Multiple sclerosis is a disease that damages the human nervous system, while affecting the emotional and disturbing physical condition of the patient. For some reason, many consider it to be just a memory disorder, but this is not at all true. Multiple sclerosis has no effect on either memory or human intellectual abilities. It begins with the banal growth of tissues in the brain and spinal cord, the so-called areas of sclerosis. After some time, there are more of them. That is why they called this disease - multiple sclerosis. It appears in most cases up to forty years, then disappears for a while and returns after a few years, gaining even more strength during this time.
Symptoms of this disease are many and they are diverse. They can occur completely suddenly or in connection with a trauma, as a result of a nervous breakdown or even childbirth. Its first symptoms are a change in the sensitivity of the limbs, impaired vision and the appearance of dizziness.
All of the above symptoms appear at the initial stage. If the disease has passed into a more serious form, then along with these signs in a patient, a violation of motor activity begins to be accompanied by a wobbling gait and trembling. At the same time, a person cannot stand for a long time in one place.
Further it only gets worse. The sensitivity of the limbs is reduced even more, while there is aching pain and slight tingling throughout the body. Vision drops sharply, speech slows down. Fecal and urinary incontinence are sure signs that the disease has entered a new stage.
Depending on whether areas of the spinal cord or brain are damaged, patient complaints may vary. In men, this disease can cause impotence. Many have memory loss, the inability to concentrate on any subject, the mood either rises, or vice versa - is depressive. The body in such cases is very weakened, in this regard, the patient is quickly tired.
However, the symptoms in each case are manifested differently. In some, they persist throughout the illness, in others the symptoms can recede, some disappear altogether, new ones appear - it all depends on the severity of the disease.
Causes of Multiple Sclerosis
What are the causes of the disease Multiple sclerosis can not say exactly any doctor, but, according to some scientists, it is associated with a viral infection, which many suffer from in childhood.
It is believed that you can fully recover if you start treatment on time. But the predictions will be disappointing if the disease already has a neglected form and new inflammations appear in addition to those that already exist. In this case, recovery is no longer possible.
I would also like to note that the place of residence is a determining factor in the development of multiple sclerosis. So, in people who live in a warm climate, the risk of this disease is practically eliminated. According to statistics, men suffer from this disease less than women. Also, according to scientists, in most cases this disease is hereditary.
Multiple Sclerosis Treatment
Until recently, it was believed that this disease was incurable. But today, scientists have found that multiple sclerosis is being treated. To do this, you just need to accurately diagnose, the main thing is to do it on time. Since multiple sclerosis is a viral disease, the virus must be treated so that it does not develop further. Treatment should occur as in allergies. To date, there are many methods of treating this disease, while there are already positive results.
So, how to cure multiple sclerosis? Medicines have not yet been invented, but, as mentioned above, there are many methods, and they do their job very well. Each patient has the right to choose his own path of treatment and at the same time keep the disease completely dependent on constant monitoring of this treatment.
It is clearly necessary to understand that only a doctor can determine which treatment is right for you. Proper treatment will allow you to lead a full life, with the least loss to health. With minor exacerbations, doctors advise drinking vitamins and various sedatives. If you have severe exacerbations, then you can’t get off with vitamins alone. Only droppers that reduce exacerbations will help here.
So to summarize. Multiple sclerosis is a very serious disease in which the brain and spinal cord suffer. The main thing is to make the correct diagnosis on time and begin appropriate treatment. But do not get upset. Many with multiple sclerosis have been living for many years, completely without changing their usual way of life. And in appearance it is very difficult to say where is healthy and where is a sick person. Therefore, follow all the instructions prescribed by your doctor and your health will become better and better every day.