If you have even the most distant relation to IT, then you cannot but know that in recent years the most common storage media are ordinary memory cards. Prices per gigabyte (yes, nobody remembers megabytes) are constantly falling, and reliability remains at the same level.
Today it’s no longer surprising anyone when a 4-8 GB flash drive can simply be presented with information whose total size does not exceed a couple of megabytes. Previously, no one could even think of such a thing!. , « ». . , 2 « » , , 64 .
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You have to pay for the huge data recording density. So, for the correction of errors (which in this case will be necessary) are complex mathematical algorithms. Due to the same recording density, the number of its cycles is greatly reduced. In a word, everything is in the spirit of the modern economy: to release something that has outwardly attractive characteristics, but forget to tell what it is fraught with.However, quite the lyrics. Suppose that your flash drive does not open. What to do and what to do next? To answer this question, it is necessary to deal with theoretical questions.
What problems with memory cards are most common?
, Windows, . , .
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There are many reasons why a flash drive does not open. What to do first? Make sure that you are not connected to any network drive. With Windows, it often happens that the system assigns the same drive letter to the flash drive as the network drive. In addition, if the memory card is formatted for the NTFS file system, sometimes you have to assign a letter yourself.Laptops
Most often, these problems are found with laptops, especially old ones. Look if other ports are busy: if each of them sticks out on a splitter into which you connect a USB lamp, a fan and something else, then with a high degree of probability we can assume that the motherboard simply can not cope with the load.
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