Instructive parables for children

Very few parents read parables for children. Most think that their child is too small and unable to understand the deep meaning inherent in them. However, in vain. Children are little things that look for meaning in everything that happens. Sometimes even that which would seem to require no explanation at all raises the question “why?” In children. Therefore, it will be very interesting for kids to hear from adults an instructive semblance of a fairy tale. You can read parables for children from around the age of 3. During this period, the baby is already aware of everything, may ask what he does not understand.

parables for children and adults

Over time, parables for children will do their job and form a correct worldview for the child, a simpler attitude to life, and they will learn to value everything that they have. In addition, children tend to "live the life" of the characters in parables. It helps them share joy with others, and also teaches empathy and compassion. Good parables can help the baby get rid of anxieties, develop self-confidence, cure greed, boast and envy.

Now there is a huge amount of children's instructive literature. For the little ones, fairy tales-parables for children are best suited. They are simple to perceive, but at the same time they develop imagination and enrich the vocabulary of the baby. These instructive stories explain to children that life does not have a strict distinction between good and bad, the same problem has several solutions, and hopeless situations do not exist at all. Parables for children and adults captivate with their wisdom, set out in a simple, accessible, but at the same time such an interesting form.

Who is more tender?

parables for children

My father had two daughters. The eldest possessed exceptional beauty. She had a tender pink face, fluffy soft hair and a sweet, pleasant voice. Her father loved her very much, tirelessly admired her beauty and always compared with a beautiful rose.

The youngest daughter was quite good and obedient, but her features were rougher, and her skin was rough and dry from constant housework. That is why her father liked her much less. As a result, the father spoiled the eldest daughter, and “loaded” the younger daughter with work.

Once, when his father went hunting, misfortune overtook him. A gun burst in his hand. Hands and face were burned and cut by splinters. The doctor healed all the wounds of the man, bandaged them with a bandage, and told his daughters that their father had become helpless and that for some time he could neither see anything nor eat himself.

fairy tales parables for children

The youngest daughter reacted to her dad’s illness with understanding, she promised to be his hands and eyes until full recovery. Every day for a whole year she took care of her father, fed him and watered with healing herbs. The eldest daughter never found time for the patient. She refused her requests to stay nearby, arguing that there was no free time, the need to go to the garden or on a date.

When the father recovered, and the blindfold was removed from his eyes, he saw two daughters in front of him: the oldest, gentle as a flower, and the youngest - the most ordinary. He hugged the second of them and said:

- Thank you, daughter, for your care and concern. I could never have imagined that you are so gentle and kind.

“But I am much more tender!” - Arrogantly remarked the eldest daughter.

“During my illness, I realized that tenderness is not in the softness of the skin,” my father explained.

This example of a parable for children clearly makes it clear that in people, in the first place, one should value the inner beauty, and only then the outer one. It is not in vain that they say that appearance is deceiving.

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