How to give "Enterosgel" to infants with allergies: instructions and reviews

When born, every baby is faced with a mass of various irritants, viruses and allergens, against which it does not yet have its own immunity. And if it is still possible to protect the newborn from infections with various preventive measures, then it is impossible to completely be safe from allergies, absolutely everyone at a certain age suffers from it. Often, pediatricians prescribe Enterosgel for infants with diathesis. Why this tool is preferred and what its features are, we will understand in the article.

Causes and dangers of allergies

The immunity of babies is formed through breast milk, therefore, if necessary, to feed a newborn with mixtures, the risk of an unwanted reaction to unnatural food increases. In such cases, only hypoallergenic and adapted mixtures should be chosen, but diathesis can also occur during breastfeeding if the mother eats any product that is allergenic or unusual for the baby’s body.


If you ignore the problem, then diathesis easily develops into a serious reaction of the whole organism. Infant begins swelling, inflammation of the mucous membranes, an allergic rhinitis, or cough. In the future, the symptoms only intensify and are supplemented by new unpleasant sensations, which can provoke chronic bronchial asthma or atopic dermatitis in the future.

That is why it is impossible to let even seemingly innocent diathesis and leave the problem without therapy.

Newborn treatment

Basically, the entire treatment of allergies in babies comes down to the prevention and exclusion of allergenic products from the diet, since most of the medicines they are simply forbidden to give. If you can’t get rid of the problem in these ways, then doctors recommend that the infant with Enterosgel allergy. Today it is the safest enterosorbent for any age. He is not able to harm the newborn’s body, but only removes toxins and toxins from it resulting from the immune response.

The composition of the drug

The product is in the form of a paste and gel. The first form is always packed in a large volume of tubes, and the gel is sold in disposable bags for adults. For infants, Enterosgel in bags should be simply divided into several receptions, but pediatricians recommend using paste for infants, since it is easier to swallow. The manufacturer of the drug is Silma TNK.

In any form, the drug is characterized by a translucent white color, odorless, and tastes like wet sand in the mouth, therefore it is perceived by children differently.

Appearance of the paste

The sorbent contains only water and methylsilicic acid. In some cases, a sweetener may be added, but the packaging then indicates that the paste is sweet. Water is needed only to bring to a consistency, the main ingredient does all the work.

How does the tool work

Silicon methyl acid in the composition is not without reason. A feature of this substance is the ability to absorb from the body:

  • all kinds of toxins;
  • bacteria
  • bilirubin;
  • dead cells;
  • excess cholesterol;
  • radionuclides;
  • allergens.

All this is adsorbed from the blood of the intestine, but the drug itself does not enter the bloodstream and acts exclusively in the digestive system. The substance forms a protective film on the walls of the intestine, which does not dissolve in water and is excreted along with all slags in a natural way within 12 hours.

At the same time, it is very important to know that Enterosgel can be given to infants without fear, since it does not affect the beneficial microflora of the body at all.

Indications for use

Experts recommend this drug in many pathological conditions that are associated with the accumulation of toxins in the body. For infants, Enterosgel is a real salvation for:

  • dysbiosis;
  • diathesis;
  • postpartum jaundice;
  • septic infections;
  • various poisonings;
  • drug or food allergies;
  • intestinal infections.

This is an excellent tool for the prevention of diseases. If the baby is breastfed during therapy, it is very important that the mother take Enterosgel, as this will allow her to cleanse her body and provide the newborn with better quality breast milk.

beautiful baby

According to reviews, Enterosgel for infants is also actively used in the treatment of diaper rash. To do this, they treat areas of the skin externally, having previously diluted it with water.

In the treatment of serious forms of diseases, the sorbent eases the condition of infants already on the second day, and completely gets rid of the symptoms already on the fourth day.

Bans to use

In fact, every drug has such a section, no matter how safe it is positioned. The thing is that even Enterosgel can cause individual intolerance, of course, in very rare cases.

Bans to use

Taking the drug with morphophysiological problems with the digestive system in the form of intestinal failure, atony, or an enlarged stomach is also dangerous. Caution should be given to patients with liver and kidney problems.

Restrictions on other diseases or age have no means at all.

Instructions for newborns

How to give "Enterosgel" baby? The instructions for the medicine allow the paste to be taken in pure or diluted form, but it is difficult to swallow thick paste for newborns, so almost all parents dilute the product with water or breast milk in a 1: 2 ratio. The consistency and taste of the product at the same time not everyone’s taste? and the baby may refuse such treatment. Enterosgel should be taken 1 hour before a meal or 2 hours after it, because food weakens the effect of the main component. The drug is used three times a day, therapy usually lasts 3 weeks, and the dosage, according to age and diagnosis, is prescribed only by a doctor. Typically, recommendations come down to the following:

  1. Up to six months, 1/3 teaspoon of the drug is diluted with water or milk to a full spoon.
  2. Up to a year - ½ teaspoon is bred to 2 parts of water.
  3. After a year, 1 teaspoon. In this case, you can already breed not only with liquid, but also with fruit or vegetable puree.
How to give the drug

If Enterosgel for infants is used as an external agent, then it can be diluted 1: 1 with water or 1/3 of Tsindol, after which it can be applied to problem areas twice a day. So treat diaper rash.

During breastfeeding, mother's treatment should go along with the baby. To do this, she is prescribed 1 teaspoon of the drug also three times a day.

For prevention, the sorbent can be used in babies for no more than 1 month. Moreover, the frequency of administration 2 times a day.

The only side effect of the treatment is the likelihood of constipation, but to prevent it, you need to give more drink to the baby.

Parent reviews

Absolutely all reviews about the drug are only positive. Enterosgel helped many kids quickly get rid of intestinal disorders and allergic manifestations.

Parent reviews

Adults also note that the drug does not affect the functioning of the body’s natural beneficial microflora, therefore it is often used in complex therapy with probiotics. Together, they only enhance each other's action and accelerate the healing process. Allergy therapy usually lasts 3-5 days. In severe cases and in accordance with age, specialists can prescribe antihistamines. The drug helps to get rid of diarrhea and other intestinal disorders faster, improvement occurs on the first day of admission.

Benefits and recommendations

Enterosgel for infants is so popular for good reason. Its main advantage is the porous structure, which passes only pathogenic microflora through itself. This is what makes it possible for beneficial bacteria, vitamins and minerals to remain in the body unchanged throughout the course of treatment. In addition, the consistency of the drug does not allow it to clog the pores of the intestinal wall. Enterosgel gently envelops them without damaging the cells, and is easily removed from the body with accumulated harmful substances in their previous form. It is also important that there are practically no contraindications to taking the medication, as well as side effects.

Sweetener Option

Many people are interested in the question whether Enterosgel babies can have sweeteners, because the baby will definitely like this composition and he will take the medicine with pleasure. Specialists at the same time recommend not to load the intestines of the newborn with additional substances and not to accustom him too soon to sweets. In the first year of life for the treatment of the child should choose a paste without the mark "sweet."

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