Not so long ago, the priority of visiting a kindergarten was to prepare the child for school. The teacher was tasked with teaching the child to read and write. But now, in the age of information technology, everything has changed. So, a number of changes were made to the Federal State Educational Standard, according to which the future student should leave the walls of the preschool educational institution adapted to the school system, a harmonious and developed personality, ready for all difficulties.
In accordance with this, classes are adjusted for innovations. To achieve this, a self-analysis of the occupation of the teacher of the preschool educational institution on GEF is carried out. Only on this person depends on the effectiveness and success of educational work, which must meet new requirements. Its purpose is to give knowledge, skills, to instill appropriate skills.
The teacher is a creative profession and at the same time requires high professionalism. Therefore, most teachers and employees of preschool educational institutions improve their qualifications and improve activities, an important factor for the effectiveness of which is the competent conduct of introspection of classes with children.
Specialists who just came to work in a preschool are often lost and do not know how and where to start. In this case, methodologists come to their aid.
Introspection of the occupation of the teacher of the preschool educational institution on GEF
Such work helps the teacher to determine whether all tasks have been achieved, identify positive aspects, decide what else needs to be worked on and what to look for.
For the analysis to be carried out correctly, the educator must make a list of questions that must be answered in the process before starting work. For instance:
- Do the children understand what the lesson is for?
- Are they ready for him?
- what is the form of the lesson;
- how accessible the material is;
- Are children interested?
- how the material is prepared;
- Does the lesson contribute to creative activity?
After determining the questions, the teacher must act in accordance with this list.
Stages of the work
A sample of introspection of the occupation of the teacher of the preschool educational institution on GEF will help to carry out the work correctly. The plan includes the following aspects:
- Description of the children's group.
- Comparison of material and program.
- Goal.
- A task.
- Use of visual aids.
- Stages and sequence of classes.
- The atmosphere in the lesson.
- Children's behavior.
- Result.
The first thing to do is to characterize the group. It should be clarified whether any work was previously carried out, whether the opportunities and peculiarities of the children were taken into account during the planning of the lesson. Then the used material is compared with the program, age, the stated goals and objectives are announced. The causes of failure, success are being clarified. It is determined how high-quality didactic material was, visual aids, their aesthetic appearance. Whether the structure of the lesson and clear transitions between stages were maintained. Active methods are highlighted.
The following is a description of the atmosphere in the lesson: how enthusiastic the children are, whether positive emotions were present, due to which the kids were interested, who and how often spoke, the reasons for the silence of the others. The form of work is determined: group, collective, individual.
The teacher should analyze his ability to organize children, establish contact with them, and also characterize the availability of speech.
The result is summarized: whether the goal was achieved, whether all the tasks were completed, what did not work out and how then to get out of the situation.
What will help in work
One of the most effective methods to increase the competence of personnel is self-analysis of the open lesson of the teacher of the preschool educational institution in GEF. In this case, the psychological factor plays an important role. The open lesson is attended by colleagues and management, which makes the specialist worry. It is in such a situation that all the flaws, strengths, which are indicated by those present at the end of the lesson, are manifested.
Situation example
Let us characterize the introspection of the occupation of the teacher of the preschool educational institution on FSES. For example, consider the theatrical production of the fairy tale "Turnip". The main goals:
- to teach children to imitate characters, convey emotions through facial expressions, gestures, movements;
- to ask questions;
- to cultivate friendships, a desire to help.
Main tasks:
- organize the active participation of children in the game;
- to teach to coordinate actions among themselves (heroes), role dialogue;
- develop imagination, interest in theatrical art.
In the process, you will need the following materials: clothing for heroes, masks, magic bag, tape recorder, cubes with the image of the heroes of a fairy tale, phonogram.
Before the lesson, a preview of the Repka puppet theater is preliminarily held, a fairy tale is read, a discussion, and illustrations are studied.
The lesson begins with the introduction. Here you need to positively configure the participants. To do this, a game is held with a surprise bag. Duration is approximately 2 minutes.
The main part lasts 10 minutes. Children are divided into “spectators” and “artists”. Here one gains game experience, the ability to listen, applaud, say "thank you", convey the image, change the timbre of the voice, use facial expressions, gestures.
To solve the educational problem, participants completed a number of tasks. So, in a game with a bag, they examined the objects in it by touch and identified them by shape. These were cubes depicting heroes that children arranged in the order in which the characters appeared. Artists reincarnated as characters, and the audience took their places.
It should be noted that when planning activities, a number of principles of training, choice, scientificness, consistency, systematicity were observed. A number of methods were used: visual, practical, verbal. The situation was divided into stages. Used group, frontal and individual forms. The goal is realized.
GEF requirements for future students
In accordance with the standards, children leaving the preschool should have communication skills, imagination, be proactive, cultural, with a friendly attitude towards others, with the ability to enjoy others' successes, empathize, empathize, not conflict, express their thoughts through coherent speech.
In order to instill such skills, it is necessary to improve the specialist’s qualifications, one of the most important methods for achieving which is self-analysis of the occupation of the teacher of the preschool educational institution in GEF. An example was given above.