The norm of fetal weight at 33 weeks of gestation. What happens at 33 weeks gestation

The closer the time of onset of labor, the more a growing baby becomes viable. The main task of a pregnant woman is to deliver the baby as long as possible, avoiding the premature onset of labor. What can lead to this phenomenon, which is often found at 33 weeks of gestation? This issue excites many women. Especially if there are any abnormalities in the development of the fetus.

Changes that happen to the expectant mother

baby at 33 weeks

By this time, the pregnant woman is already getting used to the changes that constantly occur in her body. This period falls on maternity leave, when you do not have to rush to work and you can devote all your free time to yourself and preparation for the upcoming birth. It seems that they still have a lot of time, but this may not be so at all.

Readiness for childbirth is determined not only by how a woman feels, but also by whether the fetus meets the norms of weight at 33 weeks of gestation. Most likely, by this time she will have already passed the third screening, which includes the mandatory procedure for passing an ultrasound examination. The specialist determines the height (it should be between 35-45 cm) and weight (about 1700-2000 g) from the table of norms . It is necessary to take into account the personal parameters of the parents, if both of them are not distinguished by high growth or large body weight, then most likely their baby will also have miniature parameters. Therefore, the issue of compliance or deviation from these standards should be approached purely individually. Do not forget that even if there is a lag behind the norm of the fetal weight at 33 weeks of gestation, then, most likely, closer to the birthday he will gain the necessary grams. The main thing is that the expectant mother should remain calm and observe the daily regimen, adhere to proper nutrition.

Based on the obtained indicators, you can get an idea only about the approximate weight of the child. The determination of these parameters is necessary in order to have an idea about the probability of the birth of a large fetus, its location, the state of amniotic fluid and the placenta at the time of birth. This may affect the mode of delivery.

As a rule, if a baby weighs less than the established norm at 33 weeks of gestation, then this is not a reason to panic. In practice, doctors prescribe vitamin therapy, and mom is recommended to walk and relax more.

External changes in the pregnant

33 weeks pregnant

Without ultrasound, it is impossible to imagine how a child develops inside the mother’s womb. Only with the help of this research method can you personally see what the baby is doing at the moment, how he feels, whether or not there are deviations in the development of internal organs, parts of the body. But there is one drawback: you can not resort to this method of observation constantly. Consequently, how pregnancy proceeds can be judged only by how the stomach grows at 33 weeks of pregnancy, how much the woman gained weight. The processes taking place inside the mother’s body are also judged by the results of blood and urine tests, the presence of edema and emerging complaints about well-being.

At this stage of pregnancy, the expectant mother may note that the growth of the abdomen has slowed somewhat. This is due to the fact that the peak of its intensive growth occurs in the second trimester, when every week changes in its shape and size become noticeable. At 32-33 weeks of pregnancy, the abdomen becomes more rounded, in some pregnant women more convex, as if inside a ball. External outlines acquire smooth contours, and the position of the baby determines what the upcoming birth will be. This means that if the baby is positioned head down, the delivery will most likely take place naturally, since in a pelvic position (when the baby is head up), a cesarean section is recommended. But even if for this period the baby has not yet taken the correct position, this does not mean at all that he will not change it in the process of childbirth. And this happens in practice, so you should not worry in advance.

In addition to increasing the size of the abdomen, changes also occur in the appearance of the pregnant woman. Others may notice that not only the tummy is rounded, but also the facial features become softer externally. This is due to the active work of hormones that the mother's body actively produces. Most women say that hair has become stronger, nails break less.

The gait also changes, the movements are not so fast. In some cases, women note that pinching of the sciatic nerve may occur, and then the gait becomes like a duck. But do not be shy about it, you can reduce the load if you go slowly. A growing tummy makes itself felt more and more, leaning forward or just crouching is becoming increasingly difficult. Therefore, it is imperative that someone close to you be with the pregnant woman and help, for example, put on shoes or put a pillow under your back while relaxing.

What does a pregnant woman feel at this time?

height and weight of the baby

A visit to the doctor and control of the gestational age take place according to the weeks of gestation. Therefore, it happens that the question is how many months at 33 weeks of gestation, some may enter into a stupor. In fact, everything is not so complicated, this period is 8 months and 1 week. Any deviations from normal health should alert the expectant mother. The appearance of late signs of toxicosis can lead to the need for a while to lie in hospital. The reason for this measure can also serve as a deviation to a smaller side from the norm of the fetal weight at 33 weeks of gestation. In order to maintain the general health of the mother and stimulate weight gain, the baby is prescribed a vitamin complex in the form of intravenous injections, as well as drugs to normalize blood supply (for example, Curantil).

Training fights are considered the norm, which can begin from the 33rd week. In order to reduce tone and muscle spasms, it is recommended to use No-Shpa, Papaverin. You can take a warm bath; the direction of the shower stream to the lumbar region helps a lot. If, after all the manipulations, the cramping attacks do not stop, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

At this time, anemia can occur due to low hemoglobin, so it is worth including iron-rich foods in the diet. If the duration of sleep is less than eight hours a day, then circles under the eyes cannot be avoided. To prevent this, it is recommended to interrupt your activity even in the afternoon. The optimal position during sleep on the side becomes common for most pregnant women. This is an important point, since an enlarged uterus when lying on its back can lead to compression of the vena cava. A woman may feel that the child begins to actively move, which in this case is a sign of insufficient oxygen supply.

It is worth paying attention to the discharge, if they have streaks of blood, a lot of mucus, then, most likely, the mucous plug begins to recede. This symptom is not characteristic for this time, therefore it is recommended to consult a doctor.

How does the baby feel?

baby position

For the active movement of the baby inside the placenta, there is less and less free space. Mom may note that fetal movements at 33 weeks of gestation become more coordinated. At this stage, the internal organs of the child continue to form. In particular, subcutaneous fat is formed, iron stores in the liver, the endocrine system completes the developmental stages, the walls of blood vessels thicken, and the heart grows in size. The child is actively interested in what is happening outside. It can respond to loud sound, bright light.

One of the important indicators of health is the formation of one's own immunity. While the baby is in the womb, the mother's body protects him, but as soon as he is born, he will need his own protective resource, which will protect him from harmful microorganisms.

If at 33 weeks of gestation the fetal weight norm is determined by ultrasound, then in this same study, the degree of lung maturity is determined. This indicator is important in that in case of emergency development of labor, it determines the survival of the fetus. It is worth noting that, along with data on lung development, indicators of liver echogenicity are compared. Normally, they should coincide and be equally developed.

Determination of fetal development parameters by ultrasound

ultrasound baby

An ultrasound scan is necessary not only to determine height and weight, but also to understand what happens to the baby at 33 weeks of gestation. Visually on the screen, all sizes are determined from the head to the legs. These parameters make it possible to determine whether the fetal development corresponds to the established gestational age. In particular, the following values ​​are measured (norms will be indicated in parentheses):

  • Circumference of the head (289-333 mm) and abdomen (267-325 mm).
  • Biparietal size (77-91 mm).
  • Fronto-occipital size (98-116 mm).
  • Nasal bone (8.9-13.9 mm).
  • Coccyx-parietal size (at 33 weeks of gestation, fetal size is about 30 cm).
  • The measurement is to determine the length of the bones: the humerus (53-63 mm), forearm (46-54 mm), thigh (58-68 mm), lower leg (54-62 mm).

It should be borne in mind that with multiple pregnancy, the size and weight of babies may differ from the above norms. Therefore, one should not expect that at 32-33 weeks of gestation they will fit the generally accepted standards. As a rule, by the time of birth, the weight of one baby can be no more than 2500 g, and the second is heavier than the first by only 200-300 g.

The norm of fetal weight at 33 weeks of gestation also depends on the lifestyle of the expectant mother, heredity and the presence of pathologies. If polyhydramnios is established, then the child may weigh less than expected. It also confirms the likelihood of developing a congenital disease. For this reason, it is important to control the well-being and changes that occur in the child’s body throughout the entire period of pregnancy.

Stirring and their intensity

33 weeks pregnant woman

The force of the blows becomes more tangible than before. This is due to the fact that the child is gaining muscle mass. Amniotic fluid volume is slightly reduced. The fetus spends more and more time sleeping, and a woman can clearly distinguish his mode of activity, periods of rest. At 33 weeks of gestation, the baby can see their first dreams. This is because connections between neurons begin to appear in the fetal brain.

Doctors recommend controlling the intensity of the movements, normally it should be at least 10 times in two hours. It is necessary to consider even weak movements of the baby. Too frequent and active movements can also indicate a lack of oxygen. Therefore, it is worthwhile to regularly air the room in which the pregnant woman is, and to be in the fresh air for at least 3-4 hours a day.

Strange tremors, or How to understand that the child hiccups

Similar to the movements, but more regular and longer in duration - this is all about the first signs of hiccups in a child. She can not be confused with the usual movements of the child. If it is located in the womb correctly, we are talking about the head presentation of the fetus during pregnancy at 33 weeks, then rhythmic tremors will be felt in the lower abdomen. The movement of the legs will be felt in the area of ​​the ribs, in the upper abdomen. With the pelvic position of the fetus, everything will be exactly the opposite. Accordingly, with a transverse arrangement, the head will be on the side, from where the mother will feel the corresponding shocks.

There is no clear criterion regarding the frequency of cases of hiccups in a child during the day. Some pregnant women noted this phenomenon throughout the day: in the morning, afternoon and evening. Others, on the contrary, once every few days. There are several versions about why this happens, for example, some believe that in this way the baby’s body prepares for birth by training the lungs. According to another version, he swallows amniotic fluid, which causes a decrease in the diaphragm. Therefore, if at 33 weeks of gestation the baby hiccups, then this is more likely the norm than the deviation.

In any case, do not immediately panic. A sign of hypoxia (lack of oxygen) is a decrease in hemoglobin and the absence of fetal movement. In other cases, it is necessary to adhere to the correct sleep and rest regimen.

Standards of the fetus

head and pelvic presentation

The main questions that concern not only parents, but also the doctor: what happens to the baby at 33 weeks of gestation, how does he feel, what position did he occupy in the uterine cavity? It is believed that with premature birth at this time, the baby is born quite viable. One of the important parameters that are determined at this stage of pregnancy is the position of the fetus in the womb. The most unfavorable option is the transverse arrangement. It is an absolute indication for obstetric care with cesarean section. The least successful, but probable option for taking birth in a natural way is the pelvic position of the fetus. However, there are some peculiarities that are determined closer to the expected date of birth.

It is believed that the main part of the hard way has been covered, on the calendar - 33 weeks of pregnancy, how many months are already behind, we can safely say that this is the finish line. Therefore, it is necessary to accept the fact of the location of the fetus and not to worry if obstetric care will be carried out using surgical intervention.

Different position of the fetus can occur with multiple pregnancy. In this case, it is almost likely that one of the kids will be located correctly, the other is not. Therefore, doctors pay special attention to the development of the fetus at 33 weeks of gestation and before the birth itself. Since with multiple pregnancies, the risk of the onset of labor previously laid is quite large. To preserve and control the course of multiple pregnancy for the longest possible period, doctors recommend that the woman go to the hospital in advance.

Pelvic presentation

When the child does not have time to roll over with his head down, to take the position that is most optimal for his birth, doctors talk about pelvic presentation. At 33 weeks of gestation, it is likely that the baby will no longer be able to change position and by the time labor begins, the question will arise about how it is born. Thanks to modern technology, it is possible to control this issue before the onset of intense fights. Doctors try to offer the most favorable option for maintaining the health of the mother and the fetus, as a rule, this is a cesarean section.

Women who are faced with this situation often ask themselves: what happens at 33 weeks of gestation with a baby who is in the pelvic presentation? Definitely do not worry about the fact that this can harm the child. If the remaining indicators are normal, then before the birth itself it is necessary to adhere to the doctor's recommendations. In medical practice, it is customary to distinguish the following types of presentation:

  • Gluteal-legged, which is diagnosed in 25% of cases in pregnant women, in which the position of the legs of the fetus is crossed, the knees and hips are bent.
  • The gluteal is considered the most favorable for the possibility of natural delivery. Such a diagnosis is made in 65% of cases of pelvic presentation of the fetus. The position of the baby is visualized by ultrasound as follows: sitting on the priest, the knees are straightened, the legs are pressed to the body and bent at the hips.
  • Leg position occurs in 10% of cases. It looks like this: one or two legs of the fetus are unbent in the thigh.

However, there is a small percentage of probability that the mother will be able to "negotiate" with the baby and he will nevertheless take the correct pose. Some doctors recommend standing on all fours, thereby stimulating the baby to move. By the way, this exercise perfectly relaxes the back muscles. Therefore, we can safely say that it is useful for both.

Finding out the reason that leads to a similar arrangement of the fetus, it is worth noting that there may be other factors:

  • Premature onset of labor (it is believed that up to 36 weeks there is a chance that the baby will change his position).
  • High water or low water (this leads to excessive activity of the fetus inside the womb, or, conversely, the inability to occupy the correct location due to lack of space).
  • The presence of defects or abnormalities in the development of the child.
  • Weak muscles of the uterus, which occurs during short breaks between a previous and a real pregnancy.
  • Pathologies in the development of the uterus, irregular structure, the presence of fibroids.

What causes the entanglement of the umbilical cord

During the third screening, not only the condition of the fetus is determined, but also the functioning of the uteroplacental circulation. In some cases, cord entanglement is established. At the 33rd week of pregnancy, this may indicate that immediately after the birth of the baby, the doctor will urgently need to remove the umbilical loop from his neck. The possibility of entanglement is affected not so much by the mobility of the child as the length of the umbilical cord. It is believed that the longer it is (for example, more than 70 cm), the higher the risk of loops around the baby’s neck. There have been cases when the umbilical cord wrapped around the fetal body, reducing its motor activity.

Blood flow control inside the umbilical cord is performed using dopplerometry and during CTG. These studies allow us to determine what happens at 33 weeks of pregnancy with the baby and how he feels. Since, while inside the womb, the baby does not breathe on its own, the presence of a single or more entanglement does not pose a particular threat to the health of the fetus. It is worth fearing only when the blood supply is disturbed and the child begins to experience signs of hypoxia. You can correct the picture with the help of properly prescribed treatment. A doctor who is pregnant can do this.

Feels like at 33 weeks of gestation a woman may not notice that her baby has an umbilical cord entanglement. Until the birth itself, this moment does not manifest itself. However, the delivery doctor must be aware of this circumstance. As a rule, he learns about this, studying the results of ultrasound, which are available on the medical record.

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