"Nanny-1" with prebiotics: reviews of doctors and parents

To date, adapted mixtures are as close as possible to breast milk. Unfortunately, not all women are able to maintain breastfeeding, so the composition of infant formulas plays a very important role in the growth and development of the baby. This also applies to the nutrition of “Nanny-1” with prebiotics. Reviews, of course, can give a general idea about the product, but they do not guarantee its safety. Let's examine the quality, useful properties, compatibility of the mixture with the child's body and check whether the reviews correspond to reality.

Manufacturing firm

The Bibikol company developed a mixture of Nanny-1 with prebiotics. The reviews about the company are positive, especially since for more than 15 years it has been “feeding” children in Russia.

nanny 1 with prebiotics reviews

Bibikol specializes in goat milk based infant formulas. Nanny Food Factory is located in New Zealand. The manufacturer claims that there are almost no α-s1-casein in the milk of New Zealand goats. This means that the mixture based on this milk is easily absorbed and does not overload the children's stomach.

Such food is perfect for children who are allergic to cow protein, in particular, a mixture of “Nanny-1” with prebiotics is in demand. Reviews of the parents of such babies fully confirm this fact. In addition to adapted mixtures, Bibikol produces cereals, mashed potatoes, fermented milk products and more.


Composition is the only factor determining the quality of the mixture of “Nanny-1” with prebiotics. Reviews, of course, also play an important role, but not paramount.

mix nanny 1 with prebiotics reviews

Nanny-1 baby food with prebiotics is based on goat's milk. As useful additives are used:

  • fish fat;
  • minerals (sodium, calcium, iodine, etc.);
  • vitamins (C, B1, B2, B4, B5, B6, B7, B12, E, PP, A, D, folic acid, L-carnitine);
  • inulin;
  • oligofructose.

All other components are standard: acidity regulator, oil, etc. Recently, young parents have taken up arms against palm oil. If you think that it can harm your child, then note that it is not in the mixture of “Nanny-1” with prebiotics. Reviews confirm this fact.

Benefits of Goat Milk Blends

As a rule, goat milk mixtures are much more expensive than cow’s milk . There must be a reason for this phenomenon. And she is, or rather, not even she, but they, because there are several of them. Benefits of goat milk formula:

  • they are easily absorbed;
  • getting into the stomach, the goat mixture becomes a soft clot, and not a dense curd;
  • it is suitable for children with allergies to cow protein;
  • Goat milk is naturally high in calcium and phosphorus.

nanny 1 with prebiotics doctor reviews

But parents should pay attention to the fact that mixtures based on goat's milk do not guarantee the complete disappearance of allergies. We will talk about the symptoms and causes of the allergic reaction to “Nanny-1” with prebiotics in the next section.

Allergy to "Nanny-1" with prebiotics

Most often, mothers opt for “goat” mixtures due to the allergic reaction of the child to cow protein. But is it possible that baby food in goat milk is also not suitable for the baby? Roughly speaking, “Nanny-1” is goat milk with prebiotics. Parents' comments suggest that even for such a safe composition, a mixture of children sometimes spills out. Let's see why.

The manifestation of allergic symptoms to the mixture of “Nanny-1” with prebiotics is possible for three reasons:

  1. Weak immunity. When new substances enter the child’s body, he begins to produce antibodies. Therefore, do not introduce “Nanny-1” with prebiotics when the baby is sick or when his first teeth are cut.
  2. Enzyme deficiency. For proper digestion, the baby’s stomach must produce enough enzymes. If the baby has an allergic reaction to the mixture of “Nanny-1” with prebiotics (doctors’ comments do not exclude this), then the child’s body may not be ready for its composition.
  3. Heredity. Probably, this reason should have been put in first place, because most often immunity to certain products is inherited.

nanny 1 goat milk with prebiotics reviews

What are the symptoms of allergies can cause the milk mixture "Nanny-1" with prebiotics? Parents say that it can be a rash, dry skin, constipation, diarrhea, frequent and profuse regurgitation, colic and more.

Positive feedback from parents

So, the composition and benefits of this baby food are fully understood, so you can move on to the opinion of buyers of the mixture of “Nanny-1” with prebiotics. Reviews of consumers themselves in this case, of course, would not hurt, but due to their very young age we will give the floor to parents.

mix of nanny 1 with prebiotics doctors reviews

After studying dozens of forums about children, we can conclude that most mothers are satisfied with the quality of this mixture. From the positive, normalization of the stool and the elimination of colic can be distinguished. For example, one of the mothers claims that this is the only food of five well-known brands that helped her baby cope with endless constipation, colic and more. Another mother agrees with her, the child whose mixture of "Nanny-1" with prebiotics helped to cope with profuse rashes and allergic conjunctivitis.

On the taste of the mixture, parents say that it is pleasant, creamy and not very sweet. Judging by the reviews, not a single child has refused this mixture due to its taste. A mixture of "Nanny-1" with prebiotics also copes well with colic. In general, most parents were satisfied with the composition, properties and taste of this baby milk.

Negative sides

The most common complaint about this product is the cost. Indeed, the price of “Nanny-1” with prebiotics starts at 2100 rubles, and can reach 2998 rubles per 800 g. Moreover, one can last on average 3-4 days. Agree, not every parent can afford it. In view of this, the demand for such a product is low, so it is not always possible to find this mixture on store shelves.

The second reason for abandoning the mixture of “Nanny-1” with prebiotics in parents was systematic constipation in the baby. At the same time, parents recognize that the composition of the milk is positive, so they are more inclined to individual intolerance to this mixture.

"Nanny-1" with prebiotics: reviews of doctors

Before introducing a new mixture, mothers always consult with a local pediatrician. Reviews of doctors about products, preparations and other things are much more valuable than reviews of ordinary consumers. After all, they have experience behind them and besides, they can almost always explain the causes and methods of the effect of mixtures on the baby's body.

So, according to pediatricians, the mixture of “Nanny-1” with prebiotics is ideal for children with atopic dermatitis, the cause of which is individual intolerance to cow protein. It is also worth considering that in goat mixtures, the protein concentration is higher than in cow. A high concentration of protein in the infant formula can adversely affect the kidneys and intestines of a small child. The amount of protein in the infant formula is determined by osmolarity, the higher its level, the more protein is found in baby milk. It is worth noting that a reaction to a high level of protein occurs in children extremely rarely.


After we examined all the pros and cons of the mixture of “Nanny-1” with prebiotics, we can conclude that she still has more advantages than disadvantages. The question of price at this time, of course, is very acute, but think for a moment, will allergy medications cost you less than the cost of the mixture? Of course not. So is it worth it to risk the health of the child in the pursuit of profit?

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