Salmon oil for dogs: instructions and reviews

A dog is by far the most loyal pet to man. Four-legged pets can be excellent companions for the elderly, relieve depression, are loyal defenders. Of course, dog owners are trying their best to create optimal living conditions for them. And first of all it concerns, of course, a balanced diet. In order for pets to feel good and not to get sick, salmon oil is often used as a dietary supplement for them. For dogs, this product can actually be very useful.

What is salmon oil?

Ready expensive high-quality dry and wet feeds supplied to the modern market usually contain all the vitamins necessary for dogs, trace elements and food acids. However, many pet lovers prefer to feed their four-legged friends with all-natural food. Such dogs, among other things, must additionally receive various kinds of additives that make up for the lack of useful substances in their body.

Salmon oil

This variety of products includes salmon oil. For dogs, this supplement may be beneficial in terms of simply maintaining health or improving the exterior. Also, this tool is often used as an adjunct in the treatment of various kinds of diseases.

Many companies are releasing this product today. For example, Vividus Salmon Oil dog salmon oil is very popular with pet owners. To produce this product, only high-quality fish obtained in ecologically clean areas of the Pacific Ocean is taken.

A bit of history

As is known, fish oil has been used as a nutritional supplement for domestic and farm animals for a very long time. The composition of this product simply includes a huge amount of vitamins A and D. However, unfortunately, ordinary fish oil, obtained from simple river or sea fish, contains very little omega acids.

The history of salmon oil as a very useful supplement for animals began with a coincidence. Fur animals, as you know, eat well including fish. A batch of residues from a salmon processing plant was delivered to one of the farms involved in the breeding of such farm animals. The fur of the animals grown on this farm suddenly became much more dense, smooth and beautiful and received many awards at various exhibitions, including international ones.

Healthy dog

Specialists, of course, began to figure out what, in fact, was the reason for this phenomenon. And in the end, the fur farmers came to the conclusion that it was salmon, or rather, the oil contained in it with omega acids 3 and 6, that improved the quality of the fur of the animals.

Salmon oil for dogs: reviews as a prophylactic

Dog owners, among other things, have noticed that this product improves:

  • condition of dog hair;

  • vision;

  • brain activity;

  • learning abilities.

In this regard, there are simply excellent reviews about him. Veterinarians have a good opinion on this product. Specialists note, among other things, that salmon oil is an excellent way to prevent cancer. It is also very useful to give this product to bitches before mating, during pregnancy and while feeding. It has been observed that salmon oil has beneficial effects on embryos and milk composition.

Dog with puppies

What diseases can be used

Very often, as already mentioned, salmon oil for dogs is prescribed by veterinarians as an additional tool in the treatment of various ailments. In this case, it acts as a strengthening, supporting, and, in fact, therapeutic product.

Salmon oil is used, for example, for such diseases of dogs as:

  • bleeding disorder and anemia;

  • eczema and psoriasis;

  • trophic ulcers;

  • diabetes;

  • peptic ulcer;

  • osteomyelitis.

It is also believed that salmon oil can be given to dogs for fractures. This product is also recommended for animals with dry and brittle hair. This is especially true for rocks with thick undercoat.

How to give

Thus, it is actually very beneficial to use salmon oil for dogs. Omega 3 and Omega 6 are acids that enhance the health and exterior of such pets. You can buy salmon oil at any pharmacy. For people, this product is usually used in capsule form. Nevertheless, experienced dog owners recommend buying this oil in pet stores. Here it is often sold simply in liquid form. Such a product will subsequently be easier to use.

One of the features of this oil is that, among other things, it is also able to improve the palatability of dog food. That is, liquid salmon oil can simply be added to pet food.

Great dog food


Salmon oil usually does not have any side effects on dogs. However, this product should be given to pets, of course, strictly in certain dosages. If this rule is not observed, the dog may observe:

  • blood thinning;

  • diarrhea, vomiting;

  • violation of wound healing;

  • overweight;

  • impaired immune function.

In what quantities to give

Before you start using salmon oil for dogs, you should always consult your veterinarian regarding dosages. Sometimes experts prescribe this product to dogs, for example, in the following quantities:

  • small dogs up to 6 kg - 0.5 h / l per day;

  • for animals 6-12 kg - 1 h / l;

  • 12-35 - 2 tsp;

  • 35-45 - 3 tsp;

  • more than 45 kg - 4 h / l.

Four-legged friends are given this remedy usually within 9-12 weeks. Then take a break for 1-3 months.

What you need to know

In many cases, the dosage may be different. Instructions for salmon oil for dogs may depend on which company produced the product. Different brands of oil may vary slightly in composition. In addition, on sale today there are two options for such a product:

  • regular oil;

  • one hundred percent.

The last version of the supplement is made exclusively from salmon belly, without the use of heads and fins.

Salmon oil feed

It is because of the difference in the composition and concentration of salmon oils available on the market today that you should consult a veterinarian before using this product. To overdose this supplement, as we found out, is impossible.

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