Scientists have proven that physical and mental health are inextricably linked. A child begins to learn the world and his own body through movement and tactile sensations long before he learns to walk and speak. Moreover, in the first year of life, the development of the baby is assessed precisely by physical indications: when he has learned to hold his head, is he sitting confidently, is he able to crawl and grab toys. But, despite all these well-known facts, in the matter of home parenting, the daily routine and motor activity of the child (in the summer or at any other time of the year) is usually considered something insignificant and unimportant. We offer you, dear parents, to correct this misunderstanding and to reconsider your view on the organization of the regimen of the baby's day .
Movement is life
Many mothers and fathers strive to devote time to educating the child and getting to know him with the outside world. A variety of games, creative activities and walks to interesting places. But at the same time, physical activity is not spent at all or very little is given. Moreover, parents who are too active are often literally forced to sit still and behave more calmly. And all this is one big mistake. With any movement, not only muscles and coordination of movements develop, but also the brain itself. In addition, physical activity is the best prevention of chronic diseases and one of the most important factors in strengthening immunity. Do not oppress the desire to move with the child, it is best, on the contrary, to correctly organize the sleep and wake regimen and offer the child outdoor games and activities.
We make a daily routine
At 1 year of life, the baby is characterized by increased motor activity in combination with insufficiently developed coordination of movements. The child is actively interested in the environment, enjoys a new ability - to walk, but regular falls are inevitable. Parents should not forget that the baby at this age is still quite tender, can easily get sick or get injured. How to make a daily routine of a child in 1 year? Everything is quite simple. Take a piece of paper and start with a daily / wake schedule. At this age, the baby should sleep twice a day, the optimal intervals between sleep - 3.5-4 hours. A child in the second year of life should eat 5 times a day, the most plentiful and high-calorie should be breakfast and lunch. For young children, daily walks in the fresh air are vital. It is most advisable to walk twice a day, in total, spend at least 2.5 hours on the street. Many parents are afraid that a baby who is weakly standing on his feet may fall and get injured. The fear is justified, but it is not worth it to forbid the child to move and run because of this, as this can negatively affect his health and development. Already in the second year of life, the baby can be offered simple outdoor games - to roll the ball, bring a toy, but to prohibit moving when the young researcher wants is categorically not recommended.
Go to a one-time day sleep
At the age of 1.5-2 years, you can gradually go to daytime sleep once a day. This should only be done if the parents are sure that the child is ready for such changes. Defining this is not so difficult. Does the baby remain awake and inquisitive for the entire period of wakefulness until the moment when they begin to put him to bed? So you can try. If after the transition the baby has become more capricious, mood disorders and appetite are observed, you should think about returning to a two-day sleep in the afternoon. The correct daily routine for the child should be made taking into account the individual needs and well-being of your son or daughter. The most important indicator that parents organize everything correctly, and the baby is sleeping enough - his activity and good mood during wakeful periods.
Daily routine for children 2-3 years old
In the third year of life, children become more independent. Their physical activity is more meaningful, this is the best time for outdoor games with other kids or adults, long walks. What is especially pleasant is that less and less time is spent on hygiene procedures, a child can dress himself with minimal adult help and perform many hygiene procedures. For this age, a regimen with a single daytime sleep and four meals a day is recommended. It is important to correctly divide your waking hours into periods of physical and mental activity. Many methods of education and development offer from two years to conduct developmental classes. But do not forget about the competent organization of physical activity. At 2-3 years, it is strictly forbidden to inhibit the baby’s desire to move, parents, on the contrary, must accustom the child to regularly perform morning exercises, play outdoor games. It is also useful to buy a sports wall home or visit a children's playground daily with your baby.
Kindergarten routine
At the age of three, most babies in our country begin to attend specialized institutions of preschool education. How is the motor activity of the child organized in kindergarten? The child spends most of the day in the preschool institution - about 12 hours. During this time, general strengthening exercises are performed twice - in the morning, before breakfast, and after a day's sleep. Outdoor games are offered for kids and on walks, and regular music classes and physical education are included in any preschool education program. In addition, during the day, educators spend small physical minutes as breaks between creative activities, reading and games.
Preschooler's day routine at home
How to organize a day for a baby older than three years old, not attending kindergarten? With home education, it is very important to draw up the daily routine of the child correctly. As a sample, you can use the day regimen plan from kindergarten for a group attended by children of the same age. During the day, the child should not only sleep enough and eat, but also have opportunities for physical and mental development. Mandatory points for organizing motor activity should be morning exercises and regular walks. Do not prohibit outdoor games at home. The task of adults, by contrast, is to choose the most exciting and age-appropriate activities.
Daily routine and motor activity of the child in the summer: features of the regime for the warm season
The summer months are looking forward to all children, as well as many adults. And this is not surprising - you can stay in the fresh air at least all day without spending a lot of time choosing several layers of clothing. Separately, it is also worth noting the variety of options for organizing leisure activities. The table of the daily routine of the child, an example of which is shown in the photo below, should allow as much time as possible for walks in the fresh air. If possible, you can walk in the summer almost the whole day, with a break for sleep and meals. During long walks, the child independently alternates active and cognitive activity.
On the street, you can study and repeat the names of plants and insects with your mother, and then have fun playing catch-up with peers. What else to do in the summer? Organize a hike in the forest or at least a walk in the park / square, if possible, then take the child from time to time to swim in clean reservoirs. Already in 3-4 years, you can teach your baby to play sports: football, basketball, volleyball, badminton - choose to your taste. Depending on the age of the child, invite him to ride a bicycle, scooter or roller skate.
Activity is also in moderation!
Caring for the physical development of the baby, it is also important not to lose a sense of proportion. That is why the daily routine and motor activity of the child in the summer should obey certain rules. During a long walk, alternate active and calm games. From time to time, invite your child to just sit on a bench, drink and have a bite. Never ignore the opinion of the baby. If the child says that he is tired and begins to be capricious - most likely this is true, and not a manifestation of a bad character. In this case, you should relax or return home. With the competent organization of outdoor recreation and physical activity, the child is often in a good mood, sleeps well at night and in the afternoon, eats with appetite and is not capricious for no reason.
What needs to be done in the summer months?
No wonder they say that summer is a small life. If a child spends summer holidays at home, the task of parents is to make this time truly interesting and magical. Do not protect your child from communicating with peers, try to walk in places where there are many children of different ages, on comfortable playgrounds or in parks. Show the kid something new, try to pay attention to the little things, learn to distinguish between tree species, types of grass and flowers. If for some reason you can’t travel outside the city even on weekends, arrange city trips. The baby will get a lot of new impressions, even if you just drive a few stops on the bus and walk on an unfamiliar platform.
We form a worthy role model
Whoever says anything, but children always grow up like their parents. And it's not just genetics. From a very early age, the baby unconsciously copies the manners and habits of adults, whom he sees more often than others. The daily routine and motor activity of the child in the summer, provided that he does not attend kindergarten, largely depends on how parents spend time. It is very good if everyone in the family does exercises, likes to walk a lot and spend time actively. If this is not so, adults should think about their own lifestyle and, perhaps, adjust it a little. Start doing morning exercises right from tomorrow, play sports games with your child, arrange a family picnic in nature on a weekend or hike in the forest. Remember: only by becoming a true friend and comrade in games and entertainment for your child, you can teach him something useful and good.
Play outdoors
And what are the active games for children? What to play on the street? There are many children's games for different ages. These are all kinds of variations on the theme of "catch-up" and "hide and seek." Remember the entertainments from your own childhood: “classics”, “rubber bands”, as well as the most diverse ball games. You can entertain the company of children by arranging the baton and inviting the participants to overcome the obstacle course. Preschoolers will be interested in playing games during which they will be asked to depict various animals. Try also to suggest that your child practice throwing objects. There are a lot of options - from whoever throws the pebble further to knocking down some objects and to "shooting" at targets. The most important rule - do not forget to alternate active games for children and regularly offer new activities and tasks.
Sport is a good hobby
Not all young parents know that in many sports sections recruitment has been under way since 3-5 years. And so early classes are intended not only for future champions. Remember that attending a sports school does not oblige a child to anything. Meanwhile, this is a great option for the harmonious physical development of the child. Sometimes the motor activity of preschool children causes a lot of concern to parents, especially if mom and dad do not have time to personally devote a lot of time every day to walks and outdoor games with the child. In any large enough settlement today you can find a sports section for every taste: dancing, wrestling, team and individual sports. Focus on the child's need for physical activity and his personal preferences.
Physical activity is important not only for preschoolers
As soon as a child becomes a first grader, a new, completely adult life begins for him. Now
the student’s daily routine is based on the schedule of classes in the educational institution and the number of tasks that must be completed independently at home. Many elementary school students prefer to spend their free time from school in games, and do not always choose the most active. The task of parents is to instill in the child a love of movement. It is very good if, in addition to the school, the first-grader will also attend the sports section, walk daily and play outdoor games with friends. Do not forget about family walks and hiking on the weekend. Remember that outdoor activities with children become more interesting and less problematic as a child grows up.