The birth of a baby is a real happiness for parents. To ensure that the birth process goes smoothly, expectant mothers and fathers pre-select a medical institution where quality care will be provided. A lot of good reviews can be heard about the maternity ward in the city of Essentuki. Despite the fact that the institution is public, the services are provided at a high level.
Historical reference
Essentuki is a resort city of the Stavropol Territory. Since 1915, more than 28 doctors specializing in female diseases have been receiving here. During the holiday season, a female sanatorium specializing in infertility worked. Until the 30s of the last century, women in Essentuki gave birth at home. Moreover, the mortality rate of women in childbirth and infants was quite high. In 1940, a maternity hospital with 30 beds was opened in the city.
Today, the Essentukov maternity hospital is a medical institution with a high level of service. Here, women not only undergo preparation for future motherhood, but also treat various gynecological pathologies. Good reviews can be heard about the neonatal unit. Specialists save the lives of weak babies who were born prematurely. The institution also offers paid services. Yessentukov Maternity Hospital helps women who began to give birth while on vacation.
The medical institution is located at the address: Stavropol Territory, the city of Essentuki, Oktyabrskaya Street, 460.
Institution Specialists
The chief doctor of the medical institution is Chotchaeva Sofiyat Muratovna. In 2007, the specialist received the highest qualification category in the specialty "Obstetrics and Gynecology." Now Sofiyat Muratovna is engaged not only in medical, but also in administrative activities. On her shoulders lies the order in the Essentuki maternity hospital. Doctors of a medical institution admire their leader.
Good reviews can also be heard about Udovichenko Natalia Nikolaevna, the main nurse of the maternity hospital. The specialist provides assistance to women in labor, manages the junior medical staff.
Thanks to qualified personnel, healthy babies appear in the Essentuki maternity hospital. Thanks to young parents are also expressed to other doctors of this medical institution. Such reviews apply to midwives and anesthetists, as well as nursing staff.
Gynecological department
Before a woman enters the maternity ward, she must be registered with an obstetrician-gynecologist. There is a female consultation at the medical institution, in which the fairer sex and their spouse can pass all the necessary tests, prepare for the upcoming pregnancy. Unfortunately, health does not allow all women to fully conceive a baby. Before you feel the joy of motherhood, sometimes you have to undergo prolonged therapy.
The maternity hospital of the city of Essentuki met women who were diagnosed with a terrible "infertility". Thanks to timely treatment of pathologies in the gynecological department, women were able to conceive and endure healthy babies. The institution performs histological removal of uterine fibroids, separation of intrauterine synechia, surgical intervention for uterine malformations. The most unusual situations saw the hospital Essentuki. Reviews of the institution’s doctors show that medical personnel do not give up even in hopeless situations.
Center for Social Support for Pregnant Women
Provides psychological support to women who find themselves in difficult situations, the Essentukov maternity hospital. Who should I give birth to if I haven’t been able to register for medical care before? Such a question is often asked by girls who are pregnant at the age of 15-16. The clinic's specialists will support such women in labor, moral and physical. Local specialists from women who do not want to raise a child advise, plan to leave the newborn in the maternity ward.
Each representative of the weaker sex can attend free group training "Preparing to become a mother." Lectures help get rid of fear of childbirth. Girls who are planning motherhood for the first time will learn how to behave with a baby, what to do to establish lactation. The center for medical and social support for pregnant women is open daily from 9:00 to 16:00, except for weekends.
Department of Pregnancy Pathology
The structural unit of the Essentuki maternity ward is designed for 30 beds. Women come here who have a threat of miscarriage in the second and third trimester. The department has cozy wards for expectant mothers, a treatment room, a relaxation room. The department has high-quality equipment, which allows providing high-level assistance to patients.
Timely referral to a medical facility helps prevent premature birth. Doctors remind that in case of any change in well-being, the expectant mother should immediately consult a gynecologist, whom she is registered with. In most cases, complications can be avoided.
Shahbazova Galina Antipovna - senior midwife of the Department of Pregnancy Pathology. About the specialist you can hear at most positive reviews. Thanks to the correctly prescribed treatment, many women manage to fully tolerate a healthy baby.
Maternity ward
The structural unit is designed for 46 beds. The institution has the necessary equipment for the delivery of women with pathologies. Caesarean sections are performed routinely and urgently. In the staff of the maternity ward there are 6 obstetricians, 4 of them have the highest category.
The hospital has an observatory. This includes women in labor with infections or women who have not undergone a medical examination before childbirth, who do not have an exchange card.
Yessentukov Maternity Hospital is an institution where a breastfeeding support program has been implemented for over 10 years. Immediately after the baby is born, it is applied to the mother’s chest. If a woman had to perform a cesarean section, in the first minutes after birth, contact with the father of the newborn is possible.
Postpartum ward
The maternity institution operates on the principle of joint stay of the mother with the child. Even if a woman has had a cesarean section, a newborn is brought to her the next day. The postpartum unit consists of 18 rooms with 46 beds. Additionally, there is a treatment room and a viewing room. In the postpartum wards, all conditions for a comfortable stay of the mother with the newborn are created. There are showers, a refrigerator, a washbasin.
In double rooms, a woman can be with her spouse. However, previously the partner will have to go through a dermatologist, therapist, and do a fluorography. For a comfortable stay with the baby after childbirth, a woman needs to take with her to the hospital a change of clothes for herself and the baby, slippers, and hygiene products. The bed is provided by a medical facility.
Department of Newborns
Here come the kids who, for a number of reasons, cannot be with their mother. The city of Essentuki has all the necessary equipment for caring for premature babies . Maternity hospital reviews in this regard are mostly positive. Specialists of the institution manage to care for the weakest children. The staff consists of 5 highly qualified neonatologists, an ophthalmologist and a neurologist. Babies are looked after by nurses around the clock.
On the basis of the neonatal department,
feeding through the probe of premature babies is carried out, transfusion of blood and its components, infusion therapy taking into account the physiological needs of infants, etc.
There are 12 wards in the neonatal ward in which women can stay with problem children.
Paid services
On a free basis, assistance is provided to patients who are registered in the women's consultation of the city. For a small fee, medical services can also be provided to guests of the resort. Yessentukov Maternity Hospital (the address was indicated above) accepts any women, regardless of registration and citizenship.
Reviews show that the cost of a bed in a maternity ward is 1,500 rubles. If the baby needs to be nursed in the neonatal ward, an additional 610 rubles per day will have to be paid. Drugs are paid separately. You will have to pay 500 rubles for a doctor’s consultation. For an additional fee, a hardware survey can be performed.