How to add music in Odnoklassniki to your page?

Social account Networks are not only an opportunity to make friends and correspond. With it, you can share with others the bright moments of life, emotions and experiences, interests and preferences. To do this, you just need to fill out your page with interesting information, photos, videos, music. For advanced users, the design of their account is not difficult.

However, daily in the social. hundreds of people are registered in the networks, among whom you can meet those who have just begun to join the virtual world. Most often they are already middle-aged. Their huge desire to fully communicate with the world via the Internet is faced with an obstacle - there is little computer experience, and the question of how to add music to Odnoklassniki or other content is perplexing. Because of this, file allocation becomes a daunting task.

Nevertheless, there is no reason to despair. After all, in order to communicate in the social. networks brought satisfaction, you do not need to be a professional, just know a few rules. In this article they will be considered on the example of the popular social. Odnoklassniki networks. Novice users will learn how to upload music files to their page, add them to messages.

Where to begin?

how to add music to classmates from a computer

Representatives of the older generation often give preference to music, rather than an excessive amount of personal photos and even more so selfies. They can be understood, with age, the desire for a calmer rhythm of life appears.

Musical compositions help to relax, recharge with a good mood, forget about unpleasant moments, and they can also decorate messages. Before you add music to Odnoklassniki from your computer, you need to find all your favorite files. They may already be on the device. Missing songs can be easily downloaded from the Internet, just use any search engine (Yandex, Google, Yahoo, etc.), enter a name, then find it on the proposed sites.

Uploading to a computer will not be difficult, there is a “download” button next to each song, after double-clicking with the left mouse button, it starts sending music to the device.

Uploading music to the social page. the network

How to upload an audio file

Before adding music to Odnoklassniki, you need to know that this can be done in two ways.

  1. Adding files from the PC hard drive. To do this, go to your page in the social. network, in the upper orange panel find the "Music" section and click on it with the left mouse button. After that, a window with a list of tasks will open, you must select "Add Music", left-click. In the window that appears, select the section or folder where the desired songs are located, all the music stored on the computer will be displayed. It remains only to select the necessary files in mp3 format, again using the left mouse button, and they will appear on the site in the "My Music" section.

  2. You can add your favorite songs directly from the Odnoklassniki website, using the search section. As in the previous version, you need to open the list of tasks, enter the name of the musical composition on the query line, click the "Find" button. If the desired songs are displayed, then move the mouse cursor to the desired one, then click on the “+” that appears. After that, the composition will be saved in My Music. Now the file is available for free listening on the site.

How to add music to Odnoklassniki from your phone?

Download music from a mobile phone

A smartphone and tablet are capable of much, it’s convenient with them. However, compared to PCs, their functionality has limitations. They apply to such an opportunity as adding music to Odnoklassniki. By accessing the page from your phone, you can listen to them, as well as search and add new ones, but only those that are on the site. Adding songs that are stored in the smartphone’s memory is currently not possible.

How to send music files in a message?

Sending music to Odnoklassniki in a message

Two options are available:

  1. Through search engines, find the desired composition, copy the link, then paste it into the message. After receiving the message, the recipient will be able to follow it to a page with this file and listen to it.

  2. You can donate music files, provided that their size is not too large for this. This can be checked by moving the mouse cursor over the file, if the "Gift" symbol is displayed, then it is possible to send musical greetings. You will need to click on this symbol with the left mouse button, then select the friend to whom you want to send the song. True, it should be clarified, this service is paid. The cost will be indicated before confirming the sending of the gift, so it is better to check in advance the availability of funds for payment.

It should be noted that on the Odnoklassniki website it is impossible to add music to the message as a file.


These are the basic rules. I must say that there are few of them. Answering the question of how to add music to Odnoklassniki is now easy. On this site there are expressive clues that will not let go astray. The main drawback in this case is that the full use of this resource is possible only through a PC or laptop.

However, don’t be upset, Internet technologies are constantly moving forward, maybe the time is not so far when you can get full access to music on the Odnoklassniki website through mobile devices.

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