Flaxseed oil for children: useful properties, dosage, contraindications

Every mother wants her child to receive as many useful vitamins and minerals as possible for harmonious development. One of the valuable plant foods is linseed oil. Thanks to its beneficial properties, it favorably affects both the adult and children's body.

How does this product affect the children's body?

Spoon with butter

Important components of this oil are fatty acids, which contribute to:

  • bone formation;
  • improving the functioning of nerve cells;
  • increase immunity;
  • vision improvement;
  • regulation of metabolic processes.

Specialists noted that children with regular use of linseed oil develop faster physically and mentally. As a rule, they are more smart and mobile than their peers. This product favorably affects the coordination and mental activity of babies, and also has a positive effect on school children. Its use helps to improve concentration and memory and helps relieve nervous tension.

Flaxseed oil contains useful microelements and vitamins, which positively affect both the children's body and the adult. For example, vitamins A and E perform an antioxidant function: free the body from harmful radicals and protect cells from destruction. Also, the beneficial properties of flax help strengthen immunity and improve digestion, normalize mental background and increase vitality. This product favorably affects the state of the whole organism: it helps cleanse blood vessels, increase blood circulation and restore lymph outflow. In addition, regular consumption of flaxseed oil can significantly reduce blood sugar and speed up metabolism.

Who needs to take this product?

Child drinks oil

Experts advise everyone to take linseed oil as a preventative measure and strengthen the body, especially for those children who have:

  • increased irritability;
  • lack of appetite;
  • high physical activity;
  • weak immunity;
  • a sharp decrease in vision;
  • developmental delay;
  • frequent diseases associated with the respiratory system;
  • fast fatiguability.

Recommended age and method of use

Many mothers are not aware of the beneficial properties of flaxseed oil, and children at what age can use it. Experts recommend introducing this product into the baby’s diet from six months old. Cold-pressed oil contains more healing properties, but in its natural form the baby is unlikely to like its taste, as it has a light bitterness. In this regard, children should add flaxseed oil to complementary foods: mashed potatoes, cottage cheese, cereals, juices, etc.

  • The dosage of such oil for infants is no more than fifteen drops per day. It is not necessary to give the whole portion to the baby at a time, it can be stretched for a whole day. As a rule, for very young children, a few drops of oil are added to expressed breast milk.
  • For children from one to three years old, experts recommend consuming oil in half a teaspoon twice a day.
  • And from three to seven years it is allowed to use inside one teaspoon a couple of times a day.
  • Children from seven to fourteen years old should increase the dose to one dessert spoon at least twice a day.

The uses for this product are quite diverse. It can not only be drunk in its pure form, but also added to any dishes. It is especially recommended to season them with vegetable salads.

capsule flaxseed oil

In addition, in the pharmacy you can buy this oil in capsules, which is sold as a dietary supplement. This version of this useful product can be given to children from the age of five. But so that linseed oil retains all its valuable qualities, it should not be subjected to heat treatment and mixed with other oils.

So can you give flaxseed oil to children? Of course, this product is beneficial for the child’s body, but in any case, you should consult your doctor before use.

Alternative application methods

Massage the baby with oil

Besides the fact that linseed oil is used internally, it is also suitable for external use. For example, to protect a baby from viral infections in cold weather, before going outside, he needs to drip a nose.

The oil has a regenerating effect, so it contributes to the rapid healing of abrasions and wounds. For inflammation, dermatitis or diaper rash, you can apply a compress or grease with a linen emulsion.

Everything else, it is very useful for the baby to do massage using this oil. It contains a large number of different vitamins that tone and nourish the skin of the child, and also have a calming effect.


Despite the fact that linseed oil for children is a useful tool, experts do not recommend giving it in the following cases:

  • with gallstone disease;
  • with an increased amount of lipids in the blood;
  • if the baby is allergic;
  • with gastrointestinal diseases: pancreatitis, hepatitis, cholecystitis.

Also, when using this product, it is important to observe the dosage. Otherwise, an allergic reaction may appear in the form of urticaria, itching or swelling. In addition, if you go too far with the dosage, the baby may have digestive disorders. Flaxseed oil helps to thin the blood, in this regard, with an overdose, bleeding may open. In addition, bitterness in the mouth, pain in the right hypochondrium, as well as lack of appetite, can become a side effect.

In order not to harm the health of the child with spoiled oil, it is important to observe the storage conditions of this product.


Oil in a glass container

In order for linseed oil for children to benefit, rather than harm, storage rules must be observed:

  • the product should not be exposed to direct sunlight;
  • Store better in a cool place;
  • the container with the contents should be tightly closed;
  • the oil will better retain its properties in a dark-colored container;
  • Avoid long contact of flax emulsion with air, that is, as soon as possible it is worth closing the bottle with a lid after use.

Experts do not recommend storing the product for a long time, so you should not buy in large quantities in advance. It is best to purchase oil immediately before use.

You can store it in the refrigerator, but even there it can go bad. Therefore, it is very important when using to pay attention to the taste and smell of oil. A pronounced bitter taste and an unpleasant musty aroma indicate that the product is gone.

Consumer Reviews

linseed oil in a salad

Every mother wants her child to be healthy and develop in a timely manner. Therefore, knowing about the properties of this product, many are wondering: "Can a child have linseed oil?" Analyzing reviews about this product, you can see that consumer opinions are shared. Some mothers say that their child refuses to eat this miraculous oil, while others who could find an approach to the baby, note a definite result for the better. Those mothers who give this product to their children every day noticed that the stool normalized in the children, and they themselves became more energetic and active.

Thus, according to reviews, flaxseed oil is recommended for children to use regularly so that there is an obvious result. This product is perfect for restoring and maintaining the health of the baby.

Expert opinion

Dr. Komarovsky is one of the main pediatricians of the country, whose opinion many parents listen to. When asked whether linseed oil can be given to children, he gives a positive answer. According to him, in the first years of life, it is important for the child to receive vitamin D in the proper amount, since its lack can cause osteoporosis or rickets. You can get the necessary portion of this vitamin for development with the help of fish oil or flax oil, which are champions in the content of vitamin D.


Linseed oil

  1. Flaxseed oil contains important vitamins and fats, which are necessary for the full development of the baby.
  2. This product can be taken by children not only in order to improve the therapeutic effect during the period of drug therapy, but also for prevention.
  3. Experts recommend starting to give the child this oil from six months, while it is necessary to strictly observe the dosage and control the baby's reaction to this product.
  4. Flaxseed oil contains several times more fatty acids than fish oil. Therefore, many children will be happy to replace the peculiar taste of fish oil with something new, more wholesome and less aromatic.

Even if the child is absolutely healthy about the use of linseed oil, you should consult a pediatrician.

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