Delivery at 30 weeks of gestation: the probability of a successful outcome

Delivery at 30 weeks of gestation is a common fear in expectant mothers. Such a risk exists even with the successful bearing of the fetus and a good state of health, so doubt somehow lives in the heart of a woman. It is better to familiarize yourself with this topic in advance in order to dispel unpleasant myths and speculation.

Probability of premature birth

Delivery at 30 weeks of gestation is considered premature. In earlier times, if a baby was born before the 28th week, it was considered a miscarriage, but modern technology allows nursing babies born from the 22nd week with a weight of 0.5 kg if they survive and do not die within 7 days .

delivery at 30 weeks of gestation

Nursing such newborns is a rather complicated process. Expensive, modern equipment is required, which is only available in first-class hospitals. One way or another, doctors are required to fight for the life of the baby. However, this requires special preparations. They are in specialized clinics and maternity hospitals.

When premature birth occurs at 30 weeks of gestation, babies weigh 1–2 kg. The type of treatment and the likelihood of fetal survival depend on the condition of the mother. A woman who is afraid to give birth prematurely should know that about 7% of children are born earlier than planned. Of these, labor at 30 weeks of gestation occurs in 30% of cases.

In modern clinics, doctors can nursing such babies, save the lives of more than half. Most are born on time, so if there are no prerequisites, you should not worry again. Otherwise, the main thing is to immediately contact a doctor.


Why does labor occur at 30-31 weeks of gestation? The reason for this can be diseases and infections that appeared in the body in the early stages. The uterine cavity is an extremely sensitive medium that is acutely responsive to any irritation.

If the muscles cannot stretch, this will prevent the baby from developing. It is squeezed by the walls of the uterus, because of which it comes out earlier. Therefore, it is important to take tests that can detect the presence of infections, even before fertilization. If any are found, they are treated. In extreme cases, this is done in the early stages to prevent childbirth at 29-30 weeks of gestation.

preterm birth at 30 weeks gestation

Cervical insufficiency (cervical insufficiency)

Another reason is the pathology that occurs in the cervix. She does not have enough strength to hold an ever-growing fetus, therefore, it is revealed, because of which childbirth occurs at the 30th week of pregnancy.

This is not a congenital disease. It appears due to miscarriages and abortions, during which the uterine cavity is scraped. Any artificial intervention using expansion tools is harmful. Another cause of the disease can be too many male hormones produced in the adrenal glands.

Other reasons

In some women, the uterus is simply underdeveloped or improperly developed (infantilism, two-horned, saddle-shaped). Endocrine diseases (pathologies of the thyroid gland, diabetes mellitus) harm someone. Do not write off the harmful effects of cigarettes, drugs and alcohol, stress at work and irregular working hours and rest.

If premature birth took place in the past, it is likely that they will recur. So there are indeed many reasons. If a woman notices some of these symptoms at home, this is not a cause for alarm, but consult with a specialist will not be out of place.

delivery at 30 31 weeks of gestation

Then the doctor will be able to monitor the condition of the pregnant woman and prevent the unwanted development of the situation. He will be able to timely identify the precursors of childbirth at 30 weeks of gestation, provide assistance that will delay the fetus in the womb, ensure its health and vitality, and stop the baby's birth that has begun prematurely.

However, this is only possible if the cervix is ​​not yet open. In this case, everything has to be done very carefully to ensure the salvation of the baby.

Harbingers of Preterm Birth

How to understand that a woman is threatened with childbirth at 30 weeks of pregnancy? Testimonials from mothers passing through them indicate that they felt pain in the lower back and lower abdomen. The tone of the walls increases and the stomach hardens. The uterus remains closed, tolerates contractions and contractions.

After this, shortening and opening occurs, amniotic fluid flows. In total, the symptoms are identical to those during normal birth of an infant, with the exception of some complications associated with hemorrhage and exfoliation of the placenta. They flow much faster than under standard conditions.

childbirth at 30 weeks of pregnancy consequences


If there are signs indicating a threat of premature birth, an ambulance should be called. An independent attempt to get to the hospital will not be a good idea. Due to the additional load on the body and movements, childbirth will only accelerate, which is not at all desirable if there are no required equipment and medicines nearby.

It is important to get to the hospital, where they can work with the premature birth of a baby. Then the heir will not only be born safely, but will also be surrounded by the care of qualified specialists.

By making an ambulance call, a woman should drink motherwort or valerian to calm down, and 2 No-shpa tablets as an antispasmodic. Next is to lie down calmly and wait for the doctors to arrive. You can promise yourself and your baby that everything will go well. The most important thing is not to lose your temper, because extra nerves only exacerbate the situation.

delivery at 29 30 weeks of gestation

Doctors work

After arriving at the maternity hospital, they will examine the expectant mother, establish whether the preterm birth has actually begun, and examine the condition of the cervix. Prescribe drugs that reduce uterine tension. As a rule, it is "Genipral" or "Patrusiten". For speedy action, the introduction of drugs is carried out using a syringe into a vein.

When the condition stabilizes, tablets are used until the 37th week, which is considered a normal period for childbirth. A woman takes sedatives to normalize the psycho-emotional background. Stress can push the body to prematurely reject the baby.

Having survived this once, the expectant mother can hardly calm down, so it is often difficult to do without special tools. The doctor determines the cause of the incident. In case of detection of infection, leakage or waste of amniotic fluid, the pregnant woman drinks antibiotics to protect the child from the threat.

If the cause is uterine underdevelopment, complications are fought with the help of a Golgi ring that tightens the cervix. Also prescribed “Dexamethasone”, which increases the viability of the fetus, strengthens its respiratory organs.

In cases where the preservation of pregnancy threatens the life of the fetus or mother, childbirth does not stop, but rather stimulates.

delivery at 30 weeks gestation reviews


What do birth bring with you at 30 weeks of gestation? The consequences are negligible for a woman. Perineal rupture due to the small size of the fetus is unlikely. Otherwise, everything proceeds, as in the usual resolution of the burden.

The delay in the hospital occurs only in connection with the condition of the child. The mother is sent for an examination to establish the causes of the incident. Prescribe treatment to eliminate factors affecting such an outcome.

At the birth of the next child, the woman is constantly monitored by the doctor, especially at the time when the previous first-born was born, as well as on the 14-21th day (the fetal egg is attached), from the 4th to the 12th week, when the placenta is formed, with The 18th to the 22nd week, when the uterus grows intensively, and on the days of the alleged course of menstruation.

It is much more difficult to survive a baby's earlier birth. He will most likely be sent to the intensive care unit. Mothers and relatives, as well as a team of doctors spend a lot of energy on nursing a child, but it is quite possible.

precursors of labor at 30 weeks of gestation

A flexible organism of children with proper care is able to overcome all the complications and embark on the path of proper development, recover in such a way that the early term of birth does not affect the future life of a person.

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