Sometimes teething in babies can cause a lot of trouble not only for the children themselves, but also for their parents. This period is different for everyone. Some children can easily tolerate the discomfort caused by teething, while others can notice the appearance of temperature, diarrhea and a number of other symptoms. Because of the speech barrier, additional difficulties may arise, since you can only guess what really worries the baby. Parents of infants need only be patient, as well as know the symptoms and teething procedures in children up to a year.
When do the first teeth appear?
The rudiments of milk teeth form long before the baby is born, and teething occurs closer to the six-month-old age of the baby. As a rule, the first examination by a dentist should take place no later than 9-10 months. When examining the oral cavity, the doctor first of all pays attention to the teething procedure in children up to a year. For a proper bite, it is very important to monitor the order of appearance of primary teeth.
In total, babies should have twenty primary teeth. Usually a complete set is formed closer to two or three years. What is the sequence of teething in children up to a year - we find out right now.
- The central incisors are four front teeth, which are two pieces below and above. As a rule, the lower ones begin to erupt earlier, at the age of five to six months, followed by the upper ones, with a possible lag of a month.
- Lateral incisors are located on the sides and border on the central ones. Experts attribute the last months of the first year of life of the crumbs to a favorable period for their appearance: for the lower jaw - 11-12, and for the upper - 8-11.
- Molars complete the order of teething in children up to a year. According to experts, their appearance occurs at the age of 12-16 months. But as practice shows, in some babies, the teething of these teeth begins up to a year. In this regard, the molars are included in the list of teething in children up to a year. They are called indigenous by the people, and they are behind fangs, which are still missing.
Teething schedule in children under one year old
A certain schedule of the appearance of teeth, created by dentists, allows you to evaluate the development of teeth crumbs. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the table of teething in children up to a year.
Title | The timing | Features |
Central lower incisors | from 5 to 8 months | Usually this type of teeth appears in pairs. Thanks to them, the child will be able to process medium-hard food. |
Central upper incisors | from 5 to 8 months | Can erupt simultaneously with the lower central incisors. |
Side lower incisors | from 7 to 12 months | Just like the central incisors, they cut through in pairs. |
Side upper incisors | from 7 to 12 months | As a rule, in the first place, a pair of lower lateral incisors erupt, then the upper ones. |
Molars | from 12 to 16 months | Until about the age of 1.4, the baby should have the first four molars on both jaws. The second batch accounts for approximately a period of 16 to 20 months. |
Out of time teething
There are cases when the appearance of milk teeth in the crumbs does not correspond to the order of teething in children up to a year. Referring to the individual characteristics of the child, dentists consider a norm deviation from the schedule in a couple of months. Thus, if the baby has not yet appeared teeth, or, on the contrary, erupt a couple of months earlier, parents should not sound the alarm.
To the deviation from the norm include the following:
- The presence of teeth at birth.
- Their complete absence per year.
Only in the above cases requires the help of specialists: pediatrician, dentist and endocrinologist. It is extremely important to show the crumbs to doctors, since a deviation from the norm can also indicate the possible development of endocrine diseases or rickets.
On the growth and order of teething in children up to a year, not only heredity affects, but also other factors:
- Improper nutrition of the baby and nursing mother.
- Mom's smoking and drinking.
- The course of labor.
- SARS and other diseases that the baby suffered in the first months of life.
- The presence of chronic diseases in the mother or father.
- Maternal disease during pregnancy.
- Delivery at a later date or prematurity.
- The method of feeding (breast or artificial). It was noted that, in breast-fed children, the process of teething is slower than in artificial babies.
How to understand that a baby’s teeth are being cut?
Since there is a speech barrier between parents and their baby, sometimes it is not so easy to identify the cause of his anxiety. Consider the main symptoms of teething in children per year.
- Since the process of moving teeth through the gums gives the baby discomfort and pain, his behavior can dramatically change in the negative direction. The child may become irritable or moody.
- Due to severe itching, children under one year old tend to drag any objects into their mouths, so they do their best to alleviate an unpleasant symptom.
- Decreased appetite or not eating at all. Breastfeeding babies may begin to bite at this time.
- Profuse salivation.
Can there be temperature when teething?
The baby's body is not yet fully formed up to a year, due to immaturity of organs and the immune system, his temperature may rise. Specialists allow an increase in temperature during teething in children up to a year, but not higher than 38 degrees. As a rule, an increase in temperature occurs due to inflammation of the gums, and excessive salivation is a bactericidal agent, which significantly reduces the risk of infection. Teething in some children can be very difficult. When the first incisors appear, the temperature sometimes reaches high levels, up to 39-40 degrees. According to doctors, such well-being can lie in wait for children in the process of the appearance of molars, which begin to erupt by 1.5 years.
Febrile temperature can cause weakness, malaise, lack of appetite, sleep disturbance and even vomiting, which only aggravates the condition of the crumbs. If a temperature of 38 degrees occurs, it must be brought down with the help of antipyretic drugs in the form of rectal suppositories or syrup.
So, high temperature is just a protective reaction of the body, and in the absence of complications and serious health problems, it should decrease within three days.
High temperature can be held in children in such cases:
- Active appearance of several teeth.
- Gum disease, hemorrhage in the mucosa.
- If the body has other inflammatory or infectious diseases associated with the nervous system, liver, blood, lungs, kidneys, heart.
Teeth diarrhea
Signs of teething in a child under 1 year old include diarrhea. Not every doctor can give a scientific explanation of the relationship between the appearance of teeth and diarrhea, but nevertheless, many parents note that when the gums swell, the baby has loose stools. What can cause this symptom? The main cause of diarrhea during teething is getting excessive saliva into the baby's body. The normal duration of diarrhea associated with teething in children under 1 year old should not be more than five days.
Alarming symptoms include the following:
- Watery consistency.
- The presence in the feces of blood clots and impurities.
- Change color to black and greenish hues.
In such cases, you need to contact a pediatrician.
Tooth rhinitis
Many parents attribute the appearance of a cold in their baby to another virus, but this is not always the case. In fact, the presence of snot can be associated with teething. Experts explain this by the fact that the mucous membrane of the child’s gums and nose has a common blood circulation mechanism. When teething in the gum, an inflammatory process appears and blood circulation increases. Simultaneously with this process, the circulation of the nasal mucosa is activated, which may cause a runny nose. However, after teething, “dental” rhinitis should cease immediately without any consequences.
How to distinguish between a runny nose that is associated with teething? According to experts, the snot caused by the appearance of the first teeth is a small discharge of transparent color, the duration of which is from three to five days. Contact your doctor in the following cases:
- If the discharge has a greenish or yellowish tint. This may indicate the presence of infection.
- The duration of the common cold exceeds 5 days.
- Mucus from the nose has an unpleasant odor and a thick consistency.
- With a large amount of discharge from the nose, the crumbs.
How to help the baby?
Every mother wants to ease the suffering of her baby. To date, there are quite a few options with which you can reduce the itching and pain that deliver to the baby when teething. Consider the most popular.
1. Medicines. The pharmacy has a huge assortment of various gels that are designed to relieve inflammation. As a rule, they are rubbed into the gums of the baby. Such remedies are safe and have almost no contraindications. When choosing, it should be noted that not every drug is suitable for breast-fed children. This is due to the fact that when a product enters the tongue, it complicates the sucking process. This also applies to those gels that include lidocaine. In addition, before buying a medicine, you should consult your doctor who can choose a remedy based on the individual characteristics of the child.
2. Teether toys. The main purpose of such devices is gum massage, due to which unpleasant sensations are reduced and the process of tooth biting is accelerated. In addition, such toys develop fine motor skills, form the correct bite, prepare the baby for the chewing process, and simply distract from unpleasant sensations. In the manufacture of such devices, manufacturers focuses on the sequence of teething in children up to a year and above. Today, the market offers not only universal teethers, but also special ones designed for a certain stage of teething in babies, which are different in shape and texture. The range of such products is quite large, on the shelves in children's stores you can find teethers in the form of toys, rattles, a nipple, fingertips with a brush. Everything else, they are cooling with gel and water, as well as with vibration. But most importantly, when choosing such a thing, you should pay attention to the following:
- To make it convenient for the baby to hold it in the pen and in the mouth.
- The teether should be made of quality materials that are safe for babies.
- The toy must match the age of the child. As a rule, simple silicone teethers are suitable for babies 3-4 months old, and rattles - teethers are recommended to be offered to children older than six months who are already confidently manipulating objects.
Hard food is a good alternative to special teethers. For example, those children who receive complementary foods can be offered carrots, apples, or dried ones.
When should I see a doctor?
Teething is an inevitable process that must be endured by both babies and their parents. Earlier, we found out that tolerance and teething in children under one year of age are associated with individual characteristics. However, experts recommend resorting to medical care in the following cases:
1. When vomiting occurs. With teething, the baby's body becomes defenseless against various viruses and infections. With severe itching of the gums, the child tries to scratch them with his fist or various objects, all of which can cause vomiting.
2. In violation of the sequence of teething in children up to a year.
3. In case of incorrect formation of the tooth, which may be expressed in its shape, color or size.
4. High temperature for more than five days is an occasion to visit a doctor, as this symptom may not be associated with teething.
5. If a one-year-old baby does not even have one tooth, it is necessary to show it to a pediatrician, dentist and endocrinologist.
As a rule, a delay in tooth development can be associated with:
- With a violation of phosphorus-calcium metabolism.
- Due to the prematurity of the baby.
- With various digestive disorders that can weaken the immune system.
- With signs of rickets.
- Due to frequent SARS.
6. If the position of the tooth axis is incorrect - oblique or horizontal, which is why it can remain in the thickness of the jaw bone or erupt outside the jaw arch.