Painkillers for a cat: list, composition, description, instructions, appointment of a veterinarian and dosage

Cats, like humans, experience pain in certain diseases. Pain in an animal can cause a number of unpleasant symptoms, shock and even death. During this period, the behavior of the pet changes, and he especially needs help and care. It must be shown to the veterinarian who will prescribe a full treatment and prescribe the necessary pain medication for the cat.

Causes and symptoms

A number of pathologies in a cat is accompanied by the appearance of pain. It worsens the condition of the animal, its health. Negatively affects the lifestyle of the pet. A cat can experience pain with the following diseases, these are:

  • oncology;
  • surgery and recovery period after it;
  • injuries, damage to internal organs, rupture of ligaments, dislocations, bruises and fractures;
  • renal failure in a chronic form of development;
  • inflammatory processes of internal organs, it can be pancreatic diseases (pancreatitis), disruption of the urinary apparatus, otitis media and endometritis;
  • peritonitis, as well as an expanded stomach syndrome;
  • colic both in the stoves and in the liver;
  • pathology of the nervous system;
  • toothache, especially when tooth enamel is destroyed.
Pain medication for cat

What symptoms indicate the appearance of pain? First of all, the behavior of the cat is changing. He becomes more aggressive and nervous. Anxiety appears. The pet begins to meow plaintively. When the disease begins to progress, apathy and lethargy are observed. The animal can hide in a corner and avoid all communication with the owner.

Loss of appetite, rapid heart rate, and frequent breathing may indicate a pain syndrome. Often pain is accompanied by salivation and stiffness of movements. To alleviate pain, the pet may take atypical postures.

The owner must pay attention to the unusual behavior of the animal in time and take timely measures. Is it possible to give cats pain medication on their own, without the appointment of a veterinarian? The answer is negative. After all, many analgesics that are used to treat a person should not be given to a cat because of their high toxicity. The doctor will prescribe not only a suitable pain medication for the cat, but also determine the dosage correctly. If necessary, prescribe additional therapy.

Types of Painkillers

Painkillers tablets for cats

What kind of pain medication can be given to the cat, the doctor will determine at the time of admission. All pain relievers used for animals are divided into two categories, these are:

  • Analgesics of the narcotic type. These drugs are classified as opioids. Means have a pronounced analgesic effect. They act directly on the central part of the nervous system. Affect pain located in the brain. They have sedative and sedative properties. They can be addictive. Provoke the appearance of a number of negative phenomena.
  • Non-narcotic drugs with anesthetic effect. This group includes non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Some drugs in this category can also be used to treat people. The drugs effectively relieve pain symptoms of moderate and mild severity. Widely used in the inflammatory process in joints and muscle tissue. Involved in the pathology of the digestive system. Poorly cope with pain arising from injuries, fractures and in the postoperative period.

Homeopathic remedies can be used to relieve pain in a pet.

In addition to analgesics, animals can be prescribed antispasmodic drugs, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory drugs, antipsychotics, and other drugs. Local painkillers are sometimes prescribed for a cat.

Narcotic Analgesics

tramadol ampoules

Whenever a pet experiences pain, any owner thinks what kind of pain medication can be given to a cat. In fact, the means by which animals can be treated are few. And the drugs used for people, dogs and other pets are not always suitable for cats.

Anesthetics for cats of narcotic type can be of both natural and synthetic origin. Such drugs are used in the most extreme cases, as they provoke the occurrence of serious side effects and can be addictive. These drugs cannot be purchased at a veterinary pharmacy. They are purchased in a regular pharmacy for people and only by prescription.

The following narcotic analgesics are considered adapted for cats:

  • "Tramadol." The active ingredient is tramadol hydrochloride. The drug is used at the rate of 4 mg / kg. The interval between taking the medicine and injecting is 6-8 hours. This is an indicative dosage, which may vary depending on the disease. Therapy lasts no more than five days.
  • Fentanyl. The active ingredient is fentanyl. The medicine is administered once every 48-72 hours. A dosage of 5 mg is taken per 450 grams of pet weight. The drug is addictive, so it can not be used for a long time.

Opioid drugs are used for severe pain arising from injuries and tumors. The drugs are produced in the form of tablets, injections, capsules and drops. They can only be purchased with a prescription. Medications provoke the appearance of such negative phenomena as vomiting, diarrhea and drowsiness.

The price of ten Tramadol ampoules of 2 ml is 200 rubles. Five ampoules of the drug "Fentanyl" can be purchased for 50 rubles. For external anesthesia, fentanyl patches are made.

Often, cats are prescribed Omnopon. It refers to narcotic pain medication. Contains morphine, papaverine, noscapine, codeine and thebaine. The daily dosage is 0.01-0.02 g, depending on the weight of the pet. The medicine remains effective for five hours. The drug is indicated for severe pain that occurs with injuries and due to the oncology.

An overdose of the drug can cause muscle weakness, a vomiting reflex, a feeling of drowsiness, and respiratory depression. The drug is made in ampoules for injection. The solution may have a 1% and 2% concentration of the active substance. It is released only by prescription.

Codeine is another narcotic analgesic used to treat pain in cats. The drug is a derivative of the opioid methylmorphine. The drug is not as effective as the above drugs. Therefore, they remove only moderate pain. The daily dosage is 0.01-0.05 g. The daily norm is divided into several doses. Depends on the body weight of the animal. Side effects include constipation, lethargy, and vomiting. A medicine is produced in the form of tablets and an injection solution. The price of ten pills varies around 50 rubles.

If the veterinarian prescribed a cat a narcotic pain medication, then in order to avoid stomach irritation, it is better to choose an injection form of the drug.

NSAIDs for cats

What kind of pain medication can a cat give

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory painkillers for cats not only relieve pain, but also eliminate inflammation. Not addictive. The following drugs are most popular among them:

  • "Ketofen." Anesthetic belongs to the group of carboxylic acids. The medication is made both in the form of tablets, and in ampoules for injection. The active substance is ketaprofen. Cats are administered subcutaneously at a dosage of 2 mg / kg. Only once a day, for three days. The drug is used for problems of the musculoskeletal system. Assign it for injuries. For external use, gels and ointments containing ketaprofen are available. Ten tablets cost around 450 rubles. The drug is well tolerated by animals and practically does not cause side effects. An exception is an allergy to the components of the drug.
  • Ketonal. The active ingredient is ketoprofen. It is made in the form of tablets, injection solution and in the form of a gel. It is a strong painkiller. Cats are prescribed in injectable form. He is pricked at the withers once a day. Dosage is 1 mg / kg. Used for mild to moderate pain, after injuries and operations. The price of 10 ampoules is 200 rubles.
  • "Meloxicam." It has both analgesic and anti-inflammatory moderate effects. Cats are given for bone disease, as well as for injuries and after surgery. Among the side effects are allergies and digestive upsets. The active element is meloxicam. In the first day the animal is injected with 0.1 mg / kg, in the subsequent 0.05 / kg. It is allowed to use the drug in the form of a suspension, which is mixed with food. On the first day they give 0.2 mg / kg, then give a dose of 0.1 mg / kg. The therapeutic course is 10 days. Three ampoules of “Meloxicam” cost around 200 rubles. The suspension is made under the name “Loxicom”. Its cost is 1000 rubles.
  • "Rimadil." The active substance is carprofen. It is produced both in tablet form and in the form of injections. It can be prescribed not only to relieve pain, but also to eliminate edema and the inflammatory process. It is indicated for injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The medication is well tolerated by cats. The drug is given in a dose of 2 mg / 1 kg. For a pet weighing more than 5 kg, ½ tablets with a dosage of 20 mg are used. The waste rate is divided into two doses. After a week, the therapeutic dosage is halved. The course of treatment is determined by the veterinarian. Twenty tablets cost around 500 rubles.
  • Vetalgin. The drug has a wide spectrum of action. It has two active components: diclofenac sodium and drotaverine hydrochloride. It is indicated for urolithiasis, as well as for muscle spasms of the gastrointestinal apparatus. It is also used for diseases of the joints and bones. Cats are treated at the rate of one tablet per kilogram of pet weight. The duration of treatment lasts from five to seven days. Ten tablets of Vetalgin cost about 50 rubles.

How can you anesthetize a cat yet? Approved drugs include Baralgin, Amidopyrine, Papaverine, Butadion, Aspirin, Antipyrine, Salicylamide, Dexafort, Analgivet, Flexoprofen, Vetalgin. When treating a cat with these drugs, one should not rely on the dosage indicated in the instructions. She is approximate. A more accurate single and daily dose is prescribed by the veterinarian after a thorough assessment of the condition of the animal.

NSAIDs should be given to the cat only after eating, as they strongly irritate the gastric mucosa. Often, the same medicines are used to treat cats as they are for humans. Most often they are used in a dosage intended for children under three years of age.

Oncology in animals

Strong analgesic injections are given to a cat in oncology. Most often, with this disease, Tramadol is prescribed. It acts on the spinal cord. It inhibits pain in the body, acts in the very center of the nervous system. The analgesic is very strong and can cause a lot of side effects in a cat. Applies only in cases of emergency.

To alleviate the condition of the cat with malignant tumors, give "Fentanyl." It can be prescribed both in tablets for oral administration, and in injections. Less toxic patch with fentanyl.

All narcotic analgesics are used only for health reasons. They can only be prescribed by a doctor. They are highly addictive, so with prolonged use, these drugs need to be changed from time to time. Periodically, you need to increase the dose.

In oncology, NSAIDs are also used. These drugs do not have such an analgesic effect as opioids, but they are not addictive. Long-term therapy with these drugs is allowed. They are prescribed by veterinarians with moderate pain. But non-steroidal drugs are far from safe. They can adversely affect the health status of the animal. Negatively affect the kidneys, liver organ and hematopoiesis system. And without a doctor’s prescription, they should not be used.

What to do in this situation? What to give to a cat? Anesthetic of a narcotic type or less harmful drugs for an animal? This issue is decided only by a specialist after examining a pet.

Toothache Analgesics

how to anesthetize a cat

What kind of pain medication should a cat have with a toothache? If the oral cavity is injured, teeth crumble or hurt, then the animal can be helped by applying the following gels:

  • "Traumatine."
  • "Critter."
  • "Metrogil Dent."
  • "Strong teeth."
  • Dentavedin.

The inflammatory process in the oral cavity can be eliminated by treating the mucous membrane with a solution of chlorhexidine several times a day. Can a cat anesthetize for toothache or not, the doctor should decide. Although if the pain is unbearable and causes discomfort to the pet, you should use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as Meloxicam, Ketofen, Ketonal.

Pancreatitis pain

Can cats be given pain medication for pancreatitis? Usually, with this disease, the pet experiences a fairly strong pain syndrome. To remove it, the following treatment regimen can be prescribed to the animal:

  • If the pain is tolerable, then veterinarians recommend Biprenorphine. Pain medication for a cat is administered intravenously or intramuscularly. A single dose of 0.005-0.015 mg / kg. The interval between injections is 4-8 hours.
  • Severe pain is eliminated by Fentanyl. The drug is administered both intravenously and intramuscularly in the number 0.005-0.01 mg / kg. The medicine is given to the animal every two hours.
  • In the most severe case, taking “Fentanyl” is combined with “Ketamine”. Medications are used in a dosage of 0.002-0.004 mg / kg and administered hourly.
What to give the cat pain medication

In order to fix the result, in addition to analgesics, a fentanyl patch is prescribed. Its action lasts for 3-4 days. The veterinarian may additionally prescribe pills, such as:

  • Butorphanol. The dosage for the cat is 0.5-1 mg / kg. The drug is taken every 6-8 hours.
  • "Tramadol." The norm for a cat is 4 mg / kg. Frequency of admission every 12 hours.

Painkillers for a cat with a fracture, injury and bruise

When a cat is fractured, the most powerful analgesics are prescribed, such as Tramadol and Fentanyl. In this situation, Ketonal, Rimadil, Tolphedin and Ketofen will help relieve pain.

In case of mild to moderate injury, the cat can be given painkillers in injections and tablets. The most popular medicines are:

  • "Baralgin";
  • "Arthrosan";
  • Pentalgin;
  • "Papaverine".

In some cases, the cat is administered “Analgin” with “Diphenhydramine”. The maximum dose of Analgin for a cat should not exceed 0.5 g.

Anesthetics for cat

If there are no tears and internal injuries, then ordinary ice will facilitate the condition with dislocations and bruises. In addition, painkillers such as Kefentek, Fentonil and Ketonal are used.

For bruises in a cat, painkillers and sprays are used. They are characterized by analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. Among them are "Traumagel", "Safroderm-gel" and "Bio Groom Spray".

Castration Cat: Painkillers

Castration, like sterilization, is a very unpleasant and painful procedure for a pet. At first, the animal is suppressed and loses its appetite. It is at this time, that is, in the first week after the operation, the pet needs to be given analgesics. In the veterinary clinic, the doctor says how to anesthetize the cat. Most often, the following medicines are used for these purposes:

  • Suspension "Loxicom". It is produced with different concentrations of the active substance of 0.5 and 1.5 mg / ml. On the first day after castration, 0.1 mg / kg is prescribed. On the second day, the cat is given 0.05 mg / kg.
  • "Rimadil." It is produced in tablets of 20 and 50 mg. The pills have a taste of the liver, so the animal eats them without difficulty. On the first day, give a dosage of 4 mg / kg, after a week of treatment, the dose is reduced to 2 mg / kg. A 20 mg tablet is designed for an animal weighing 5 kg.
  • "Ketofen." A solution of 1% is prescribed in a dosage of 0.2 ml / kg. The course lasts from one to three days.
  • Ketonal. For an injection, 0.2 ml of the drug is diluted with 1 ml of saline. The resulting volume is designed for an animal weighing 5 kg. Injections are given subcutaneously once a day.

Anesthetic helps the cat recover. Improves his well-being and shortens the period of rehabilitation of the animal.


Both narcotic analgesics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can not only alleviate the condition of the animal, but also cause serious side effects. Therefore, without the need, you should not resort to these medications. And with moderate pain, the use of homeopathic medicines is allowed. The most common are:

  • "Traumeel." . 15 . . 24 . – . , , . . 1 . - 0,5 .
  • «». -2. 0,5-2 . ¼ . .

, . . .

About what painkillers can cats, was described in detail in this article. The final decision in the treatment of the animal remains with the veterinarian.

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