What is the danger of abortion: possible complications and consequences

Abortion is the only surgical intervention, the main task of which is not considered to be getting rid of the disease. On the contrary, abortion is carried out in order to prevent a natural phenomenon. And no matter how long the termination of pregnancy is allowed, no matter what method is used for this, abortion rarely has consequences for the health of a woman. The number of abortions in Russia is increasing annually. Women are often interested in why medical abortion is dangerous and is it even dangerous? Let's try to figure it out.

Is abortion harmful?

Often women do not think about the possible consequences of an abortion. But the results of abortion can occur if not immediately, then after a certain period of time, even after many years.

Artificial abortion echoes the natural nature of man. The body is not endowed with the ability to understand whether a woman wants to become pregnant or not. And any interference with the production mechanism of offspring can be understood in its own way.


Women who have not yet given birth are interested in why abortion is dangerous during the first pregnancy. And not in vain they ask this question, because it is considered the most dangerous. The function of procreation programmed by nature changes significantly. The body does not know how the cervix opens before the intended period, for what reason the fetus is extracted in an incomprehensible method. In this regard, no matter how traumatic the intervention may be, the consequences of abortion will occur. After all, an operation is attempting on the most important function of the body of any woman - the reproduction of offspring.

why the first abortion is dangerous

The very first thing that an early abortion is dangerous is the inability to have children in the future. Most of the infertile women could not bear children in the future because of abortion. This could happen because complications appeared during or after this procedure. Abortion, among other things, could result in trauma to the internal genital organs. The possibility of infertility is more acceptable in women who become pregnant for the first time. According to statistics, half of the total number of episodes of tubal infertility is based on abortion.

why abortion is dangerous during the first pregnancy


The most popular method of abortion is curettage of the fetus, even during the procedure, it can cause significant health problems. Is abortion dangerous after cesarean, as well as during the first pregnancy? Such an abortion is performed almost blindly and to the touch. Even a doctor with extensive experience often has to do the surgery almost at random, since the location of the internal organs and the fetus are not visible to him. The specialist will push the instruments into the inner cavity in order to find, dismember and pull out the fetus. In this process, many organs can be damaged. Unnatural opening of the uterus can result in her injuries.


Ruptures easily appear with an inadvertent influence on the cervix, since its surface is extremely sensitive and elastic. The muscles of the uterus during pregnancy are extremely vulnerable, and therefore curettage of the fetus from its walls can accompany its unintended injuries. The results of surgical intervention in the worst situation with serious damage to the uterus are immediate surgical removal.


It is necessary to remember about the individual susceptibility of anesthesia by the body. From time to time, women under anesthesia have a heart rhythm failure, disruption of the functioning of the excretory system and respiratory system. An allergic shock may occur with anesthesia.

The consequences of curettage

is mini abortion dangerous

Possible consequences after an abortion:

  • Injuries of vessels located in the uterus lead to large losses of blood.
  • Genital inflammation appears as a result of infection during surgery. If the tubes of the uterus become inflamed, then subsequently there is the possibility of an ectopic pregnancy, which is also fraught with abortion.
  • The impossibility of a new pregnancy appears after an abortion due to the fact that obstruction of the uterine tubes may develop.
  • Difficulties in the course of subsequent pregnancy. Injuries to the cervix are fraught with deterioration of its condition, and this threatens miscarriages and premature births.
  • Menstrual irregularities. They arise due to trauma to the uterine mucosa. As a result, severe bleeding and pain during critical days.
is abortion dangerous with a pill

  • Mental disorders. Women who decide to terminate a pregnancy often feel guilty, afraid, depressed. They are characterized by mood changes, unjustified tantrums, nervousness. This can be considered the result of impaired functioning of internal organs, impaired heartbeat, etc.

Who is at stake?

The deplorable results of abortion are not uncommon. But there is a special risk group, which is most at risk of danger after surgery:

  • Women who have terminated a pregnancy two or more times.
  • Women with inflammation of the reproductive system.
  • Women who have an abortion during their first pregnancy.
  • Women who have had surgery on the ovaries or uterus.

The most frightening result of an abortion is a decrease in the ability to bear a normal child without illness in the future. An abortion increases the possibility of an ectopic pregnancy, malformations of the placenta and the unborn child. After the first abortion, the possibility of losing a baby is one fourth of all situations, the second abortion multiplies this number to one third. All of the following operations not only increase the chance of miscarriage up to 50%, but also create a threat to the development of a tumor of the breast, uterus and its neck.

Is abortion dangerous after cesarean

Why is abortion a particular danger to a woman who has not given birth?

The statistics are rather deplorable: 80 women out of 100 with a diagnosis of infertility made an abortion, bearing a baby for the first time.

  1. “Primary miscarriage” - this means that the body retained in “memory” everything that happened during the first pregnancy and subsequently tries to repeat everything.
  2. Inability to bear a child. The uterine neck, first revealed through surgery, loses its good condition and flexibility, which affects the woman’s ability to give birth to a healthy baby.
  3. Menstruation problems. The first abortion can interrupt the normal functioning of the endocrine system. The hormonal background deviates from normal values. Critical days become irregular. Hormonal restructuring also affects the psyche of a woman, can lead to overweight problems and sexual deviations.
  4. Possible damage to the walls of the uterus, infection by infection (both during the first abortion and subsequent ones).

To make the first abortion less traumatic and to reduce all possible negative results from the procedure, you must resort to medical or vacuum abortion. Since surgical termination of the first pregnancy is almost always very dangerous.

why vacuum abortion is dangerous

Is abortion dangerous with a pill?

If the time and time allows, it is better to terminate the pregnancy with the help of medications. As mentioned earlier, this will reduce the risk of adverse effects and negative outcomes of abortion. A second abortion in an operative manner is even more dangerous than the first. Regardless of the total number of abortions, the greater their number, the more the woman undermines her own health. In this regard, if it was not possible to carry out the procedure before the seventh week of pregnancy, it is not recommended to do it at all.

Clandestine abortion

Of particular danger are criminal abortions carried out outside specialized institutions and by people who do not have the appropriate qualifications. Why is abortion of this kind dangerous? Immediately after such operations, infertility and death of a woman occurs most often. A woman can die due to many complications caused by the operation, for example, due to a large loss of blood, damage to the uterus, infection, thrombosis, and sepsis.


Today, statistics say that more than seventy percent of pregnant teenagers solve the problem through abortion. And this is very unfortunate, because surgical intervention at such a young age can be fraught with many problems, even death for a girl. What is the danger of abortion (vacuum, medical and others) at this age?

With such early abortions, girls, without realizing it, can break their lives. It is logical that few girls want to complicate their fate at 16, but abortion at this age can be fraught with the appearance of dangerous side effects, such as endometritis, inflammation, etc.

Is medical abortion dangerous?

Especially dangerous are abortions in adolescence. Many mistakenly believe that by solving the problem of unwanted pregnancy through medication, the girl will not harm herself in any way. This is not so, because with medical termination of pregnancy, powerful hormonal agents are used in large quantities, which are capable of shaking the hormonal system so that the girl will need to put it in order for a rather long time. Guarantees that everything will return to normal, and the girl in the future will be able to conceive and give birth to a child, not a single specialist can give.

Is abortion safe?

Likely complications after medical interruption are less likely than after surgery. In this case, what is the danger of the pills? If there is heavy bleeding or significant hormonal problems, then in the absence of proper medical intervention, they can lead to an inability to become pregnant and can even cause a woman to die. Although medical termination of pregnancy is usually attributed to traditional methods, it can lead to significant hormonal disruptions. The main female difficulties after this can be called:

  • Cramping and severe uncontrolled blood loss.
  • Reproductive system inflammation.
  • Menstrual problems.
  • Hyperthermia.
  • Ovarian dysfunction.
  • Pain in the abdominal cavity of the abdomen.

Use of medicines

Many women want to understand whether mini-abortion is dangerous and how rehabilitation goes after it. Soreness and bleeding immediately after medical abortion is considered normal. The pain increases approximately 30-60 minutes after using "Misoprostol", but after the dissection and exit of the ovum, it disappears. To reduce pain, you can take "Naproxen" or "Ibuprofen", and with unbearable pain, sometimes prescribed narcotic painkillers, such as "Oxycodone" or "Codeine".

In approximately three to four percent of cases with pharmacological abortion, a partial interruption or further development of the fetus and continued pregnancy can occur. Such effects after taking the medication often occur when the dosage of the drugs is not observed or in later periods of pregnancy, the presence of hidden inflammatory processes or the improper functioning of the hormonal environment. With such abortion results, a woman is disturbed by prolonged non-stop and heavy bleeding, which is accompanied by cramping, pain-causing contractions, and a fever begins. As a rule, curettage of the fetus from the internal cavity is usually prescribed to get rid of the symptoms. If this is not done, then the remaining inside the fetal tissue undergoes decay, provokes infectious processes, general infection of the blood, and even death is possible.

Recovery procedures after abortion include the prevention of inflammatory processes, for which antibiotics are prescribed. To normalize hormonal status, doctors prescribe oral contraceptives. In general, after termination of pregnancy, in particular, carried out for a long time, such medicines as Doxycycline and Metronidazole, Fluconazole, which have anti-inflammatory effects, vitamin complexes and various oral contraceptives are used.

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