Siamese cats: breed description

Sociable, intelligent, freedom-loving and at the same time loyal, jealous, but not vengeful

Siamese cats

, playful, affectionate ... It's hard to make a mistake in determining: Siamese cats.

The first information about the Siamese dates back to the 16th century. Residents of Siam (Thailand) called their luxurious beauties moon diamonds. Cats "reigned" in the royal family, which protected and protected them up to the ban on export, and everyone who dared to encroach on the life of an animal was even threatened with the death penalty.

To Europe, Siamese

Siamese cats

you only got in 1884. The first couple brought the English consul. The British received the highest award of King Siam then almost indifferently: the appearance of the gift was far from local beauty standards.

Now Siamese cats and cats are divided into 40 species: one-color, striped, spotted, tortoiseshell, marble, etc. But all these subspecies belong to the same breed.

Siamese cats, photos of which are posted in the article, are real representatives of aristocrats

Siamese cats

di feline. This is the most common color.

The “moon diamond” is exquisitely built, its head is chiseled and wedge-shaped, the skull is convex, the ears are long, large, the nose is straight and long, the coat is soft and shiny, colored unevenly. Classic - beige basic color, softly turning into darker colors. The lower paws, tail, muzzle and ears are much darker. The main color contrasts markedly with the darker. The tail is long. A short tail is not welcome and is assessed as a sign of degeneration.

As for the tail fracture, there is a legend in which bathing princesses put jewelry on the tails of their cats. And smart Siamese, fearing to lose these jewelry, bent their tails.

Siamese cats reflect the sky in their eyes. Blue eyes are another distinguishing feature.

Newborn kittens of this breed have snow-white hair. Intense color is manifested only by three months. They are born, like all cats, quite helpless, deaf and, of course, blind. Eyes open after about a week. Then they n

Siamese cats

They also begin to distinguish sounds. All this time, caring mother cats do not leave their children, caring for them with amazing love.

In the third week, the kids try to explore the world, moving ridiculously and awkwardly on their still weak legs.

Solid foods can begin to be tasted by the sixth week. And you can take kittens to a new house after the cat completely stops feeding them.

Siamese cats photo

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Do not forget to check with the owner of the Siamese feeding details: a sharp change in food can seriously harm your pet.

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