be.
If the whole family is present at the celebration, then the baby receives the first congratulations on the one-year-old, after it comes the parents, and then grandparents. Two gifts are needed - for the child and for his family.
What to give?
A gift to the birthday man himself should be only for him. Present should choose one that the child can use. This should be what he will be delighted with. That is, gifts such as bedding, playpen, stroller or clothing are not suitable. These presentations are addressed to the family of the birthday person, and not to himself.
That is, in addition to a significant present, you should buy a toy or something else that the child will use himself. In a year, developing games are often the best gift for kids. Of course, the present should take into account the age of the baby and the fact that the birthday will develop very quickly. Accordingly, you should not give him rattles or logic games with the mark “8 months +”. If you have difficulty choosing a gift, you can do it simply and traditionally. A win-win option are:
- Stuffed Toys;
- sets of dishes for dolls;
- themed corners - from kitchens to workshops.
Of course, when acquiring a thematic gaming corner, you need to take into account the age of the baby and acquire a safe option for him. Children also like horses, which they can climb on, and cars in which you can ride. But, acquiring such a gift, you need to know exactly what they have where to use it. After all, not in every apartment a child can ride along the corridor in a game car.
A present to the family, on the contrary, implies a thing that is useful and necessary for the baby. That is, a bicycle, a stroller, clothes, food, dishes and other similar gifts must be given to the parents of the child, and not to himself.
If you want to show originality, then you can present a photo shoot. Of course, this gift is also given to parents.
Do I need a postcard?
A postcard is an integral part of gift wrapping, of course, it is needed. However, it does have the meaning of an accompanying annotation to the congratulations said out loud and also indicates who gives this or that thing. This is important when a birthday is celebrated on a grand scale, many guests are invited, and the presentations just stack up in a certain place.
The text in the postcard should contain the following items:
- appeal to parents;
- Happy birthday to the baby with the mention of his name;
- wishes;
- signature.
You do not need to write anything extra, everything is said in words.
If the holiday is held in a restaurant, then the gift for the child is packed with a family present, you do not need to write two cards.
What to say to the birthday man?
Congratulations on the year of the boy can be prosaic and poetic, serious and funny. The main thing in them is sincerity and, of course, the degree of intimacy with the child.
That is, guests do not need to show the "goat" or lick with the baby, whom they saw a couple of times and briefly. But if a person who periodically fiddles with a birthday boy, plays with him, congratulates him, then the “goat” and other methods of mixing children are completely appropriate.
The congratulations to the one-year-old in prose look very touching in a serious tone.
An example of what can be said: “Dear (name and patronymic of the child), today is a wonderful and important day. The day you celebrate your first real holiday. There will be a lot of them ahead, but the very first will forever remain the only one. What do you want (name and patronymic of the child) (you need to wait for any reaction of the baby)? Do not rush to grow up, do not rush to grow up and always smile. Happy birthday, (name and patronymic of the child)! ”.
Congratulations on the boy’s year, addressed to himself, can be poetic. But before you tell the child a poem, you should say a couple of introductory words.
An example of how to congratulate a poem:
Days flew by quickly
You are already big.
Coming soon poems to adults
You’ll talk.
But until he started himself
Singing songs for the holidays
Congratulations accept
And don't be a prankster.
Grow big and strong
Eat a lot of porridge
And to start growing up,
Listen to mom and dad.
What to say to the birthday girl?
Congratulations on a year-old girl, of course, is different from those words that are said to the boys. As a rule, girls at this age already read bedtime stories, among the characters of which there are princesses, and fairies, and elves, and other magical heroes. Accordingly, the fairy-tale world of the little girl is familiar, and this must be used when congratulating the birthday girl.
Of course, dressing up for someone is not necessary, unless the parents have arranged a theme evening. But the congratulation itself with a year in prose may well sound like a small fairy tale.
An example of how to congratulate a birthday girl: “Hello, (name of a girl)! I want to congratulate you and tell you something. And to tell you, (name of the girl), I want a story that happened many days ago. A long time ago, on the same day as today, in the same family, Princess Sunny was born. She smiled a lot and ate well. And the Sun was because it gave a lot of joy to her mom and dad, grandparents. They all wanted to play with the little princess, but the Sun did not have enough strength, and she fell asleep. The princess also wanted to have time to play with everyone, so she began to eat a lot, she grew up big and very beautiful. Do you know who this fairy tale is about (wait for the child’s reaction)? That's right, about you, (girl's name). Happy Birthday, sunny!".
If it is customary in the family to somehow definitely call a baby affectionately, for example, Zvezdochka, Zayka, and so on, then this nickname should be used in your congratulation.
Congratulations on a year-old girl may sound in verses:
Today is a beautiful day
You were born in it a year ago.
You are a little happiness to parents
Which grows to the envy of everyone.
And to grow up a beautiful, ruddy, laughter
You, (girl's name), need more often
Play your toys.
Today you will have many gifts
You will get to know everyone from tomorrow.
Congratulations today, Princess, accept
And celebrate your first birthday with a laugh.
What to say to the parents of the birthday?
Congratulations on the year of the son for mom and dad are much more important than for the birthday man himself. This must be taken into account and not skimp on kind words and compliments. Of course, the best congratulations are spoken without any patterns, from the bottom of their hearts. But such words are often difficult to find at the right time, so it’s worth preparing.
An example of what might be a congratulation on the son’s one-year-old for his parents: “Dear ones (the names of the parents, starting with the mother), today you have the brightest and kindest holiday you can imagine - the first birthday of the son. Looking at (the name of the child), you do not know what to wish to the people who raised such a wonderful, sunny, smiling little peanut.
Of course, the most important thing is patience to you, happiness and joy in every day. Health and strength. Wisdom and kindness. The fulfillment of all that you yourself wish for this wonderful holiday. Congratulations!".
In verses, as a rule, congratulations are not uttered to the boy's parents. However, if there is a good poem suitable for the occasion, then it is quite appropriate to pronounce it or write it in a postcard.
What to say to the parents of the birthday girl?
Congratulations on the year of the daughter, addressed to her parents, should contain compliments and praise. It is appropriate to note that the baby grows as beautiful as her mother.
An example of what you can say: “Dear ones (parents' names, starting with mom), we congratulate you with all our hearts on this holiday, which happens only once in life. Exactly a year ago, a new meaning arose in your life, was born (name of the child). And today we celebrate her first real holiday, which is yours too. It is difficult to choose wishes, because (the name of the child) is already as beautiful as her mother, as smart and resourceful as dad. We wish you to always stay that way! Happy holiday! ”
Congratulations on the year of the daughter can sound in poetic form:
Eyes shine with warmth and pride - a smile,
After all, my daughter is one year old. Itself has already gone
Gifts to take apart your baby.
Recently, she couldn’t hold a spoon,
Now he is eating a cake.
What can I say here?
Congratulations you
After all, a miracle was given life.
And let not a tear overshadow a day or a year
Never in my life.
How to congratulate grandparents?
Congratulation of a grandson with a year old never causes difficulties for those grandparents who are constantly in contact with the baby.
But if the representatives of the older generation live far away and don’t even know what size their descendant’s clothes are, then congratulating them for a year becomes a real problem for them.
There are no special nuances in what congratulations from relatives and relatives should be. The only difference is that you can give your family something more personal than what just friends present.
In the absence of constant communication, grandparents should not take the initiative. The situation of relatives allows them to inquire from their child's parents about their wishes regarding the presentation. But the older generation may well choose a gift for the smallest birthday man, focusing only on his own taste.