Despite the achievements of modern medicine, in particular the availability of vaccines, as well as effective drugs, pertussis is still a rather dangerous disease. This childhood infection is not only widespread, but can also have serious consequences.
Knowing the characteristic signs, and also given the tactics of treating whooping cough in a child, each parent can significantly facilitate the course of the disease in the baby and prevent the development of dangerous complications.
Disease feature
In order to accurately understand what this disease is, it is necessary to know what the symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of pertussis in children are. This is an infectious disease characterized by damage to the respiratory system and bouts of severe coughing. Despite the mandatory vaccination, pertussis is often diagnosed in children under the age of 5 years.
Unvaccinated children have a very high susceptibility to the pathogen, so they very often suffer from this disease. The patient remains contagious in the first 25 days. Despite the fact that the pertussis bacillus is very contagious, it quickly dies in the environment.
There was no pronounced seasonal increase in cases of infection, however, children are most often sick in the autumn-winter period. In vaccinated children, whooping cough is very rarely diagnosed. The occurrence of the disease in this case is due to non-compliance with the vaccination schedule and the deterioration of immunity.
Adults who have been vaccinated or have been ill since childhood can only become ill after 50 years. This is due to a gradual decrease in immune defense. In this case, the disease proceeds secretly and imitates an ordinary cold.
Forms of the disease and ways of infection
In medicine, there are three forms of the course of an infectious disease, in particular:
- typical;
- atypical;
- bacteriocarrier.
In the course of a typical form, the development process proceeds according to the classical scheme. The atypical form is characterized by the fact that there is no pronounced symptomatology, the patient is only concerned with a paroxysmal cough. If bacteriocarrier is diagnosed, the patient is a carrier of the virus, but he himself does not get this infection.
Pertussis infection occurs only from a sick person. It is transmitted by airborne droplets. In this case, a person is considered contagious not only at the peak of the disease, but also for 30 days after the complex treatment.
The main symptoms
To conduct a comprehensive treatment of pertussis in a child, you need to correctly diagnose the course of the disease, and for this it is important to know what the symptoms may be. About 5-7 days elapse from the moment of infection to the onset of the first signs of the disease. However, this period can continue for 3 weeks. The pertussis bacterium infects the bronchi and bronchioles. In this case, the trachea, larynx and nasopharynx are less prone to inflammation.
In this case, pathogens secrete cough activating toxins. As a result of this, characteristic symptoms appear. In its development, pertussis passes through several stages.
At the initial stage, the symptoms are similar to the course of a common cold. The child begins to sneeze, runny nose, a slight fever, cough and sore throat. A characteristic feature is that in the treatment of pertussis in a child, cough does not stop with antitussive drugs.
The paroxysmal period begins around the 3rd week. At this time, the multiplication of bacteria provokes a significant increase in cough. Attacks become very painful, a spastic cough is clearly visible, a whistling noise on inspiration, which leads to the discharge of viscous sputum.
Attacks last for 3-4 minutes and often occur at night or early in the morning. In this case, symptoms may be accompanied by convulsions, vomiting, respiratory arrest. Against the background of normal temperature, the well-being of the child worsens significantly, tearfulness, irritability appear. In addition, a slight hemorrhage on the skin, as well as the conjunctiva, is possible.
If high temperature is observed during this period, then this indicates the attachment of streptococcus or staphylococcus. The duration of the paroxysmal period is 3-4 weeks.
Gradually, the symptoms begin to weaken and completely disappear under the influence of the produced antibodies, eliminating pathogenic microorganisms and cough.
Before starting treatment for pertussis in a child, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive diagnosis, which will determine the peculiarity of the course of the disease. For a more accurate diagnosis, methods such as:
- general examination of the patient;
- study of clinical data;
- listening to the bronchi and lungs;
- chest x-ray;
- analysis of urine and blood;
- other laboratory tests.
The main diagnostic method is bacteriological, which allows to determine the causative agent of the disease. In the catarrhal period, it is very difficult to recognize the course of the disease. Typically, a diagnosis is made based on a survey of a patient who has been in contact with a patient.
The pertussis pathogen is isolated by taking a smear from the oropharynx and then sowing the resulting material on a nutrient medium in the laboratory. With a negative result, serological research methods can be used. For this, antibodies to the causative agent of pertussis and its toxins are detected in the venous blood.
The methodology of therapy is selected after diagnosis and determine the stage of development of the disease. A doctor selects an individual course of treatment for each patient. Only strict observance of all the doctor’s prescriptions will help to achieve a good result.
Treatment feature
Often, therapy is carried out at home. Staying in a hospital is only required if the patient is in serious condition and the child is under 3 months old. Standards for treating pertussis in children include:
- the use of antibiotics;
- antitussive drugs;
- compliance with the regime of the day;
- folk techniques.
In addition, as additional procedures, you can use methods such as:
- breathing exercises;
- physiotherapy;
- massage.
Along with the use of special drugs, alternative treatment for pertussis in children is also shown, since these methods are completely safe, but at the same time help to eliminate the existing symptoms quickly and effectively.
Drug treatment
For the treatment of a child with pertussis, antibacterial drugs are mainly used to cleanse the body of bacteria. In addition, are assigned:
- bronchodilators;
- antipyretic;
- antitussive;
- glucocorticoids;
- immunoglobulin;
- antipsychotics;
- anticonvulsants.
Antibacterial drugs for the treatment of pertussis in children are selected purely individually, depending on the sensitivity of the infection. Basically, the doctor prescribes Levomycetin, Ampicillin, macrolides and aminoglycosides. The course of therapy is approximately 5-7 days. At the beginning of the treatment, you need to enter a special gammaglobulin.
In addition, depending on the symptoms of whooping cough in children of 2 years, the treatment is additionally symptomatic. First of all, antihistamines are prescribed that help eliminate laryngeal edema and reduce the intensity of coughing. In especially severe cases, the use of antispasmodics is required.
When a runny nose and nasal congestion appear, vasoconstrictive drops should be used, and antipyretic drugs to lower the temperature. Antitussive drugs are not prescribed, since they are aimed at eliminating sputum, which means that they even more stimulate a coughing fit. In addition, the use of special vitamin complexes is shown, which will help stimulate the immune system.
Daily routine and nutrition
It is important not only to use special drugs and alternative methods of treating pertussis in children, but also to observe the daily regimen, as well as organize proper nutrition for the baby. The child should be in a well-ventilated, but at the same time protected from drafts room. Wet cleaning should be done at least 2 times a day. A sick child should be carefully protected from hypothermia, overheating, as well as contact with infected people. Weakened by whooping cough, the baby's body becomes very susceptible to various kinds of diseases.
It is important to ensure complete peace, to ensure that the baby does not overwork, and also relax more. All annoying factors must be eliminated. Crying, stress and mood swings can trigger a coughing fit, worsening a child’s well-being.
An important condition for a successful recovery is walking in the fresh air. In addition, it is important to follow a certain diet. The nutrition of a sick child should be full, so you need to reduce the amount of servings and increase the frequency of feeding. Do not eat solid food, as it will irritate the back of the throat and provoke a coughing fit. During the course of the disease, the child should drink plenty of water.
The use of folk techniques
Alternative methods of treating pertussis in children give a good result only in combination with conservative treatment. There are certain fees and plants that help to significantly reduce spasm, making seizures much easier.
Applying alternative treatment for whooping cough in children, it is worthwhile to first consult with your doctor about the use of certain drugs. It helps to stop the dry, barking cough of an arnica plant. In addition, it eliminates agitation and spasm. To do this, 1 tbsp. l dry grass pour 1 tbsp. boiling water and leave to infuse for 2 hours. It is best to take it at night, since it is during this period that a greater number of seizures are observed.
Treatment of pertussis with folk remedies in children has good reviews, the most important thing is to properly prepare and use them. To prepare the drug collection, you need to take in equal proportions such herbs as:
- oregano grass;
- plantain leaves;
- marshmallow flowers;
- thyme;
- nettle;
- pine buds;
- coltsfoot.
Need to take 3 tbsp. l herbal collection and pour 1 liter of boiling water. Then insist at least 6 hours. Take 1 tbsp. l every 3 hours. The active ingredients soothe the larynx, relieve swelling and help reduce spasm. The treatment of pertussis with homeopathy in children is widely used, since this remedy has practically no contraindications, however, such a medicine should be taken strictly under the supervision of a doctor and in compliance with the dosage.
How to eliminate a coughing fit
If the child had a coughing fit at night, you can give him warm water to calm the inflamed mucosa. It is important to take antihistamines that help prevent an increase in swelling. With a strong attack of coughing, you can inhale with a nebulizer. In addition, you can carry out steam inhalation.
A salt lamp may be helpful. It is covered with a shade of mineral salt, which, when heated, begins to release ions that cleanse the air. If the child is small, then with an attack of coughing, you need to call an ambulance.
Prognosis after treatment
The prognosis after treatment is largely dependent on the symptoms and treatment of pertussis in children. Parents reviews are mostly the most positive. After the treatment, the child develops stable immunity, and the re-development of the disease is almost impossible. However, coughing attacks can occur for several months after recovery.
Long-term symptoms can occur up to about six months, but this often occurs against the background of respiratory diseases.
Disease in young children
Treatment of pertussis in infants is carried out mainly in a hospital, as their disease is severe and the incubation period is shorter. The catarrhal stage very quickly passes into a paroxysmal protracted period.
There may not be a classic coughing fit. Instead, there is a constant cry, anxiety, sneezing. The child is trying to take the pose of the embryo. There may be respiratory arrest during an attack or between them. This condition is especially dangerous in a dream. Infants have a very high risk of developing complications.
Possible complications
Pertussis is especially severe in children under 6 months of age, and mild forms of the disease do not occur until 3 months of age. That is why there is a great risk of death. Among the main complications, it is necessary to highlight such as:
- respiratory arrest;
- cramps
- lung rupture;
- encephalopathy;
- bronchitis;
- bronchopneumonia;
- herniation;
- eardrum rupture.
Acute respiratory infections have a very bad effect on pertussis, causing bronchopulmonary complications.
The only way to guarantee protection against whooping cough is to vaccinate. It is completely free. It is necessary to do 3 such vaccinations with an interval of 3 months, and revaccination should be carried out at the age of 18 months.
If there is an infection with whooping cough, then such a patient must be urgently isolated for 30 days. In the children's team quarantine is introduced for 2 weeks from the date of isolation of the sick child.
It is worth remembering that pertussis in a child is quite difficult, especially for children of the first year of life. That is why it is important to recognize existing symptoms in a timely manner and conduct treatment.