Needless to say, protecting your system with an anti-virus package is one of the priority tasks for any user. Many people choose Kaspersky Lab products for installation. However, even the free Kaspersky Anti-Virus, which appeared relatively recently (before that, all products were paid or shareware), does not want to install correctly in the system, giving an error message with the number 1719.
What does the error when installing Kaspersky 1719 mean?
Before deciding to fix a problem, consider the nature of the failure itself. Here you need to clearly understand that the same free "Kaspersky" has absolutely nothing to do with it. Error 1719 may also appear during the installation of other software products.
«» 1719 ( ) Windows « » . , , .
, 1719 «» (Windows 10 ). msiexec.exe, System32 Windows .
, «» , , , «» . , ( ).
, , . regedit «» HKLM. SYSTEM, – CurrentControlSet, – Services. msiserver. ImagePath . , . , .
, , msiexec /regserver. . .
«»: 1719 ( « » ).
. «» 1719 . . , , .
, , :
- attrib -r -s -h C:\Windows\system32\dllcache;
- ren msi.dll msi.old;
- ren msiexec.exe msiexec.old;
- ren msihnd.dll msihnd.old;
- exit.
, , . «» 1719 ( ) .
, : , (, «» ).
, 1719 . , , ( , , ).
It remains to add that these are two fundamental solutions to eliminate such an error. Unfortunately, there are no other options today, of course, except for a complete reinstallation of the system. You can try to copy the original file from the installation disk, but if one is not available, these methods guarantee that the failure is completely eliminated.