In order to deeply reveal such an important and relevant issue as the educational system of preschool education, it is necessary to recall the history of preschool pedagogy.
Theoretical Foundations of Preschool Educators
A full-fledged open lesson in the preparatory group is a widely used form of the educational process in Kindergarten. At one time, the Polish educator Jan Comenius justified the need for classes in teaching preschoolers.KD Ushinsky put forward the thesis about the relationship between classes in kindergarten and lessons in elementary school. A. P. Usova developed the basics of raising children in a preschool educational institution, and it was also proved that an open lesson in the preparatory group helps to develop a child and prepare him for school.
Preschool Education Levels
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- the ability to achieve goals, finding for this the only right solution or several alternative options that, with some refinement with the tutor, will help achieve the solution to the problem.
The importance of educational activities in the DOE
Any open lesson in the preparatory group is considered an active means of education for preschool children.Leading educators and children's psychologists studied the issues related to the use of classes as the main form of frontal education for preschool children.
In modern preschool pedagogy (GEF), also an open lesson in the preparatory group has a positive impact on personal and intellectual development, as well as on the full preparation for school.
Forms and methods of classes in the DOE
In this period of time there is a constant improvement of extracurricular activities in various directions: the content of preschool education is constantly becoming more complicated and expanding, and a search for effective forms of interconnection between different types of activities is ongoing. Increasingly, for example, educators try to conduct an open lesson in the preparatory group on ecology in the form of a game, thereby increasing the interest in preschool children in learning.
Currently, many educators are moving from group lessons to working in small groups. This trend allows you to improve the quality of education, because with an individual approach, children quickly learn theoretical material, get practical skills.
On current trends in the system of preschool education
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There are special programs for which preschool teachers work. The very open lesson in the preparatory group for mathematics in FGT has a clear structure, it is determined by the specifics and content of the activities of preschoolers.
Regardless of such factors, at any additional lesson there should be three parts that are interconnected by the methodology and content, these are: the beginning of the event, the course of the lesson, and also the end.
Class start
Starting an open lesson in the preparatory group in mathematics, the teacher should set up the children for the upcoming activity, switch their attention, emotionally set up the children, clearly explain the essence of the task. Based on these explanations, the children formulate their action plan, they must understand what is the algorithm of the assignment, and what result should be obtained.
Class progress
The very open lesson in the preparatory group for the world around (or another discipline) is an independent mental or practical activity of preschoolers, which consists in the assimilation of certain skills and knowledge delivered by the educator at the beginning of the lesson. This stage of the lesson involves the individualization of techniques and training in full accordance with the specifics of thinking, the rate of assimilation, the level of development of the child. At this stage, appeals to preschoolers are possible only in emergency cases when the baby is mistaken. For those preschoolers who have attention, a good memory, the ability to compare, analyze, the teacher should provide minimal assistance., , , , .
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The size of the educational content in the lesson takes into account the amount of memory, the concentration of attention of preschool children, their mental performance.
Among the various forms of classes in the preschool educational institution, cognitive excursions occupy a special place. During the excursions, the teacher manages to solve both educational and educational problems.