The cat has diarrhea. What to do and what means to use in this case

cat diarrhea what to do

The cat has diarrhea. What to do and what means to use? Diarrhea in cats can be caused by various diseases and disorders. Failure to take up treatment on time can result in death. In this article, you will learn how to behave in a similar situation and what to do if the cat has diarrhea.

Determining the causes of malaise

A cat may have diarrhea unexpectedly . What to do, you will be prompted by the following tips. The causes of diarrhea can be determined already at the initial stage of the disease. To do this, you need to examine the smell, color and texture of the animal’s stool. This ailment has several reasons:

1. Food poisoning . If your pet goes out or does not deny himself the pleasure of rummaging in the bin, then most likely he ate something spoiled. Take full control of the cat and see what it does while walking on the street.

kitten diarrhea what to do

2. Improper nutrition . So that your pets do not have such ailments, carefully plan your diet. Do not overfeed your cat with fatty meat, milk or raw fish. If even with small amounts of these foods an upset stomach occurs , do not feed them at all. Also responsibly approach feeding new food. All innovations should be gradual.

3. Food allergies . Sometimes a cat doesn’t digest certain foods. Pay attention to this and exclude them from the diet.

4. Climate change or water . For long trips or trips with a cat, stock up on his usual food and water, which he used to use. Thus, you will protect your pet from diarrhea.

5. Nervous disorder . Cats, like humans, can experience stress. The reason for this may be a sharp change in the environment, a new pet or a change of ownership.

Diarrhea in a kitten. What to do in such a situation?

what to do if the cat has diarrhea

You brought home a small pet, and suddenly this ailment overtook him. In kittens that have just been weaned, sometimes they lose their ability to absorb lactose. If you have not started gradually introducing dairy products into your diet since childhood, as a child, the cat will experience bouts of diarrhea when eating such food. When the kitten immediately begins to eat solid food, the bacteria necessary for digesting the dairy product cease to be produced. In this case, products containing lactose must be eliminated from the diet. Another reason for the occurrence of diarrhea in a kitten may be the presence of worms. Talk to your veterinarian and get anti-parasitic medications. After diarrhea, do not feed the cat for 24 hours. Then give her some light feed.

The cat has diarrhea. What to do and when to contact a veterinarian?

With prolonged diarrhea, the elimination of the causes cannot be delayed, this will lead to negative consequences. A cat can get an incurable disease, even a fatal outcome is possible. When diarrhea lasts more than a day, the animal's body begins to dehydrate. In this case, veterinary care is needed. The veterinarian should be called if vomiting has begun, the nose and gums have turned pale, mucus and blood are present in the feces, the smell of rot comes out, the color is different from the usual one or the fact of poisoning has been established.

I hope the article helped answer questions about what can cause diarrhea in a cat, what to do in a similar situation. Keep track of the health of your pets and do not forget about regular visits to the veterinarian.

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