For a woman, pregnancy is a very exciting period. At this time, a new man is emerging in her body, which will be born in nine months. In order for the baby to be born healthy, you need to start taking care of it already when it is still in the stomach.
Pregnancy is different for everyone. Some suffer from toxicosis, and someone wants to try non-standard combinations of products. There are women who want to eat everything.Let's figure it out!
Some are drawn to Japanese cuisine. For example, one day a woman wanted to order rolls. A pregnant woman should think carefully to decide on the use of such a dish. In order to make it easier for you, we will tell you a little about this Japanese dish. We will also raise the question of whether pregnant women can eat rolls.
What kind of food is this?
So, rolls are a kind of sushi known to everyone. Of course, such dishes are exotic for us.
Our everyday diet includes rolls. Most likely, this Japanese dish does not cause any concern, since it consists of rice, nori (this is a sheet of dried seaweed) and filling. Some people cannot imagine life without these Japanese rolls.
Let's see if pregnant women can eat rolls? Will this dish affect the well-being of the mother and her fetus? We will discuss now.
What are rolls made of?
Let's look at these Japanese rolls by the elements of which they are composed. The basis of the rolls is rice. This ingredient is most in them. If we consider such a product separately, then it is very useful. Rice saturates our body with essential minerals and vitamins.
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If we talk about the classic cooking options for this dish, then there is used as a filling fish fillet (raw, unprocessed). It is this that poses a threat to a woman who is in a position, since in such a product there may be nematodes, worms and other parasites. In a pregnant woman, they can cause not only poisoning of the body, but also lead to a lack of nutrients in the fetus. By the way, parasites can also cause a miscarriage.
Of course, now they can use frozen fillet, not raw fish, but even in this case, one should not hope for 100% safety of this ingredient.
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So, if you can’t refuse to use Japanese goodies even during pregnancy, then this, in general, is nothing bad. But you need to be very sensitive to the choice of rolls, to avoid those that include raw seafood. Indeed, during this period you are responsible not only for yourself, but also for the unborn child, and in such a case reinsurance is not an unnecessary measure.And whether pregnant sushi? Rolls are possible, but not all, but how are things with these delights of Japanese cuisine? Sushi consists of the same rice, nori and toppings, they just look a little different. From this we conclude that you can eat them, but, again, you need to look at the ingredients. Now you know the answer to the question of whether pregnant women can eat rolls.