35 week of pregnancy: woman's sensations, fetal development

This week of pregnancy will correspond to 8 months. This period is very difficult for the expectant mother, as she experiences a huge number of the most diverse sensations, and some of them are far from pleasant. During this period, some changes can be observed in the female body. The child also changes directly. Very often, women wonder at the 35th week of pregnancy: what is going on inside with the baby? We will talk about this in our article.

Fetal changes

Gynecologists say that the fetus at the 35th week of pregnancy reaches its peak of development.

fetus at 35 weeks of gestation

In this regard, the following signs are characteristic for the development of the baby:

  1. The organs are almost fully formed, the adrenal glands are able to secrete the appropriate hormones necessary to maintain the balance of both mineral and water-salt.
  2. At this stage, the child is able to accumulate both muscle mass and adipose tissue. As a result, his body becomes more rounded.
  3. The child is already acquiring personal features.
  4. The mass of his body will increase literally by 220 g every week. At the 35th week of pregnancy, the fetus has a weight of already 2.5 kg and a height of 45 cm.
  5. The skin becomes smoother and takes a natural shade. Nail plates stop growing and reach the edge of the fingers. Children, while in the womb, are even able to scratch themselves. The hair is also 5 cm long.
  6. Stirring at 35 weeks of gestation becomes more rare. However, this should not bring any concern. The reason for the reduced activity of the baby is that he has little space in his stomach.

What's happening?

What happens at the 35th week of pregnancy with the expectant mother is easy to answer. She is on maternity leave, and she has a lot of time. It is possible to spend it with great benefit, for example, you can go to courses for mothers, start acquiring clothes and diapers, and there is also the opportunity to simply have a good rest, gain strength immediately before the birth process.

Stirring at 35 weeks gestation

What happens at the 35th week of pregnancy with the baby has already been described a little in the above. The fetus develops and becomes more like a person who will soon be born.

Growth and weight

The parameters of each child in the period presented are purely individual. However, there are some standards that a baby must meet at such a time. At 35 weeks of gestation, the weight and height of the baby will fluctuate between 42-47 cm and 2.5 kg. The diameter of the head will vary between 84-86 mm, the ribcage is 90-92 mm, and the stomach is 93-94 mm.

Belly at a given time

It should immediately be said that the bottom of the uterus at the time indicated will be located literally 25 cm from the pubic joint and 15 from the navel itself, which begins to protrude a little.

The abdomen at the 35th week of pregnancy slowly begins to lower, since the fetal head with head presentation is now located directly at the entrance to the pelvis.

what happens at 35 weeks of gestation

Training type contractions are characterized by constant relaxation, as well as tension of the uterus. At such a moment, it will seem to the woman that her stomach is simply pulling. When the uterus remains tense for a long time, pulls the back, as well as the lower abdomen, it is worth going to an appointment with your own doctor, as these signs serve as the first sign of the onset of the birth process.


Sometimes it may seem that you will soon suffocate. Do not be scared. Moreover, not every woman can have such a condition, and also always remember that all this is temporary. To make breathing easier, it is best to get on all fours. You should also relax and slowly inhale deeply and exhale calmly. The movement should be repeated a couple of times until it becomes much easier. In some situations, it is worth calling an ambulance and consult, if so you will be calmer. You should not worry too much. Dyspnea at the 35th week of pregnancy is a completely normal process.

feeling unwell

It is worth noting that due to the location of the fundus of the uterus, the lungs are slightly flattened and cannot function as before. However, in the following weeks, the stomach will fall if it has not yet lowered. Naturally, the sensations of a woman at 35 weeks of pregnancy are not the most beautiful and will not be good in the future. Since when lowering the abdomen, a feeling of discomfort at the pelvic level will begin, but it will become easier to breathe.

At the 35th week of pregnancy, heartburn can severely torment. For this reason, you need to listen to recommendations regarding your own nutrition during pregnancy. Reflux from fried, as well as fractional nutrition can prevent heartburn.

Insomnia and pregnancy. Recommendations for future mothers

Also at the indicated time the future mother may be disturbed by insomnia.

pregnant is bad

To make it easier to find a comfortable sleeping position, use a special pillow for pregnant women or regular rollers, laying them from different sides so that it is comfortable. Sleeping on the back is prohibited. So it remains to be located on its side. However, most likely, a half-sitting pose will help you. The number of lifts at night, to meet their own needs, will decrease if after 6 do not take the liquid. If insomnia is causeless, then you should not go immediately after sleeping pills. Try to relax less during the day, and before going to bed, take walks, do not eat at night and do not fuss. It is recommended that you include calm music, as well as read books and magazines.

Do not be afraid of dreams about childbirth and pregnancy, especially when they are not entirely pleasant. In fact, every woman is going through a similar stage. Dreams are simply subconscious thoughts.

Ultrasound scan

A doctor can prescribe an ultrasound at 35 weeks of gestation only in order to make sure that everything is normal with the baby, and he is ready to be born. It is also important to check the condition of the placenta itself, amniotic fluid volume and other factors.

When previously it was not possible to determine the sex of the child, now it is very simple to do. However, some babies are arranged in such a way that it is impossible to find out sex until the very birth.

In the process of ultrasound, the doctor also conducts a general examination, evaluates the child’s activity in movements and the work of his heart. Among other things, you should make sure that the baby is in the right position and does not have any malformations.

When problems are identified, a cesarean section or inpatient monitoring of a pregnant woman may be prescribed. A variety of things can alert a doctor: a high birth weight, which was gained during pregnancy, edema, cord entanglement, incorrect positioning of a child, etc.

Fetal heartbeat

It is worth saying that in order to identify any heart problems in a child, CTG should be taken. One session will be very small and for this reason you will have to come several times. Do not worry too much, as the procedure presented will not take more than 1 hour.

In order to know how the baby feels throughout pregnancy, whether he is healthy or not, in such situations, specialists prescribe for mothers a large number of different tests and examinations. One of the studies may include CTG. At present, medicine allows you to find out what condition the child is inside the mother.

Typically, at 35 weeks of gestation, the fetal heart rate will be normal, as during the entire period. However, we note that CTG can consider contraction of the heart muscle and contraction of the walls of the uterus. A similar examination will be carried out in conjunction with an ultrasound scan. This will provide an opportunity to understand the clear state of the child.

As a rule, CTGs begin from the 28th week of pregnancy. However, very clear information about the child can be obtained only from 32 weeks. It is from such a period that absolutely all life cycles have already been established for him.

The heartbeat at week 35 will vary between 110-160 beats per minute in a calm state. When moving, the indicators will be 130-190 strokes.

Allocation for 35 weeks

Particular attention must be paid to green, yellow, purulent, bloody and other non-standard discharge. During pregnancy, many women exacerbate thrush. Itching, burning, swelling of the genital organs will immediately speak about such a problem. Also there will be a selection of curd type. If there is any discharge at this stage, it is very important to immediately seek help from a doctor, since getting rid of the disease is important before the birth process begins.

At week 35, there is very little time left until an important moment. Sometimes there are discharge, similar to a clot of mucus with or without blood. Most likely it will be a mucous plug, which speaks only about the imminent start of labor. A large volume of fluid that can exit the vagina indicates amniotic fluid drainage. A woman can also observe a small amount of fluid. In any case, you should immediately contact a specialist. Very characteristic for this period, colostrum discharge from the chest is shown. At this point, you should not be very worried. It will only be necessary to wipe the liquid.

Birth hazard at week 35

There is a myth that babies who were born at 7 months pregnant have very good chances of survival than babies born at the eighth. Yet this is not so. At the 35th week of pregnancy, the baby already, in principle, can live outside the mother's body. Some difficulties can be caused only by the child’s incorrect position: some children still do not have time to get into the right position.

Children who were born at 35 weeks are completely inferior to those that were born on time. It is possible that the child will have to be under medical supervision for some specific time.

The main danger for babies who were born prematurely is the development of pulmonary insufficiency. So that there is no such pathology when there is a threat of childbirth earlier than the deadline, certain drugs are prescribed that will help the lungs develop a little faster. Due to the presented therapy, the child will be able to breathe without help. Nevertheless, more than 80% of children who are born at 35 weeks of age do not have certain health problems, and this only means that there is nothing to be afraid of.

ultrasound at 35 weeks of gestation

During childbirth at the indicated period, there is a chance of placenta previa. In this situation, the placenta simply can not change its own position, incorrectly clinging to the walls of the uterus. It is worth noting that in such a situation, the exit for the child will be blocked. With placenta previa, bleeding during childbirth is very likely. To avoid this factor, you need to be promptly shown to the doctor and tell him about all the changes that have occurred with your body.

Throughout the entire period of pregnancy, especially before childbirth, the expectant mother is best to walk in the fresh air more often, eat right and sleep well.

on a walk

Little conclusion

Now you know how a woman feels at 35 weeks of gestation. We also talked about the development of the fetus at this stage, about changes in the body of the expectant mother. The article gives some recommendations that will help a pregnant woman calmly survive the last weeks before the baby is born. Health to you, expectant mothers, and patience!

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