Apistogram Ramirezi: description, content, breeding, compatibility

Apistogram Ramirezi is an aquarium fish that does not lose its popularity. She is attracted by her exotic appearance, coping and interesting behavior. Some aquarists consider it meaningful. Despite all the attractiveness, it has a significant minus - high requirements for water quality.

Fish with many names

Two females apistogram ramirezi

The miniature cichlids from South America have many unofficial names. This is partly due to the long debate of scientists regarding the definition of the most complete scientific designation. The official name is the Latin name, which in Russian sounds like an apistogram of Ramirezi.

Amateur aquarists usually call her apistogram a butterfly. You can also find similar names: Venezuelan butterfly and chromis butterfly.

Life in nature

In the wild, the apistogram of Ramirezi is found in the basins of the Orinoco and Amazon rivers . Fish were able to take root in the waters of Indonesia, Southeast Asia.

These representatives of cichlids choose water bodies with a slow or absent course. A lot of silt is collected at the bottom. Plants form thickets. They seek food in the ground, in water and on its surface. Use vegetation and insects.

The ponds and lakes in which Venezuelan butterflies live are distinguished by shallow water and exposure to direct sunlight. The water temperature in them warms up to thirty-one degrees Celsius above zero. In addition to being warmed up and soft, its pH value is five to six and a half units.

The first to describe these fish was Manuel Vincent Ramirez. He was a well-known gatherer and importer of fish. He published his work in 1948 in the journal Aquarium. Therefore, the fish bears the name of Manuel Vincent.

Description of appearance

Apistagram ramirezi - representatives of South American cichlids

When buying, the size of the Ramistrez apistogram can be only one and a half to two centimeters. The size of the adult will depend on living conditions, primarily on the size of the tank. So in aquariums of small volume, it will grow up to three centimeters, and in spacious ones - up to seven.

The butterfly fish has an oval body, a tail without a notch, and high fins. Two rays of the dorsal fin are longer than the rest, they are painted black.

The color of the fish is very motley and elegant:

  • The body is painted in tan with reddish or orange tint.
  • The head is covered with greenish-blue sparkles. Black spots are present on the sides.
  • Fins - everything except the pectoral fins are painted in orange tones with a red border and bluish blotches. The pectoral fins are transparent.
  • The eyes have red irises, which are crossed by a vertical dark stripe.

In addition to the standard color, breeders created such species as gold, veil, albino and others. They differ in even brighter appearance, as well as weak immunity. Inexperienced aquarists are better off taking classic butterfly fish.

Gender differences

Ramistrezi Apistogram Male

For some lovers, it may not be clear how to distinguish a female from a male Ramirezi apistogram. Make it easier with classic fish. In females, the abdomen has a crimson color, a black spot on the side framed by sequins.

In males, the abdomen is orange, the first rays of the dorsal fin are darker and longer. In all colors, the male is larger than the female. But this can be seen only in comparison.


Varieties of apistogram ramirezi

In order to make Ramirezi's apistogram pleasing with her bright appearance, she needs to create the conditions that exist in her natural habitat. Acquired fish may die if at least one of the requirements is violated:

  • The water parameters are not maintained, its replacement was carried out with violations.
  • Feeding was not up to standard.
  • The individuals were launched into the tank, which was installed recently. It did not have time to establish a biological cycle, especially the nitrogen cycle.

The volume of the aquarium largely depends on the number of fish living in it. For one pair of butterflies, a thirty-liter tank will suffice. If representatives of different species live in it, it is better to use an aquarium of two hundred liters.

It is advisable to plant live plants in the tank. Plastic jewelry will lead to saturation of the water with nitrogen-containing substances. This will harm the health of cichlids. For decorations, you can use large flat stones, driftwood. Fish should create comfortable shelters from the branches of snags and dense plants.

Since individuals are quite active, they need to leave a lot of space for swimming. The aquarium can not be covered, since they will not jump out. There are no special lighting requirements. You can install a lamp to enhance the color of the fish. Then they will look even more spectacular.

Fishes in the natural environment live in very warm water. They are classified as heat-loving, so the temperature of the water in the aquarium should be twenty-five to thirty degrees Celsius above zero. What else is important to know about water?

The Importance of Pure Water

The content of the apistogram of ramirezi is closely related to water quality control. Particular attention should be paid to the amount of nitrites, ammonia. Even a small content of these substances can kill fish. Many aquarium animals will be able to live in water with a small amount of ammonia, and butterflies will die. An inexperienced aquarist will not even suspect poor water quality in what has happened.

To understand the cause of death, special water tests will help. Only after the concentration of harmful substances in the reservoir is known will it become clear what exactly led to the death of specific individuals.

Water should also be free of organic matter. Food should not be left if animals have not eaten it. A high-quality filter should work in the tank, which will effectively purify water.

Once or twice a week it is necessary to carry out a water change. It’s important not to change more than twenty percent of the fluid at a time so that the butterflies can adapt to environmental changes.

It is optimal that the water is soft and slightly acidic. Although these figures may vary. A cichlid is not particularly picky about the acidity and hardness of the fluid in which it lives. Controlling clear parameters is important when spawning.

To ensure a comfortable stay, the owner will have to make a lot of effort. But all these efforts will be rewarded with positive emotions that arise from communication with floating pets.


Apistogram ramirezi - thermophilic fish

It is important to understand how to feed Ramistresi apistograms. These fish are quite demanding on food. It should be varied:

  • dry granular feed;
  • frozen bloodworms and cyclops;
  • brine shrimp (live);
  • decapsulated brine shrimp eggs;
  • Home-made feeds such as healthy cakes.

Venezuelan butterfly likes to pick food from the bottom. Food can be left on the ground, but not more than fifteen minutes. Granules that have not been eaten should be removed so that they do not contaminate the water. The fish is prone to overeating, so it is worth feeding it two or three times a day in small portions.


Selectively derived apistograms of ramirezi

Butterfly fish love silt and many plants. At the same time, you don’t have to worry that the water will be cloudy, since they are not inclined to rake the soil. Also, the owners will not catch them for plucking plants. In general, they are peaceful and patient animals.

Between males of this species conflicts can arise. But usually everything is limited to attack in order to frighten the enemy. They behave well in a common aquarium.

Ramistrezi apistogram compatibility will be ideal with the following fish:

  • viviparous, for example with guppies, molliesia;
  • characins, for example neon, rhodostomus;
  • barbs.

Butterflies can even live with males on condition of a large space and the presence of many shelters.

You should not settle Venezuelan butterflies with shrimp. Fish will eat small individuals. It is also unacceptable to keep them together with aggressive large inhabitants of aquariums.

It is not recommended that cichlids live alone. She is much more comfortable in a pair. In addition, then it will be possible to breed these bright fish.


Female apistogram ramirezi

Obtaining offspring from representatives of South American cichlids is quite difficult. This is due to the fact that they choose a mate in the pack. About eight fish of different sexes should live in the aquarium.

Breeding apistograms of Ramirezi is best done in a separate tank with a volume of fifteen liters. This will reduce their anxiety. Spawning can be stimulated by increasing the temperature of the water by several degrees and daily adding fresh soft water in small doses.

The place for laying eggs is a flat stone, the wall of the aquarium, a wide sheet. At a time, the fish lays a hundred or four hundred eggs. The couple cares for them together. The male removes dead eggs, transfers eggs to a better place.

After two or four days, the fry hatch. The male prepares pits in the soil, transfers offspring to them. After three to five days, the fry will be able to swim. At this stage, the female refuses, so she can be removed. The male takes care of the fry, even when they begin to swim independently. You can see how he takes the cub in his mouth, rinses him and spits out into the aquarium. For good survival, the purity of the water should be monitored so that its parameters remain stable.


Fish apistogram Ramirezi prone to disease. They slowly adapt to a new place. They are not recommended to be transferred often.

Common diseases:

  • Hexamitosis - caused by unicellular parasites. When the disease affects the intestines, gall bladder. This leads to the appearance in pets of ulcers, furrows, holes in the body. All animals can become infected in the general aquarium, since these parasites exit the individual along with the waste products.
  • Lymphocystosis is the cause of the virus, which enters the body through minor injuries. The body of a sick individual is covered with gray and black growths. The reason for this is giant cells. It is impossible to cure fish. You can burn infected areas on the fins. The sick fish is removed, and the aquarium is completely disinfected and restarted. Plants are subject to destruction.
  • Dropsy - the abdomen swells in the individual, the scales puff out. The fish is sluggish, losing color. The cause may be a viral or bacterial infection, infection with parasites.
  • Inflammation of the digestive tract - occurs due to overeating.
  • Stresses - may be associated with the presence of nitrogen compounds, other violations in the water parameters, aggression from other fish. Stress is dangerous in that it can weaken the animal's immunity. Then it can get sick with the above diseases.

If the disease is established accurately, the fish is prescribed medication. Gastrointestinal problems will go away after a couple of days of fasting. If feeling unwell is not associated with a clear illness, you can increase the temperature of the water in the tank.

Life span

With the correct content, the Ramirezi apistogram will delight the aquarist for three to four years. That is how much butterfly fish lives, even under the best conditions.

Unfortunately, there are many Ramirezi apistograms on the market (reviews confirm this trend), which are weakened by inappropriate conditions of detention. They can die in the first year of life.

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