Beautiful bouquets of roses are one of the most popular gifts. And everyone who was presented with such a gift at least once was interested in the question of how to keep roses longer? After all, cut flowers quickly fade.
How to save roses?
Of course, cut flowers cannot be stored forever. But with proper care, you can delay their wilting. To start, fill the vase with water so that about two-thirds of the stems can be immersed there. It is advisable to first pass water through the filter. In summer, roses are best kept in cool water. If the bouquet was presented to you in the winter, then make sure that the water is at room temperature.
Tear off from the plant those leaves that come in contact with water. Now trim the ends of the stems by about two centimeters, but at an angle. It is proved that plants absorb water much better if the ends of the stems are also split. In no case can you cut the ends with scissors - for this, use a sharp knife. In addition, pruning stems is best in water.
Roses need nutrients. Therefore, prepare a nutrient solution for plants. Add some vinegar and sugar to the water. For a liter of water you will need about a tablespoon of vinegar and thirty grams of sugar.
Room temperature water is an excellent medium for the development of various bacteria. Therefore, it is necessary to protect the flowers from the effects of microorganisms. To make roses stand longer in a vase, add an aspirin tablet to the water.
If the flowers have been standing in the water for quite some time, then it is likely that mucus will begin to appear near the ends of the stems - this is the product of the decay and decay of the plant. This can be avoided - just put a tablet of activated carbon on the bottom of the vase.
It is interesting that sometimes a flower helps to prolong the life of a flower ... household chemicals. The fact is that some roses, especially those that are brought from far away, are subject to constant exposure to chemicals and preservatives that they are used to before the purchase. Therefore, add just a drop of dishwashing detergent or bleach to your home.
Find the right place in the house for your bouquet. Roses in a vase are better preserved if they are put in a cool place. But flowers cannot be kept in a draft. The place should be sufficiently lit, but exposure to plants in direct sunlight is extremely undesirable.
How to save roses? Daily Care Rules
If you want a bouquet of roses to please the eye as long as possible, then remember that flowers need constant care. Remember that water needs to be changed every day. And, of course, add sugar with a bite and some kind of disinfectant, as described above. And during the water change, substitute the ends of the stems under running water.
In addition, daily spraying will have a wonderful effect on the condition of the flowers. Process them from the spray bottle every day using room temperature water . This must be done very carefully - water should only fall on the outer flower petals, but not in the center of the buds.
How to save roses? Emergency measures
If, despite all your efforts, the roses still begin to fade, you can try some "emergency" measures. Fill the bathtub with cold water (the temperature should be from 7 to 12 degrees) and put roses in it so that only the stems are immersed in water. Leave the flowers in the bath for the night. And in the morning, again cut off the ends of the stems and put the flowers in clear water. By the way, you can add two teaspoons of ammonia to the vase - this way the roses will last longer.
And what if you bought flowers that you need to give only the next day? And in this situation there is a way out. At home, be sure to put roses in a vase. And add sugar, vinegar and aspirin to the water (as mentioned at the beginning of the article). After three hours, place your bouquet in the refrigerator. Do not worry, everything will be all right with the plants. Moreover, in the morning they will look as fresh as at the time of purchase.